I would love to adopt your baby! I adopted my daughter when she was 3 days old, she is now 6yrs old!
I will speak from a adoptive mother’s point of view. I adopted two beautiful kids brother and sister, the mother was young and tried hard but just knew she could not do it , we did a open adoption. I was honest ( age appropriate) with my kids on how our family came abt and as I knew the mother and father , I was able to tell stories abt fun times and traits so my kids could have a well rounded view of whom and where they came from . I would recommend getting to know your adoptive family, spend time with them and give them information so they can help your child have a healthy relationship with who they are and where they came from . You dont have to stay involved it’s up to you but plz always register with the adoption information center so the parents can always contact you if necessary for health care information ect… just know I love my kids with all my heart and your child will be loved also more then you can even know . They can if done right feel love for your choice and hopefully know you and possibly your family of you so desire . Breath, be honest and dont think negative it’s a gift of love for you , your child and the parents.
This is so sad… I’m sorry you are going through this. If you are looking for an open adoption where you can still be in their life, I am more than willing to help you.
I would love to adopt. In the process of ivf right now.
Contact your local adoption agency they should help you through the process
I gave two kids up its open they are 15 and 14 and i still talk to them all the time
You are so brave. I’m very proud of you for making this hard decision. There are so many people who can’t have children who would love to care for and raise your baby. Talk to your OB. They can point you in the direction you need to go.
I am hoping to be an adoptive mother! I can not have more children of my own. I am going to rely on a brave birth mother just like you to complete my family! Adoptions can be completed privately with an attorney.
I would love to adopt
I know a loving woman who will adopt your baby MICHIGAN
Are there any barriers to parenting that, if removed, would allow you to parent? If so, Saving Our Sisters.
Whatever you do, don’t make a permanent decision based on a temporary situation. If you think your life is hard now, wait until your child is no longer with you. It’s next level.
I hope you find the courage and strength you need to parent your baby. You are 100% good enough for your child. Don’t let anybody convince you otherwise! Whatever you’re going through, it’s temporary. I’m deeply sorry that your circumstances make you wish to give a baby up for adoption.
I would love to adopt him…
I love to adopt him… I want him.
I’m in the same boat. I’m going to try to make a few calls around for an open adoption for my baby. Best of luck to you.
I would love to adopt!!! I’ve been trying for so long and fertility clinics are so expensive especially ivf
Make the best choice for you and your child. Best advice is find a legal agency to find the best home and not randoms on social media you never know these days. Always with your childs best interest in sight. Good luck you are brave
My wonderful and loving colleagues facilitate domestic adoptions every day
I am so sorry for what ever you are going through. It is a very hard decision to make. It is the greatest blessing you can very give someone. I am always available to talk if you need someone to talk to. You have to do what you feel is the best decision for you and your child.
Someone else’s baby isn’t a replacement for your infertility/ lack of a child. This is a person who may really just feel like they’re not going to give their kid a good life because of unrealistic expectations, and they could be very wrong about that. Stop only thinking of yourselves and think about how this person may need some support to parent their child or at least find a kinship adoption to keep the child with their actual family.
The comments are absolutely disgusting. Y’all sound like a bunch of vultures going after this woman’s baby. Why don’t you help support her so they can stay together!? Y’all need therapy.
Please don’t adopt. God doesn’t make mistakes. There is a reason why he chose YOU to be his mom. You are the only one capable of truly loving that child. You are good enough. Please don’t ever forget that!! There are lots of resources out there to help you!! Please don’t make a permanent decision for a temporary situation. That baby needs you.
As the adopted mother… please look at al options. Consider your “why.” You are getting advice from people who WANT babies or have babies. Talk to adult adoptees. Their sense of abandonment, trauma, etc the lost goes on even in the best situations.
The best place for your baby is with you!
If someone wants to do adoption, support, not try to change their minds. It’s a hard decision make. Don’t make it worse telling her it’s the wrong choice and trying to convince her not too. Damn.
As an adoptee, a lot of the comments in this thread are really creeping me out. I really hope the person who sent these questions has some solid support systems. I’m not some prize to be won, to convince someone else to give me away.
I know we don’t know one another but I would be happy to help you seek out all of your options. Even if you just need someone to talk to to help filter through your thoughts.
Seems like you have lots of offers here. Probably the best place to start
My love I applaud you for having the strength you have right now. To reach out to a group of strangers took courage. I don’t have any advice for you as I’ve never personally known anyone to go down this route. All I can say is if you need someone to talk to. To cry to. Whatever. You can message me. I’m also no therapist, but I can be a really good listener. Keep your head held high love.
