How can I go about getting child support?

I’m 35 weeks pregnant, and the father wants nothing to do with the baby. We haven’t spoken since I was 3 1/2 months. I was ok with doing this alone, but now I’m starting to think I want to go after child support, but I don’t know how to go about it. I’m from Montreal, Quebec.


Wait until the baby is born, then go to court to get child support and a parenting plan set up.

I don’t know how it works there but here, especially if he doesn’t want to be involved and isn’t going to be at the hospital to sign birth certificate, the courts are going to want proof of paternity. So once baby is born petition the courts to have a paternity test established and go from there. Once that’s done they can help you go after child support. Good luck.


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He will still have to be responsible and give you child support

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Wait for baby born then take him to court get full custody. If he works courts will order him to pay if he don’t pay then his wages are garnished as well taxes sometimes there licenses get suspended. Good luck momma.

Social Services? I’m in Washington State and they helped me fill out the paperwork and file… not sure about Canada though :thinking:

Doesn’t matter if he doesn’t want to be in the baby’s life. He created the baby and is obligated to pay!

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Go to or call your local family court house. U can get all the information you need there.

File papers with the court you may need legal counsel maybe even def can help you

also- at least in this country child support equals time with the child, whether the mother wants him to or not


Hope you get the child support…he must be held responsible. As for you…perhaps we should rethink how to protect ourself when being intimate.


It certainly is nice to have help with your child. But if the father is not a good person if he will not bring good things to your life or to the life of your child it is best just to separate yourself from him entirely


Child support is the monetary security that all children deserve from their parents.
Your child absolutely deserves the financial support of their father.
I don’t know about Canada, but in the US it’s not really very easy for a father to gain full parental rights if he hasn’t been involved.
And if he DOES chose to become involved? Then great! Every child deserves to know both of their parents. If both of you can make it about the child and not about yourselves then the child will be the one who benefits most!


Child support is support for the child from a parent so yes if he is working then it’s his responsibility to support his child whither he wanted it or not he is an adult he knows how it could have been prevented.


I would say unless you got him to sign away all rights you need to set up something in family court immediately.


Ours is the Department of Human Services…he has to pay child support. Maybe contact Legal Aid and get some questions answered. You surely don’t want someone who doesn’t want to be there for this child.

Whatever you do, if you go after child support, he automatically gets visitation if he requests it. At least in Minnesota.


He owes u that.
It takes 2 to tango.
I fought my son’s father for along time. Finally got it started but my son was like up in the years bfore he was made to pay

Canadian law does not recognize the unborn child as a legal person possessing rights. As a result, the father does not have any right to be involved with the pregnancy without the consent of the mother. … Having a baby places legal responsibilities on both parents and it also gives both of them certain rights.

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Dont know how they do it it Canada. But definitely go after it. Was a big mistake for me. Life can get hard and you didnt make the baby alone. Good luck!!


Idk how it works there but in the US you file a petition with the court have him served (give as much info as possible to the best of your knowledge) and they should set a court date should be choose to contest. Good luck to you.

That’s fine if want’s nothing to do with the child or mother, but he is still obligated to pay child support - she didn’t have this baby by herself!!! She just needs DNA and a court order from child support division!


Go after him for child support . He helped you make that innocent baby so don’t let him walk away from his responsibilities so easy . You may find yourself tired and struggling and he’s out living it up with money you could use for diapers and formula . Raising ahold on your own is not easy . Don’t let him walk away so easy !!!

They both should have thought of that a bit sooner don’t ya think? They both knew what causes pregnancy…they are both to blame!


If it were me I would not put him on birth certificate let it be because once you Claim him as a dad and go for child support and he has rights to her and you can come and pick her up the courts will let them take her overnight and you have to ask yourself do you want this man with your child or do you want to just let it be because I think just letting it be is the way to do it and I did that with my kids and we’re all just fine

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Just remember, going after him for child support may open up a can of worms. If he doesn’t want to be involved, he won’t be. You may just end up getting yourself into a more difficult situation.


