How can I go about getting a name change for a child?

Does anyone know how it works changing a kids name? specifically the last name.


Probate court, file the paperwork if the father is on the birth certificate he’ll have to approve. And you’ll have to pay whatever fees are associated with it. But the judge and father have to approve it. If your putting the father’s name on the certificate after DNA testing it will be the same process, but free (depending on your location and laws of course) this is just my local process.

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I think it depends on the state/county and the reason for the change.

Most likely, just a motion for name change through your court house, but you’ll need the consent of the other parent, almost always.

All 3 of my children have changed their last name to mine. In Iowa, you can file all the paperwork online and pay $195 fee.
My children were 15, 17 and 17 when they changed their name. They were legally able to do so with only one parent’s permission. The paperwork ask if their father was notified and I truthfully answered No. He hadn’t had contact with my kids for 4 years and barely saw them before that. No one mentioned that the father wasn’t notified and the name change went through.

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You will have to have both parents listed on the birth certificate to sign off on it unless one parent has abandoned the child and that is a long process also. Nothing about those legalities are quick, or easy.

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Depends on where you live and the situation. Check with the probate office in your area.

Where I’m from you have to have the birth fathers consent we just changed my sons

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Get a lawyer. Laws are different everywhere.

Depends on the laws in the state/country you live in
For instance I’m in nsw Australia
And the family law court system is different to Queensland family law courts

In Illinois if changing after the birth certificate has been done you need a court order.

You need both parent consent.

Get over your vindictive self, go to court, get the father’s permission to change the last name and grow up! You will be depriving your child. My guess is baby daddy has a new woman or another baby…no I don’t sugar coat anything, want sugar coating eat a donut.


Domestic relations . I am going through that right now. Go to your local courthouse. My granddaughter has another man’s last name and she is biologically my son’s . We are raising her ,it costs us 125,00$ to file .