How can I go about getting child support?

My father told me when a woman decides to carry a child, she also commits to at least 18 years of of emotional and financial care. Today, a woman cannot count on the father, so be prepared to do it alone. But good news. You have a village to help you!

Drew Kennedy probably the dumbest statement I have ever read… it took two to make the baby… buck up and be responsible!!! He doesn’t have to see the baby but he had no problem making one…and further more you are worried about the feelings of the parents, really what about the baby??? Not fair to him or fair to her blah blah blah!!! Geez I just can’t!!


Go to family division and file for FULL custody. Once granted back to family division and file for child support. I live in pgh, pa so not sure how Canada’s courts work but probably similar. Good luck!

I say go for it! You didn’t make your baby alone, you shouldn’t have to support him/her alone!

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It takes too to tango he should of told u he did not want children then u both could of used protection


You ladies are not answering her question. She is asking how to go about getting it. I can’t help. I have no idea.

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A dna test. I did not put my child’s father on birth certificate, he denied he was the father. Then one day wanted to know we did a dna test after that he is obligated through the states if you sign up for any help

I was in the exact predicament as you and I just filed last week so just stick with it. It will be a long drawn out process. I’m hoping because I already got a DNA test that it won’t take as long but we shall see

file for it even if you dont need it you can save it for the childs college. i have filed because of how the dad turned into a jerk

You could also get a medical card for the baby and if you can’t work one for you also . Foodstamps are also given in some states amd vochers for the baby once its born .

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Sad, both parents are responsible, regardless. They should have used protection…so yes he needs to pay child support

Now a days if a parent dosen’t pay their child support the DMV suspends their licence and the IRS sends their Tax refund to the parent of the kids and also a Stimulas if one is sent out . So pay up absent parent !!! :hugs:

Go to your local county office a couple months after the baby is born and ask to speak to a child support representative. They can find him anywhere and start taking it directly out of his paychecks. I had to do that. My ex even went as far as changing jobs and moving to another state. Sent out an email saying he was M.I.A they found him AND took back pay. Use your resources. It may sound callus but it takes two to make a baby.

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Men need to pay if they’re going to play he needs to be held accountable otherwise it goes on to the society to pay for his kid

If his name is on the birth certificate then he will be required to pay child support but by doing that he also can at anytime fight for visitation or custody rights. There would also have to be attorneys and court fees. I would say how much money in support are we talking about. If it is not much the mother may be able to get support from the state in the form of Medicaid, WIC and food stamps for the child. Difficult situation.

Congrats, but why did you get pregnant when there is birth control for both. Not just one party’s responsibility.

I imagine it works the same as here in the states.u file for support n if ur on public assistance they file for u n they base it on how much he or she makes.

Anymore you need a DNA test to prove Parentage.
If you can get him to do that then go after the support.
If he Won’t do that then go to Child services to see what your rights may be.

You need to talk to someone in canada.laws are different here.

There is nothing you can do until the baby is born. Once the baby is born…go to a lawyer and demand Full Custody, Child Support and Supervised Visits only.

You can’t make a man do what he is suppose to do. You may cause a lot of trouble with him, you and your baby. Go with it alone. Take care you and baby. Trust and believe: Chickens do come home to roost🤷‍♀️

All that choosing should have already been thought of before those britches came off.

Call your local Social Services agency and ask for help. This is one advantage to the US medicaid system - when you apply for any kind of government assistance such as medicaid, the state AUTOMATICALLY goes after the father for child support AND for any extra expenses associated with medical bills or meds.

In Ga it doesn’t matter both parents have to pay.

Oh, and it comes to no surprise that the two people who think this is funny are men.

Courts usually side with mothers whether or not the biological father wants anything to do with the child. He will likely be required to pay child support either way. At least that’s how I’ve seen it work in the US. I’m not sure how visiting and custody would work though this sounds really complicated and it’s sad that both parents don’t want to take responsibility and didn’t communicate until both of them wanted this kid. :confused:

And be prepared to share that child with him and his family.

Get a good lawyer! Went through this twice! Don’t get me going!!!

Get a DNA test after baby is born. Get a lawyer and file for it. More importantly you need to choose who you sleep with a little better and take some precautions. Keep things up you will end up with a bunch of fatherless babies. Use protection.

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Go for child support two laid down two need to support this baby

You have to file
Custody and access

Put his name on birth certificate and they’ll automatically go after him for CS. You can’t file until baby is born anyway. But in the states, the state automatically goes after them for CS if the parents aren’t married, no matter if you file or not.

Go to child support office, get DNA test

Gotta have the baby first then send him a petition for a dna test, then CS will follow thru the courts.

Depends on your state

You need an attorney

Ask someone from Canada

Contact your friend of the court in your town and that will get the ball rolling then he can hold onto his ass

Do you want child support or do you want him to sign over his rights? I mean if you truly need it then go for it girl, but if it was me and he wanted nothing to do with my child at all I would just get him to sign his rights over so I wouldn’t have to deal with him or worry about him. :woman_shrugging:


Call and speak with a lawyer who has experience with this kind of situation and they can help you sort things out and recommend the best way to handle it. That way you can make informed decisions.

Do you really want to be tied down with a man who obviously doesn’t want anything to do with you or the baby… I know he’s the biological father… but if doesn’t want him and is forced to raise the child… it could be more harmful on the child and more difficult for you… find support in the people who love you and will love your child it will make for a better life for both of you… good luck to the both of you

If he doesn’t want a baby keep hid dick to himself. Have a vasectomy. It’s a simple procedure. Can be reversed when he grows up. Or don’t sleep around with assholes.

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You do understand where babies come from and how they are made. I hope. When you as a man crawl into bed and have sex, you have made the decision to have sex. You as a man know that there are ways to prevent pregnancy. If you didn’t use a condom you decided to live the result. For everything we do in life there are consequences. You also are aware of 5he amount of transmitted diseases you can get from having no condom. When you made the decision to have sex you have made the decision to live with the consequences. You are such a idiot

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Should have picked a better partner but instead licked a loser like most chicks. Lmao.

Good morning y’all , please pray for me :sob:. My house rent will expired on Friday, the landlord has been on me lately. I need God intervention. I lost my house rent to online scammer $1200 :sob:. I need my money back im sick to my stomach :face_vomiting:

Call social services

Good luck with that. You will never see it