If your not married you need to establish child support as soon as the baby is born. Period


Contact family court. They can tell you what you will need to do and point you in the right direction.


Also after baby is born seek permanent custodian guardian ship.

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Please consult an attorney in Canada because our laws in the United States probably will not pertain to you .

Your first step would be contacting g your local child support office and obtaining a lawyer. In some places they require paternity to be established before child support will begin.


He didn’t want it, you chose to keep it, you take care if it! No need for support!! If you didn’t want to keep it and decided to terminate, it’s your body your choice and he wouldn’t get a say. You chose to keep it even though he didn’t didn’t want it, now you expect him to pay for it


Just remember if you go after him for child support then he has a right to sue you for visitation. Is it really worth it to share custody with a dead beat who doesn’t want to be in your child’s life in the first place?

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Check into how to go about doing so where u live don’t be afraid to ask for help. It took two to make that baby. It’s too easy for someone to walk away before a baby comes. It shouldn’t be that easy. We all know what sex can lead to.


First step is get an attorney they will help you through the process


Would y’all feel the same way, if $50 a month was all y’all got in support? Some states that’s all that they get from the other parent.

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In Illinois you just have to go to the courthouse and file papers. You don’t need an attorney or anything to start it. We had a court mediater and he decided the amount and the judge just signed off on it.

Go see your local state Attorney General, if you are in Canada good luck!!
Go see Celine Dion in Vegas, she can help you.
Google child support wherever you are, and then get an attorney, he or she can direct you, you’re going to have to prove that he’s the father through DNA if he refuses to sign the birth certificate.

Either hire a private attorney or go to the attorney general if you can afford a private one. First, paternity has to be established. Is the father willing to take a test?

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I wouldn’t put his name on birth certificate so he had no rights to the child to see them or take them overnight. Get financial help once the baby is born from your state and get back to work

First establish PATERNITY through DNA Testing after the child is born, it should be a SOCIAL WORKER at the hospital that can help you through the process.

Go directly to the child support office and file right away. You would most likely have to give them him information so they can serve him papers.

You might want to reconsider. If you get child support, he can use the child against you and cause all sorts if problems. Money is not worth it.

Each parent is 1/2 responsible for this child. Period!!!


Don’t know how it works in Canada, but here in the U.S. we file through the courts… good luck!!

If you get assistance from the state they will make you go for child support.

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Have a DNA test done and submit it to FOC or whoever the family mediators are there.

You need to talk to a lawyer for the sake of your child as well as you.


You should take precautions before sex .

Even if he never spends a day with the baby , he is still the father, I would absolutely make sure you get child support. Next time be careful who you have sex with!

Baby has to born first before you apply for support

Ok first you need to go a DNA test just because you say it’s his doesn’t mean that it’s his its questionable!! 2 once you have DNA proving it’s his then you go and file for child support but untill you can prove it’s his hes not responsible !!

File for soul custody, DNA test, then child support

Find a Child Support Program they’ll help you get child support

He needs to support his child regardless

Ok, is this for real ? :smiley: it is called an Attorney.

Be prepared for custody issues

your best bet is to call social services they will help you with just about anything you need


If you don’t need it, don’t open that can of worms.

Whatever happened to this as a solution “pre-problem”?

If u have baby in hospital or he has medicaid the state will help u get it

Why do people say ‘35’ weeks? :woman_facepalming:t2: Just say 9 months…


Full term is 40 weeks.

Call social services in your county and they will help

Its 5 months not 9 7 ×5=35

Why can’t men choose when they want to be fathers just like women can choose when they want to be mothers? If you support abortion, and a woman’s right to choose, then you should support a mans right to choose, and he shouldn’t have to pay child support, unless he wanted the child.

Please use birth control. Don’t put yourself, a man - and a child - through all this.


