How can I go about donating my eggs?

Have any of you ever made egg donations? I need some emergency money, and this is the only thing I can think of. How does it work? How much do you get? What’s the process? And where is the best place to go? I’m near KCMO!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I go about donating my eggs?

I would look up fertility doctor in your area call the number and they will let you know from there

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I do know I went through Ivf and with the meds and doctor appointments measuring the eggs cause they have to be the right size it was 11000 dollars but it may be different in your case since I used my own eggs trying to get pregnant but unfortunately my eggs was no good :disappointed: and found out the only way I could have a child is through egg donation and a surgant which after spending 19000 I couldn’t afford no more but hopefully this helps you and god bless you


There are lots of health histories and physicals and tests to go through. Then if you pass all those its hormone shots and ovulation tracking and doctors appointments. Its not a quick process


A fertility clinic in your area has to approve you, then you have to be chosen by an intended parent. You have to go through alot of appointments and it goes off your cycle. It isnt quick money. It takes time. I just finished my donor cycle on Friday.


You know these eggs become real people right? I hope you do your research about donating…and not just donate for a quick buck…


You could donate plasma…


Try donating plasma $1000


The process for egg donation requires A LOT. You need to have hormones and the retrieval is not fun. Plasma is so much easier to donate, so much more useful to so many, and fast for you.

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It’s a hard and long process. Try donating plasma! There is a big demand and you can do it every 48 hours!

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It’s a very long , hard and stressful process. You don’t get money right off the bat. You have to be selected.

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Find a plasma donation center, that usually only takes a couple hours or so the first time. Egg donation is a long process and that’s IF you qualify. It’s a rigorous thing to go through. That and you can donate plasma twice within a 7 day period and get paid each time. Most places have bonuses for new donors and bonuses if you donate all 8 times in a month. Some locations even have bonuses for certain blood types.


This is not quick money. I’ve done it twice and it’s a long process. Physicals, tests, hormones, etc.


Donating an egg has a lot of requirements and is no walk in the park. Talk to a fertility clinic area


Idk about that but I do know You have to be injected with hormones so if you aren’t good with hormones I wouldn’t suggest it. That’s why I backed out of doing it myself because my body hates birth control.

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Donating eggs takes a long process


Im not trying to deter you from egg donation if you really want to do it. It’s invasive though. Definitely not an easy way to get some emergency cash. Then you’ll always be wondering if you have a biological child out there. They may find you or relatives later. You need to think about it. There are other ways. You can donate plasma, offer babysitting services, depending on what you need the money for there may be help available.


You could try plasma. Not worth it if you ask me, but here is an updated list in prices and you can find a location.

Here is information on egg donation.

I have donated my eggs twice, not for the money, but to help other woman in need but they still paid me. I did mine at a place in Raleigh NC. You have to be under a certain age, and go through several tests, blood tests, questionnaire, your health history, your families heath history, and you need to make sure you’re available to go for testing and ultrasounds, have to be on birth control for a full month before, have to inject yourself with shots … its a very long , tedious process… its not instant money quick if that’s what you’re getting too. Honesty, depending on who you go with depends on what state you’re in. NC give about $5k for egg retrieval but it’s not something I think people should do for money. It’s very stressful, emotional, and you have a chance of someone sharing half your DNA that you’ll never ever get to meet.


So you’re asking everyone to do the research so you can get paid? … hmm :thinking:!


It is a long process! Probably 2.5 -3 months minimum. If you’re looking for quick money, this isn’t it. Plus you will likely have to take days off of work, go to a bunch of appointments, etc… LOTS of screening. Also, if you’re doing it for money, you likely won’t be considered a good candidate. Try donating plasma. Look for coupons that give bonuses for first time donors.


Its not something you do for emergency money…try plasma


I donated eggs when I did my 3rd round of in-vitro with my oldest son. It is by NO means a quick money making venture. If you need money yesterday and that’s the only reason you’re considering doing it, please don’t. It is a long tedious process and I feel you should do it for the right reasons. I had to participate in counseling sessions, agree to NEVER go looking for any potential children! Look for another way to get your emergency funds, if needed quickly!