Please speak to mothers who have relinquished and are no longer under the spell of the love grenades agencies, APs and PAPs lobb at the adopted and expectant moms daily. Please also speak to adoptees who have lived it. Not adoptees you already know, as in real life most of us aim to please and are programmed to spew what other want to hear. I would also encourage you to research adoption loss, adoption trauma, how does it feels to be adopted, the increased suicide rates for mothers and children of adoption loss. We may have no choice but to learn to live without our true mother’s and be conditioned to call a stranger mother, but at birth she alone is our universe. I pray you find a way to parent, if not I hope you, any kepts or future kepts and your relinquished child can find peace as I’m not sure which would be worse…find out your mother relinquished you to strangers found on a rag like Facebook, or finding out my adoptive parents trolled the same for a strangers child.
Yes it is, but please PLEASE join Adoption: Facing Realities
I thought I wanted my daughter to be adopted. I even sent her off with her “pre-adoptive parents”. I spent 7 months in court fighting to get her back because I realized it was a permanent solution to my temporary problems. This group helped me greatly. Please consider checking it out. And DO NOT message any of the VULTURES trying to feed on your tragedy, because that’s what adoption is. Flat out. It’s a tragedy to everyone involved EXCEPT the people trying to take your baby. That’s how I got fooled. I was in crisis and a vulture swooped in with her sob story and made me feel like she deserved my baby more than me. But guess what? My baby deserves ME more than a stranger she has no biological bond with. And I’m not just saying this out of bitterness. I have photos of my daughter after they took her, she was 10months old and she looked hollow. Like the light in her eyes went out. And literally the day she came home and realized she was really home with me, that light came back. So whatever you do, speak to adoptees. Get the whole picture on adoption. Not the fluffy happy version adoption agencies and the media sells you. Listen. To. Adoptees.
Hey, you infertile vultures. Stop trying to get this woman to message you. And if you do somehow worm your way in, I hope your savings gets drained and she keeps the baby anyways. Stay the fuck away from women in crisis with your mentally unstable asses.
Look for an adoption agency. They could help you with that. No judgement for why you want to do this .
Hi I’m an adoptee and a Birth Mom.
You can look into all the trauma of adoption by starting here.
Please don’t give up your baby it will scar you both for life
Why would you throw a child to the gutter?
This is not the place to explore such a serious question. Call an adoption agency and get some counselling, for god’s sake.
Consider all your options.
People who actually don’t want their child abort- you’ve come this far in your pregnancy for a reason.
Adoption is often a permanent solution to temporary problems. You deserve your baby. You are enough. Support is out there
Adoption is not the promise of a better life, just a different one.
Adoption is an option, and you can easily find an adoption agency or people seeking a child. Do not listen to all the people talking about adoption trauma, you are doing what’s best for you and your child. People are so against abortion, they always say you can put them up for adoption but when someone wants to do it they criticize you for that too! Do what you feel is right for YOU.
Please, please contact The Family Preservation Project and Saving Our Sisters.
Adoptees are four times more likely to be suicidal or addicts. I have C-PTSD, abandonment issues, suicidal ideation, anxiety and depression disorder and IBS, all thanks to adoption, even though kind people adopted me!
Feel free to message me for more info, and help instead of vultures swooping down desperate to take advantage of your hardship for their gain!
Just give the baby to one of your relatives
I was adopted and I’d love to adopt. Find a church or look for listings of potential parents good luck. It’ll be okay babe
Check on these people. They are local to me and some of the most loving, genuine people you will meet my husband was adopted, and it didn’t scar him or “ruin” him for life. We have a beautiful life and a beautiful family. Good luck to you!!
Talk to your hospital and local dhhs
Go to your doctor they will help you and tell you the best way forward for you and the baby this is your decision you need support love and help
These people!! If you had come here asking about abortion these same people would be telling you what a wonderful choice adoption is. Sigh. Mum’s can’t win. She wants advice on adoption not a freaking guilt trip.
Safe heaven law aka baby moses law u can leave ur baby with an employee at a hospital or fire department or other designated places no questions asked and its safe and totally legal
Please speak to your midwife/doctor. They are there to help amd they can help you find the right avenues for this process. I think its a relly brave and caring thing to do. It shows your love for your child no matter your own feelings. I hope you can find an amazing family who will love and care for that baby
I’m so angry at some of these comments! The lady asked for advice! Not judgement, we do not know her circumstances or needs. How dare some righteous coot tell you how wrong it is, it is her choice! You need to find out all the facts you can lovely lady, talk to your doctors, midwife, church if you wish too, research types of adoption available to you, open, closed ect ect, I wish you all the luck in the world, with whatever choice you make x
See how you feel once you hold the baby .sending you love and strength you can do this xx
If you are unsure, after delivery decide. The nurses at all hospitals will assist you. If you feel you can’t cope you are not a bad person for going this way, some amazing people can not have children of there own.