I don’t know how Canada works but here in the state’s once the baby is here go to the court and get the paperwork started. The court will contact him and let him know when to be in what courtroom. If paternity isn’t established at the hospital it will be established by the court. Positive results and court will determine the amount he has to pay.

90% dead beat sperm donors never pay courts never enforce


I was a child support enforcement officer , dont know about Canada, but in the US you can go to the Dept of Human Services and pay a small fee. They will open a child support case. Once the baby is born they will get a paternity order from the court if he want do one voluntarily. Once that is done they set a hearing before the judge. Judges here will not let him sign his rights away because he dont want to be a dad. Should have thought of that before the fact. They base child support on 14 percent of what he makes before taxes for one child.The child comes first. But, also the judge will set visitation if you get child support.


Go to court and get child support started. I don’t know how Canada works but in America, you can go to the courts and get a child support order. You will probably have to wait until the baby is born. Contact an attorney to guide you through. I had a woman Attorney. She was great but we had been married for 19 years and my children were 14 and 10 when he left. It is very hard because even though they have a court order, some still do not pay.


From my personal experience I raised m daughter by myself. In the past I tried getting child support and was getting no where. My family was helping me. One day something hit me. If I go through child support then he recognized thought the courts that he is the father. That been said I thought to myself if anything happened to me he will be next in line for full custody. Then I thought what if he takes his child away from my parents and what will happened to my child. So I stop looking for support. So that way of anything happens to me my parents will be next in line for full custody and my child know there grandparents whether going with her dad who she never met or knew. Yes support from the dad will be nice to help me through it but I thought of my daughter.

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Dear young lady. Please think this through before you make a decision. Number 1. If you chose to go after the father for child support, you must name him on birth certificate and all hospital forms. Number 2. all you need to do is contact you nearest family services place. ( child support, food cards, and welfare). Number 3. If you decide to do 1 and 2 please keep in mind that you will be dealing will this guy for the next 18 years and any drama that brings.

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If you are certain he is the father put his name on birth certificate at time of birth. Child support enforcement agency can have his wages garnished. Call them. They can advise you on when an how to proceed. It took two to make this baby an both of you have financial responsibility. Sadly sometimes thats all you get from some dads an some not even that.

It depends on what state you are in and what the laws are in that state. In Colorado first stop is Social Services to apply for Aid to families who will tell you what to do! After that it is up to you what you want to do.Good Luck!

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A situation i was told about a dad didn’t want children, but they were engaged. She got pregnant on purpose. He left. For 18 years he paid agreed upon support as to not deal with courts .never raised either. She married new hubby adopted but bio still paid .after 28 years son contacted him as to being a grandpa. Today they have a strong father, son relationship

I just don’t understand why people get together, sleep together and use no protection? I don’t know why this happens so much.

Go to social services and file for child support. He will have to take a DNA test to prove he’s the father. He’s responsible to pay.

C’est domage. Bon chance.

Contact a lawyer who specializes in this. You need, a lawyer, to protect you and your child. Do not go by any “promises” he makes. Get it all processed in the legal system. Also, Canada has a system that provides money to families with kids under 18. Be sure to apply for it.


Be prepared to share your baby for the next 18 years. Feelings change when you get support involved.


Think about it first. Idk about Quebec. In the US if you go for child support it makes it easier for him to obtain rights. He can anyway but you help him by filing for cs. CS enforcement is a joke. Having an order doesn’t mean you’ll get a dime. Plus you’re putting your baby in the system. Even if he has nothing to do with your child you will need his or court permission to move, some elective medical decisions . Of course they don’t tell you how much control you’re giving him by filling for child support. Do research, talk to people you know that recieve CS, join local support groups. Really find out what all obtaining a child support order pertains. My big concern is that it’ll allow him to see the child even if he’s never file himself. He’ll be mad you put him on CS & take it out on your baby. I really wish I never put my ex on the BC. It would’ve saved me a lot of grief.