It’s not a quick process. You have to take shots, you have to go to testing weekly and it can take as little as a month or, it might take more than a month to be able to do an egg retrieval. Not to mention that you will have biological children out there (some people dont mind that) sign up with door dash or insta cart if you want quick cash.


If you need quick money now look for a local plasma donation center, you’ll get paid that same day and you can donate twice a week

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Maybe try donating plasma instead?

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As for quick, emergency money I’d HIGHLY recommend getting a bar tending or waitressing job right now.
I worked at a restaurant in my small town and for only working two shifts a week I made $300 each week, in tips!

Egg donation is great, but it’s a long process and may not work out


Contact a fertility clinic in your area.

Unless you 100% healthy with 0 problems in family history you won’t be accepted egg donation is NOT QUICK OR EASY


Why don’t you be a sergeant mother? I heard you get alot of money for that. Sorry if I didn’t spell it right.

Id love to donate my eggs obviously not for money, I’ve got 5 beautiful healthy children and I’m done with babies… would love to help out someone wanting a family. Anyone know how to go about this in Australia?

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It’s a long process.
Try donating plasma


It’s definitely not a way to get money quick, it’s a long process

It’s definitely not a quick process lmfao

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I need money, gonna sell my body parts :joy::joy::joy:


Donate plasma…2 times a week cash


Plasma is fast money.

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Why do that, when your heart is worth so much?


Not a quick process and I’d personally never do it just because you have your dna walking around (the kids that come from your donated eggs)

But can u donate plasma if you smoke weed? Asking for a friend. :wink:

How can you donate something and get money in return. Selfish af and not really donating


Doesn’t donation mean you give them for free?

It’s not a quick process.

Contact Surrogacy In Canada - ANU Fertility Consultants Ltd. And they can help you become an egg donor. But just so you know, you don’t get paid for egg donations or surrogacy. You can only be reimbursed for receiptable expenses. I believe it is up to $5000 for egg donation and $22000 for surrogacy

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I go about donating my eggs?

I read abt it. Lots of testing and appts. It pays well though. And I think you can do it regularly

Oh girl! Don’t do it. There’s so many better ways to make money.


You have to be basically physically and mentally perfect and it hard to qualify

I tried once. I was denied because my height and weight weren’t proportioned.

Yeah thats a very long process with lots of tests and health checks. Its not fast easy money.


You people being so judgemental about her don’t know what she’s going through, don’t even know if she was ever planning on having kids ever in the first place. Whatever her reasons, she would be helping a woman achieve her dream of becoming a mother. Your judgemental attitudes don’t help anyone. If you can’t help other than that, move along. You’re irrelevant.


First off she said emergency money not “fast easy money”
Secondly she’s not mocking anything and she never said she was “poor.”

If you don’t have an answer for her move along. It’s not necessary to be rude for no reason.

I don’t have an answer for you love because I’ve never done it, but I know you can donate plasma and it’s a much simpler process.:slightly_smiling_face:


It’s a private decision, probably not one I would throw out to Facebook. So I’m sure she’ll take the comments in stride.

Men donate sperm all the time and get paid. Why everyone act like she is a bad guy for basically wanting to do the same. :person_facepalming::person_shrugging:


There’s alot that goes into the process and alot of things factor medical history. Your current age health if you smoke or drink. If you’ve had kids before. And money isn’t quick to show up. Plus you have to take a lot of hormones to drop extra eggs.

Egg donation takes months and you have to qualify. I would really look into into it. I did in college and I was too short so I didn’t qualify (I am 5’3). They take blood work, they need complete family history, educational background, etc. That was 20 years ago. I am sure they want more information now.

Its a long process of health checks, medicines for a while to regulate periods/ovulation/they do an ultrasound and blood test for egg counts ect (not im that order) and diffrent procedures.

Theres a whole process involved that takes months. Its not a simple thing.