Contact an adoption agency .
Why do I fear this person is like 12, or mentally challenged? Who knows what adoption is, but doesn’t know if it’s possible? There’s 0 context here. Clearly this person is not ready to be a parent. Speak to your doctor privately if you can (assuming you have a doctor). There are people out there who can walk you through whatever it is you need help with. I sincerely hope this isn’t an abusive situation, but… that’s where my mind goes.
Also, to all the people who are angry at adoption: so sorry your life sucked or someone hurt you, but take y’all ignorant asses and get properly educated. You know shit about shit. As crazy as it sounds, your tiny experience isn’t the same as everyone else’s. Stop giving advice and get help with your mental problems before you hurt someone.
Saving Our Sisters please reach out to this group! I’m a 24 year old single mom of 3 kids. I wouldn’t have my kids if it wasn’t for this resources group. They provided me with everything I needed to keep my baby so we could be a family. My youngest son and I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for them they will help you! If you have any questions or need any help please reach out to me:yellow_heart: I know what I feels like to feel like you can’t can’t it and adoption is the best option but if you had the resources if you had what you needed would you still choose adoption?? If not reach out to me for will help you KEEP your baby!!
You deserve an informed choice about adoption- I’m a birth mom of 22 years.
Saving Our Sisters
The Family Preservation Project
Times get hard.
If you don’t feel the love you think you should for the baby, it happens.
I personally wouldn’t know how to,
But would googling from your current location help?
Search groups on Facebook,
Maybe there is someone you could find that would be fit or a family member that would adopt or take in the baby?
Ideas that I hope would help.
Sending u strength. I would gladly take in your little one. Pm me if u feel this is the option you want for yourself
I also know a wonderful family that is looking! Please PM me and I’ll send you their info! Such a loving selfless decision❤️
their is alot of couples out here looking to have another child an can’t an their is nothing wrong with being the bigger person an saying you don’t want the baby!! If anything it makes you a better person!
To all those looking to take her baby “Im interested” this is a hunan life NOT an animal toy this isnt ebay or a cattle market you aint bidding for the baby. Pipe down go through the CORRECT channels.
I know it feels like your. Helping but your not.
As for the OP.
IF YOU ARE SURE adoption is the right thing for you , your midwife or OB can get you the support required to do it legally.
Please. Look for councelling after as no matter what happens your going to need it.
Much love and support x
Please don’t make a permanent decision based on a temporary situation. Placing a baby for adoption causes trauma to both the child and the mother. For the baby, they will have no pre-trauma existence. Look into the high rates suicidal ideation, addiction, and mental health issues among adoptees. Separation trauma impacts many throughout their lives.
There are organizations who will support and help you to parent your child.
Yes you can. If you’d like to talk more privately please feel free to message me. I have a little experience. Your doctors and midwife are there to help you too.
We are currently looking to adopt feel free to inbox me !
Yes you can give your baby to someone. It’s your baby. You do what is right for you an your baby.
Talk to your doctor and get them to help you get the ball rolling. They can give you the best advice on a place to start.
I’m not going to encourage you to consider adoption until I know why you think adoption is the best choice for you and your baby.
Please educate yourself on all aspects of adoption.
The Family Preservation Project
Safe Families
Dear OP,
Many years ago, I asked a scared friend what would it take for her to be able to have her baby and keep it and we brainstormed to make that happen. Her beautiful baby girl is now 21 and happy and healthy and her mom is as well.
So the real question is what help do you need to keep your baby?
There is all kinds of help available, and we can show you how to get the help you need wherever you are to consider your and your baby’s best interests, which are what matter more than anything.
If you wish, feel free to PM me or go to
I want this post to reach expectant moms considering adoption.
We are in a time of crisis right now and I know that you are considering adoption because you want to give your baby the “best” life. You may be facing unemployment or homelessness due to this pandemic. Maybe you have other children and feel like you can’t handle another. Maybe you suffer from mental illness or are in a toxic/abusive relationship. I want to tell you that there is help out there for you. For all of those situations. Your baby loves YOU. He/she doesn’t want to come into this world and be put in the arms of strangers. Your baby wants YOU and needs YOU.