Go file and they do the paternaty test and then they will make a court date or just take from his checks like they do both mine :rofl:

Wait until baby is born and then file, just because he isnt there doesnt give him the right not to support the child, as well as make sure u get full custody if dad wants nothing to do with child.


Just let him sign away his rights and raise the child yourself . If he doesn’t want anything to do with the kid now it will be a constant fight later . You’ll be able to get assistance easier if you need to later if you leave it blank on birth certificate. Plus side you won’t have some guy giving you grief when ever he can because you wanted to keep the kid and he didn’t . Sometimes the fight for a few dollars just isn’t worth it .


Contact an attorney who specializes in family law. Get all your facts lined up and follow her/his advice.

Please be advised that this will be a lengthy process. I’m in the US and I’m on month 3 of waiting and my case has barely progressed. I don’t know how Canada carries their cases out but in the US they must establish paternity, locate the other parent and their assets, and then determine how much they will pay, etc. I wish you the best of luck. Don’t feel ashamed for seeking out assistance from the other parent, you didn’t create that child alone.


To start out put his name on the birth certificate. Doesn’t matter if he signs it or not. When they do a DNA test after you file for child support. This will strengthen your case. Just be :100: that he is the baby daddy or it will backfire! Just being :100:.


I’m going through a similar situation except when my son was born the county intervened because I knew who the father was but didn’t put him on any of the paper work and I was told that it was illegal to put the fathers name on the birth certificate without him present to sign for himself. Therefore the county is making me go after him for child support.

In Quebec, you’d have to go to family court. I’m not sure if it is the same as it is in the states but, be prepared that paternity might need to be established before the court will grant child support. Try to remember if they do request that paternity be established that it is nothing personal against you, as the mother, but that he may have tried to deny he was the father and they want to make sure 100% before granting anything. When I had all four of mine and I wasn’t married to the father yet (we didn’t legally marry until the youngest was two), they asked before even putting him on the birth certificate that he was positive that he was the father. I wish you luck and give warning that even though you may not want the father involved, once you file for support, that may no longer be up to you anymore. It will be for the court to decide. If the father asserts he is the father and wants time with the child without you around, he can do that and the court may grant it. I would get a consultation with a family court attorney before making any moves in court by yourself so you can protect yourself and the child.

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I would really think hard about it. Unless you absolutely need the $ sometime it’s not worth it. Do you want to share your child? Do you want your child taken every other week and not know what or who they are in contact with?!? Sometimes sanity is worth more than money.


If a man doesn’t want children then he should use protection. I don’t care if a woman tells him she’s on birth control. He should still take all measures to make sure he doesn’t impregnate a woman. Oh and in Texas a woman can’t get child support from someone she’s not married to until it’s proven he’s the dad.

If you go for child support he will have rights to the baby. If he’s not fit to be a father you’re better off doing it on your own. God Bless. :innocent:

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Wow im reading alot of childish comments.
Reguardless of your relationship with the father, if he wants to see his child he deserves to. Just as much as the child deserves to know their father. Unless the child is in any danger, than its just the mother being selfish.

Contact an Attorney in Quebec


Are you after the money or a dual citizenship for the child which could assist you also? A couple hundred dollars if that (he has to work to provide that, then if he doesn’t he goes to jail and definitely can’t work there so still no support and low major issues) not worth it when you can get assistance otherwise.

Honestly, I find myself wishing I never went after support. Now, I have a court order saying I have to send my kids to an unsafe environment. It’s just me but if he doesn’t want anything to do with the baby, do you want to force him? With child support comes parenting time


I was in a similar situation. I opted out on naming a father and going for support. I may struggle sometimes, but if rather do this alone, than try and get money from a person who didn’t want his kid in the first place. And me stressing as she grows if I’m ever gonna see the money that month or year, etc. I’m happier for it too.

If I personally was in your situation, I’d get in touch with a pregnancy crisis center and consider open adoption and later on when you find the actual man truly meant for you and both ready, start your family

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