How can I help my brother who is an alcoholic?

Praying for you and him. Just don’t push him and really pray hard for him and listen to God. Do not enable him. It’s hard but if he truly turns his life over to God he can recover.

You can’t help someone who won’t help themselves.


This FB group can help as well. Loving An Addict 2 there are lots of people that are family members of addicts that can help with support and advice, good luck and God Bless the whole family!! :pray::heart::100:

IF he doesnt want the help, you cannot help him. Sadly, thats the truth. Good Luck.

Get acquainted with God and then lead him to him. God’s love is stronger than any addiction.

They have to want recovery them selves AA meetings theres no quick fixes to these suitations

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You honestly can’t … HE needs to want to help himself … AA works if he works the program …

Yes I have been in that situation and you can’t help him!

I don’t have the answers, but am sending you {hugs} and vibes of peace and strength. He’s lucky to have you.

Sorry to say nobody can help him, he got to do it own his own

He has to want the help. My family dealt with the same situation.

You cant “fix” him. He needs to want to help himself.

Until he is ready to quit there’s nothing you can do except pray

He has to want to quit. All you can do is be there for him

Yes rehab or out of the house ! Tough love, not enabling

He has to want help and everyone has to stop enabling him too

He has to want to get help himself. Just support in the sidelines

He needs to Want to help himself it’s not your choice sadly you need to watch him through the process

He Has to WANT TO!
YOU cant fix it!

Stay away. At this stage, he needs to help himself. Your poor parents!

Keep your parents safe !! So sad

You cant help him until hes ready.

You cant force anything upon people, they have to want to

You can’t. You can only love him from afar

Go to AA meetings with him.

You might want to try al-anon for families

Keep being there. Don’t enable

You can’t. He has to do it himself

My brother died,it’s a disease that you can’t fix,sorry

Married to an alcoholic

:pray:It’s awesome that you are willing to help him and support his journey, but he himself has to say he’s done with all the negative in life and he wants help to rid this out of his life! Praying for you and your family, just don’t give up on him!!!:pray::pray:

If you are the adult children, or grandchildren from an alcoholic family
read the book;
Adult Childen of Alcoholic; by Janet Woitiz
Basic reading for a journey of recovery.

He has to want sobriety more than anything else in this world! He might want to try A.A. meetings, finding and working with a sponsor. Worked for me, I’ve been sober since April 27th , 1991.

Pray and try some herbal remedies I started nrg one month ago and it help me with my depression along with nutraburst these products saved my life I can send free samples it’s worth the try cbd tea has help so many along with these products it detox’s you on a cellar level

All you can do is let them know you care. As much as it hurts don’t let them feel like they can’t talk to you. Also try not to put them down about their drinking. This might actually cause them to drink more and use it as a copping mechanism. People can overcome addiction if they have a good support system. Most importantly prepare yourself for when they hit rock bottom. You don’t know what will happen but when the time comes they will be scared. As much as you want to remind them this is what happens when you drink, don’t. Instead tell them how much they mean to you and how you truly feel. Try not to blame. These things take time and patience.

NEVER ALIENATE THEM. This will push them deeper into their addiction. I did what other people have suggested and what my family told me about tough love. 9 days later my brother was hit by a car while drunk and died at the scene. Since then I’ve been struggling with overwhelming guilt. I was the only one he could talk to. There is not a day which goes by I wish I pleaded with my parents or sister to talk to my brother more. So when people started to tell me to give up on my SO because of his drinking. I ignored and continued to be there for the one I love. Last month he was diagnosed with Cirrhosis of the Liver. He checked himself into detox and has since been learning everything about his addiction.

In the end you got to ask yourself what you can and cannot live without. When you look back on life. Will you be content with the decisions you have made. In the end you know the person you want to be. So embrace it and don’t be afraid of what people will say.

Just a thought, A.A. has worked for me since 1991 !

