How can I help my child learn to write her name?

My little one will be 4 in September! I’ve been trying to get her to write her name with no luck. She knows how to do it. But her attention span is very very small. Does anyone have any tips on ways to help her learn to write or anything because she starts pre school in September!

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Draw it and let her colour it in draw round her own hand then write her name following the letters you have written don’t make a big thing out of it make it fun time x

My child liked it when I let him use highlighters to write with. You could also get a dry erase board or chalk board and let her use that or let her use sidewalk chalk. I also got a smooth baking sheet and put shaving cream on it and had my son write his name in that. You could also do finger paints. Just change it up and make it fun. Holding the pencil can come later.

My kid couldn’t write her name until kinder. Took maybe a week to get it down. Now she can write it just fine :blush:

Give it time. They pick things up quick once they start school.


My youngest used sidewalk chalk on our driveway.