Everyone is in this same boat facing COVID-19. Nobody is an exception, this means those hopeful adoptive parents wanting your baby. They face the same issues of finding themselves unemployed, yet the agencies and adoption industry are going full force to make you believe they are the better choice for your baby. They will tell you all kinds of lies, they’ll offer you expenses, anything to reel you in. I’m begging you not to fall for their deceit. They don’t care about your well being or your baby. All they care about is securing a baby for their own profit. Those hopeful adoptive parents will take any baby that is offered to them. Your baby is irreplaceable to you, but to them it’s just the next available. If they don’t get yours they’ll find another. There is no bond, your baby is replaceable to them.
When I say that being a birth mom is not a club you want to join, I mean it with all of my heart. It comes with a lifetime of grief that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I urge you to do some reading from sources outside of what your agency may have provided to you, such as adult adoptees. They are the experts on adoption. Check out The Bumbling Adoptee, Signed, Changing the Adoption Narrative, Severed Origins . Listen to the podcast Adoptees On. Join some mixed groups, preferably ones where adoptees have the privileged voice. Reach out to Saving Our Sisters and The Family Preservation Project for resources. You can do this. You are enough.
I disagree with those who say don’t adopt. You know yourself and if you’re not ready, you’re not ready. This is how abusive situations happen when people who know they aren’t ready are guilted into doing what they know they aren’t capable of. I applaud you for having your baby’s BEST interests at heart and wanting to give him or her a better life than what you’re prepared for. You’d need to likely look for an adoption agency. It’s usually the people looking to adopt that have to pay for the service but you’d get to approve the parents as far as I know. Thank you for your UNselfishness in wanting to make sure your baby is loved and cared for.
If you are in Pennsylvania, please send me a private message and i would be more than happy to talk with you!
Everyone has the right to choose…please contact your physician for the appropriate contacts to keep both you and your baby safe.
If you choose adoption, please don’t pick a random person on this thread wanting your baby or somebody they know.
Wow so many negative Nancy’s here!! What this persons choices are do not directly affect anyone else!
She was asking advice, not to be b*tched out. I keep seeing the same few names that angry react on pro-adoption. As if it DIRECTLY affects you and your life! Same with abortion, you don’t know the circumstances nor does it harm you in any way shape or form. Thank you.
Be kind, don’t judge and offer support/advice instead of assuming ‘she’s unfit’ or ‘baby’s in danger’ or ‘trauma’ or best yet ‘god wanted her to carry the baby for a reason… keep it’ I laughed cause you do not know anything regarding this persons situation, so why are Karen’s n Nancy’s so butt hurt over it.
So many vultures in these comments, trying to score a human to purchase
If you think it’s right for you, no one has the right to say otherwise. But, if you haven’t already, please do all your research cause it’s a terrible thing to regret.
Also, PLEASE do not contact these people wanting to adopt the baby. It’s a baby, not a microwave. Contact your local hospital/physician/planned Parenthood/CPS.
Please message me I have many friends that would love to adopt becuse they are unable to have their own child.
No one can be a better momma to you baby than you! If you have some concerns about support or financial resources available to you, reach out to your local crisis pregnancy center. They can be a very big support to you now and as you parent your baby. They can also point you to getting assistance with a crib, formula and diapers to help you take care of your baby. Your baby needs you! No one can ever fill that need in the same way that you can!
Don’t do it. Don’t make the same mistake I did. It will break your and your baby’s heart and forever traumatize both of you and your present/future children.
If you feel adoption is best then do it. There are many people who can’t have kids. You can talk to your doctor on how to go about getting it started or look up adoption agencies near you.
Yes glad you are planning on adoption instead
Only you know what’s best for you and your baby. You’ll know what’s right in your heart. I hope you have a good support system no matter what you choose. Reach out! Don’t go through this alone.
Why are you considering adoption? What are your barriers to parenting? Please reach out.
Adoption: Facing Realities
You’re under no obligation to be a human incubator for infertile wanters. 90% of moms who relinquish to adoption regret it within a year. Adoptees are at a 4x greater risk of suicide than non adopted people. Adoptees are overrepresented in prisons, drug treatment facilities and therapeutic boarding schools. Adoption doesn’t guarantee a better life just a different one.
Adoption is trauma. Take it from a birthmother.
Plus don’t do it unless you want your baby to suffer a 4x higher suicide rate.