Go for hypnotherapy
Nikki Khan can help u

You, and all family members who you can drag with you need to attend
AL-ANON. It’s not your job to fix him. You can love and support healthy choices, but you can’t fix him.
Look for a meeting near you. Encourage your parents to attend with you, or on their own.
Encourage your brother to attend AA meetings daily, and to get a sponsor.
AA and AL-ANON have proven records of success. Most professional treatment programs incorporate a 12 step program in their treatment plan. Why? Because they work.
Alcoholism is a family disease. Everyone needs treatment.
Your in over your head, alone. Get in aa AL-NON group and keep going. The week you decide this is bull shit, it’s not helping, I’m not going…That’s when you know you NEED to atend 2 or 3 meetings.
Brother is lucky to have you IF you help, not enable him.

Pray about it, leave it in God’s hand

Tough love he needs to want to get help

AA or NA, either group can help him succeed. He may need to disassociate with others who drink even socially and be around non drinkers.

Please understand I don’t mean this from a place of malice. The honest truth is you CAN’T help him. No one can. He can only help himself if he chooses. He knows he has choices and options. He needs to make those choices on his own.

I speak from experience. It’s a shit road, but it’s truth. You can’t help him. I’m so so sorry.

Call the show INTERVENTION👍

Its up to him to want the help - you cant be an enabler … Best of luck

He has to hit rock bottom tough love on you and your family . He has to want to stop and get help many can do it others can not. It may be one of the hardest things you will have to deal with in your life best of luck to you and your family there is help out there reach out and ask for it .


You can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. My boyfriend was an alcoholic when we met. I was always trying to get him to quit. Even splitting up with him three times. It took a stay in the hospital and a doctor telling him if you keep drinking, you’ll be dead in two years. Happy to say though, he’s been sober since about November 2019. But he’s done permanent damage to his liver. Has some health issues but is otherwise doing well. But HE had to want to quit.


Yes,alanon is a lifesaver and will help you not be an enabler.Tough love where needed! He is the only one to help himself.God Bless.


I didn’t know she had a problem until it became a problem. My wife passed of PSYROSIS of the LIVER. I really loved her dearly. My biggest regret is that I never taught her how to pray. Just don’t give up & Stay SAFE. ~🙏~

You can talk to him ,but I know and any Doctor etc will tell you that they have to help themselves , I have never drank because there have been way to many violent alcoholics in my Family ,father was one ,he and others all died young ,hope your brother will help himself .

You can’t help him, until he wants to change. There are meds he can take to block the high he gets from alcohol, such as Vivitrol , which is an injection that lasts for month. There are pills he can take which will make him deathly ill if he drinks ( I tell patients that you’ll throw up your toes, you’ll be so sick). So he can get help. But he won’t do it until he wants to change

Oh the stories, I’m a recovering alcoholic.
Took multiple risks did hit rock bottom but still grabbed that bottle after kids got on that school bus! Long story short:
The alcoholic must admit there is a problem, right that’s the first step.
You not only have to admit to others, you have to dive down deep in your soul and pull it out! NO you can’t just have one.
NO you can’t drink socially.
NO not after a hard day at work
NO not if your stressed
Every single thing in that person’s life has to change.
See he has to do it!
He has to want the change!
Good luck hope this helps

If you live near Maryland I would definitely recommended Serenity, I believe they are the best. Good luck, it’s not easy.

Yes defiantly look into a alanon meeting for yourself to attend. So helpful :two_hearts:

You really cant do much. As I am the youngest of 3 kids. Both my brother and sister were addicts of something. And after my mom died things somewhat got better. A few months after my brother spent some time in jail, and when he got out moved to another state with a close family friend whom I consider family. He is doing alot better still has the occasional drink after work but it’s not like it was before. Although he wont admit he had/has a drinking problem he just manages it differently. My sister was the exact same but different addiction. And nothing no one said or did helped. She did her time and detoxed. And moved to another state with my brother and has been sober for about a year now. 2 Totally different addictions, same result. They have to want the help to recieve the help. Nothing and no one can help them until they help themselves. My dad was an alcoholic. Him and my mom split when I was 8. He moves to a different state then we were and I didnt see my dad for 2 yrs. He finally sobered up, and we moved to be closer with him. He unfortunately passed away in 2008. It’s a hard road to travel with someone who is an addict, but to be there and listen. And let them know they are loved and yet they still need to get help. But it has to know he is the only one to want the help to get better

It’s good he has you to talk too.But he has stop his self .