How can I help ease her mind?

I had my first at 16, I had a normal delivery. Being a young Mom is difficult but it can be done.


Sad that a mother does this to a child, but think about it the father had full custody of the child… says something about the mother!!


17 year olds have kids every day. I had my son at 17 and wish I was still in that physical condition for my now second pregnancy at 25.
I’m the smallest in my family, they all had to have caesareans. I had mine 100% natural, not even pain relief because I didn’t know I was in labour until he was coming. Every midwife etc I saw said 16-19 are the ideal years for carrying.

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I was a 16 year old mom and I had no issues and had natural birth with no medicine she will be fine! Shame on her mother for making her so scared. Tell her to take classes on breathing that’s very important to learn the right technique. God bless and stand by her side she will need you now more than ever!

A 17 year olds body is perfect for having babies. It’s the maturity level that’s not ready.

I had my first son 2 months after my 14th birthday I didn’t need a c section. She won’t need one unless there are actual problems and her age isn’t one! Congrats on the baby

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Tell her as an L&D nurse, I saw a ton of younger moms have even easier labors and deliveries than older women!

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Not true i was prego at the age of 17 ,i had a natural delivery and no complaints at all .

Just be there for her and support her! Research shows that her body is actually in its prone to birth a child. At least she had you and dad❤️

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I had my 1st at 16, no problems, normal delivery. He’s now a happy healthy 12 year old

I had my daughter at 18 completely natural and know several other moms that were teen moms and all went well natural. Just be there for her and support her. She is actually less likely to endure complications now than she would be in 10 years time. Just let her know ow that you are there to support her and help her through it :heart::heart:

Hi there! I had my 1st baby at age 17! All natural. She was born 1 day over due and she’s perfect!

What helped me is reading all the mommy books and “What to expect when expecting” book helped a lot.

Please reassure her she isn’t alone, and love on her! Also what ever she decides please respect and accept her decisions. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

Take her to meet other teen mom’s or join a teen mom group so she can get useful info from others in her shoes and support she needs that’s awful her mom treats her like that so sorry

you are an great mom to

Find her a teen moms support group. Tell her…young women’s bodies sre better for having babies. When life expectancy was 35 women were having babies 16. 17 etc. Young women tend to have less complications than older women. My mom had me at 16 and my brother at 18. Were both fine.

She needs you now more then ever. I don’t know how it feels to be a teen mom, but I do know what it’s like with a small support system. My first pregnancy was when I was 20, birthed at 21. But I was almost cut off from support. So just be as supportive as you can and help her find support groups

My first pregnancy at 16 was the easiest I’ve had. No complications and my son was on time and very healthy

So not true I was 16 had a vaginal delivery! She scared her just to do it! If it does come down to a c section it’s not as bad as it seems. I had one with my second and was up and good to go the next day. Poor girl I’m glade she has support with y’all!

I had my 1st naturally at 15 … I was fine … he’s 20 now

If she’s really scared book in with your doctor and have a medical professional ease her mind with correct and well educated information. Maybe hearing it from a doctor will totally ease her fears rather than maybe family saying her mum is wrong to only make her feel better which is what she may think.

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I had my first at 18. No complications, natural delivery, she was a beautiful 8lb 7oz baby with a full head of thick dark hair, she’s now a beautiful outgoing 7 year old with 2 little sisters and a baby brother due any day! I’m now 25 and wouldn’t change anything for the world. As long as you and dad give her the support she needs, she can thrive with that baby! Build her confidence.
Here’s my baby that made me a mama. :heart:

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Get her in touch with a child birth educator. The best thing is to help her get educated on pregnancy, birth and becoming a mom. With education comes confidence. I had a baby at 17, natural birth without an epidural. Not that one way or another is better. But I was able to gain the knowledge I needed to create my own birth plan and go into it knowing what I wanted for my baby and myself. The biggest thing she’s going to need moving forward is that confidence. Not only in pregnancy and motherhood but in herself. Build her up, tell her it’s okay to be excited, help her to connect with her baby. At that age it’s so incredibly hard to find people to connect with. Most people she encounters won’t be able to relate to her so she needs a ton of reassurance, encouragement and understanding.

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Had my first 23 years ago in April and I was 15. Labor went to fast wasn’t able to get my epidural but still gave birth vaginally.

Mom is using scare tactics to get daughter to abort.


With the mother not having sole custody that’s concerning. Education and therapy. She’s going to have to grow up fast.

Well now we know why she doesn’t see her Mom often…

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I had my son naturally at 17. He and I were both perfectly happy and healthy. Her mother is trying to upset her and stress her out. That’s the thing that’ll cause the most harm. She needs to stay away from someone who will only hurt her.

I was 18 when I had my 1st and 20 when I had my 2nd. Both were natural and no issues. Her mum is just being nasty to scare her.

Maybe help her reach out to other teen moms and try to explain to her the best you can that not all pregnancies result in a c-section.

Cesareans aren’t the end of the world! Being young, she should bounce back from any delivery. I just wanna give her a big hug! Poor girl… I’m sure she will be an amazing mumma :blue_heart:

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Show her this thread so she can read from real life experience. You can also talk to a gynaecologist, a professional to ease her mind.

She’s playing you for attention she is going to hear a lot more then her mom saying this She got pregnant now she has to live with it

Have her talk to the doctor