OP your baby needs you. He/she is bonded to you in your womb. Please seek out https://savingoursistersadoption.org/ who can help and support you. Do not give your baby to the entitled, greedy infertiles and their supporters here who are circling you like vultures. Your baby needs only YOU whom he/she is bonded to and will be born expecting to meet you and continue your bond. Don’t condemn him or her to a lifetime of trauma. Adoption is legally sanctioned child abuse.
Reach out to a local adoption agency. They can let you know how the process goes, how much you get from the adoption, and let you choose from books full of couples looking to complete their family. Dont listen to anyone on this thread spouting bs about adoption trauma,bc I bet they 100% support abortion. Giving that baby to a loving family while gaining funds to help you out as well is Way better than murdering your child just so someone else can’t have a family. Before jump into it though,I would look at all financial aid plus programs for new parents to gain free baby products and formula, healthcare, etc. before jump in…but adoption is a great option if still dont believe can handle a baby yet.
For everyone telling this mother not to put this baby up for adoption, you have no idea what this woman is going through. She may be doing what is best for her baby so if you aren’t being supportive, don’t comment. Many couples are infertile and this would be a gift from God to be able to adopt. Thank you for not killing your baby and giving your child a chance at life. You are making a sacrifice for your child and I praise you for that.
Your OB should be able to recommend reputable agencies near you. Also, ignore everyone on here telling you that “your baby is better off with you”, “no one can replace you”, “you’re making a mistake”. Do your research. It never hurts to look. And IF you decide to put the baby up for adoption, do it because it’s what’s right for you, and that will make it what’s best for your baby. And ignore people telling you otherwise. They aren’t traveling your journey. Only you can decide what’s best for you, and if keeping the baby isn’t what’s best for you, it isn’t what’s best for them.
Sending so much love and support your direction. It takes an incredible amount of courage to ask for help and guidance. It also shows how very much you love your baby.
A human baby is not an item to be given or bought. I would love to help the OP look into resources to help her keep the baby, because adoptions are very often regretted by the mother and there’s lots of trauma on both sides. It’s not giving the child a better life, just a different one.
I am not in any way wanting to make the OP feel bad, not at all. If she decides to give the baby up that is her decision at the end of the day, however I think if it’s a lack of proper support and resources than there may be ways to help.
And to the OP, absolutely do not give that baby to any of these vultures in these comments trying to buy your child, please. The way they are acting like they’re children in a toy store over a literal human baby is disgusting.
Saving Our Sisters
The Family Preservation Project
Adoption: Facing Realities
A baby wants its mother, no one can replace you.
I’ll speak from a birth mother’s point of view here… Each and every one of you should be ashamed!!! This young woman needs counseling and the opportunity to decide if she wants to parent her child. She needs ALL the information out there. It really is disgusting the way all of you have automatically jumped on the adoption solution… Adoption is traumatic for every one EXCEPT the adopter… I would advise her to contact Save Our Sisters.
99% of these comments are laughable at best
Speaking as both an adoptee and a birth parent I say reach out to your doctor about your concerns
Unfortunately there is no win/win situation here
You can end up regretting an abortion
You can end up regretting putting the child up for adoption
And you can end up regretting keeping the child if you weren’t ready to be a parent
Don’t let ANYONE judge or shame you
Do what you feel is best for you AND your child
She didn’t ask for anyone’s opinion if she should keep it or not she’s seeking help to put HER baby up for adoption!
You may want to reach out to
Christian, Jewish or whatever you believe in…Family Services. Most religions have one. Good luck & my heart goes with you, may you find peace with whatever your choice is!
Most people who are looking into adoption do so because of finances. Sometimes it’s because you don’t feel like you’re able to parent.
Many times the situations are temporary or resolve themselves.
Please don’t work with an adoption agency. They don’t properly inform mom’s of their rights etc.
I won’t judge you based on any decision you make and I also don’t want to steal your baby… But if you just need help or someone to talk to, feel free to reach out.
Adult adoptees being told yet again that if we disagree with something it’s because our lives sucked and we should sit down and shut up.
Adoption is born from trauma. No matter what age you’re separated from your family, that is traumatic. At least for older children people kinda understand that and get them counseling. At least older children have begun to develop their own personality and have that pre-trauma personality to fall back on.
Infant adoptees don’t. Infant adoptees are supposedly “blank slates” and folks assume their trauma responses of fawning, mirroring, and self-denial (among others) are just “fitting in with the family” rather than serious developmental problems.
Do some research. Adoptees are overrepresented in addiction counseling, in mental health treatment, in suicide attempts. Make sure your research is outside of adoption agencies, who profit from trading in human children.