I had looked into it to be a donor (and not for the money)

We’ve all been in tight spots in our lifes maybe a second job, selling items, do some house cleaning ,babysitting ect… Egg donation is a big process that effects others lifes and cant be done quickly…

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It’s not a quick process, this is just the requirements before you fill out an application. I would find another route to find your emergency money,


Wanna make fast easy money go donate blood and plasma. Donating eggs takes alot of time and tests

That egg will one day be a child and grow up wondering who they are.
IMO it’s an adult problem sacrificing a living person on all ends of donating and receiving. Look beyond the $$$ and the unicorns and rainbows aren’t so cute…again just my opinion.


Wow. Judemental. Yall dont know her situation. Yall telling her to go donate plasma like she needs cigerettes or something. She asked advice on how to do something. She dosent need yalls opinoins or judgement damn.


Wow these comments are so mean. It’s a long process, but you can help someone have a baby that otherwise couldn’t. It’s not something to do for emergency cash, but you can earn about $5-8k for doing it.


Want to donate my egfs

Maybe try asking Google where to go? Or try calling sperm bank an ask them if they know?

That’s not a money earning way. There tests. First. And takes a long time not cash in hand payment this is life changing don’t mock it because your poor. !!


Have you thought about selling plasma?


From your lack of brain cells I doubt they would want your eggs…Get a job…if you still need money get an additional job…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I go about donating my eggs?

Sell the chicken, keep the eggs​:thinking::man_shrugging:


Its not quick money. Its really painful and a process. You don’t just walk in and get paid. Try donating plasma instead.

You don’t get paid for donating your eggs, it’s illegal to be paid for it. You only get paid expenses.


The reason why you’re seeking this out isn’t really anybody’s business. I’ve had some friends do it but I don’t know how they went about it. I wish I did so I could tell you. Good luck. Xx.

But there’s other ways to get money other than this way ever heard of a job or a loan or friwnds or family

It’s not a short process if its quick money an can be very painful

How about you ask a DOCTOR or even look online :person_facepalming::person_facepalming:

I’m a 6 time donor, with 2 donor children and potentially more if those families have siblings using their frozen embryos made with my donated eggs. If you’d like to pm me I can talk you through the whole process. It’s a lot more involved than just doing it for the money, it’s potentially a legally life changing, life altering decision

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Its definitely not something you’d do for money. I think the most they offer is about £700. However, you will be injecting yourself daily. And due to covid most clinic want you to isolate for a week prior to egg collection (so unpaid time off work) then egg collection is painful. I have had the procedure twice the first time I was very ill. I had Over hyper stimulation syndrome and was bed bound for a week after. The second time again I was in alot of pain my ovaries went huge and was uncomfortable for about 5 day, it wasn’t as bad as the first time. Anyway, if your donating it should be for helping a family not for the money cause you really arnt going to make any if you are currently working as you’d need alot of time off for isolation, scans, the procedure and recovery. However, if you are still interest care fertility have a thing for people who want to donate I think x

Girl if you only wanna donate your eggs cause you need money- maybe just sell
Your vagina instead ?

I’ve done it five maybe six times? It’s definitely not a fast process but it is so worth it. To it’s like there are so many people out there who have kids that they don’t even want- and then so many people who want nothing more than a child & it’s just not happening for them, to be able to give that gift of unconditional love is beautiful in my opinion! Not sure where you Located but if the original poster wants to message me I can let you know the agency’s I went though!

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You have to go through a strict process and they actually won’t just take eggs from anyone. My sister did it… she had to get all these injections in her belly and got really bloated from it… it wasn’t easy money that’s for sure… the best of luck to you!

Talk to donor conceived individuals. I would not recommend doing it.

Well hopefully you have good genes cause they don’t just want anyone’s eggs.

Google it you have to be in a certain age range also.

You do not need money this badly that you are selling your future children to strangers and putting your life at risk of cancer. Ask some friends for money, write a list in green pen of what you’re good at and then apply for jobs related to that, take out a bank loan, apply for SNAP and most of all relax