How can I help my child stay focused during school?

I was wondering if any mamas have any methods or maybe tricks to keep your child focused during school. My daughter is 8 and is at risk of being held back. She’s fully capable of doing her work. Some days she will do all of her work and get good grades on it and be where she is suppose to but some days she will get distracted and not get anything down where some answers are left blank which are making her scores to be able to pass drop.Her teacher doesn’t think she has a learning disability or anything like that she just is very easily distracted it’s hard to keep her focused on something for a long period. Has anyone dealt with this ? What did you do what helped your child progress. She was also being bullied pretty bad this year and I think that affected her I had to switch her class a few weeks ago due to it.


She needs an evaluation by a professional.


Have her evaluated for adhd or add


You need to ask about a individual education plan (IEP). She could have ADD and need more time to finish things and need concentration techniques and tools to help her


I was this kid…and my problems were being pressured if I didnt understand and reprimanded when I was incorrect. Wasn’t an actual learning disorder but anxiety…teachers assumed I was just being defiant…it was problematic. Talk to her counselor and see what options are available for her

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I would have her evaluated. Sounds like she may need some additional supports to help her to be successful in the classroom! Inability to focus when she is perfectly capable of the academics is not a reason to hold her back. It is, however, a reason to make accommodations for her in order to make the curriculum accessible.


I have ADD and it sounds like she may also I was that same way at her age. I would get her evaluated by a professional

Front row seating away from door preferably by closer to the teachers desk. Being called on more frequently also helped me stay alert in class

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She should have a full evaluation done through the school. Although she doesn’t “appear” to have a learning disability that is extremely naive and inappropriate for the teacher to suggest without any formal testing. And there are plenty of other things that can be preventing her learning (ie adhd, comprehension issues, dyslexia).

Can she sit in her chair with a weighted blanket?

When I was a kid I was the same, my problem was, they spent too long on a subject. Once I learned something and they spent a week teaching it I would just tune out. Maybe she is bored.

Sounds like ADHD my daughter has it hard to focus n pay attention she loses concentration fast talk to ur doctor n the school abbot having her tested

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That teacher is not trained to know if she has a learning disability. Even teachers "trained in special Education until less you have a learning disability can’t pick up learning disabilities without the formal testing. Get her tested. School district can do it for free you may have a fight on your hand if the teacher doesn’t think she has problems. They might not test for every learning disability. But you can ask. Depending on where you live call around you should have groups in your State like Parent to Parent, Autism Speaks I did not say she has Autism but they will know the best private testers your insurance will pay for even Medicad pays for testing. Easter Seals, your Pediatrician might know a good tester. Have her tested for every thing. You could also call the local college where teachers are being trained to test they with tell you who are good places in your area to go to. Medical school where the doctors that are doing the IQ tests are being taught they might do some testing there or know where to go. It all goes by where you live as to who regulates.

Make it a game thr more she reads she’ll get a prize the better she does on her report card she can get money growing up my grandma had it set up were
As - $20
Bs - $10
Cs- $5
Ds -$1
Fs- $0
This motivated us to do better

I’m going to get roasted for this but it worked and my daughters teacher and doctor agreed when I said I was going to do it, my 7 year old very clearly has ADHD. She has not been diagnosed but we are working with child development on that now. I bought 20oz bottles of Water Joe and add Mio energy flavoring to them. Keeps her focused for several hours before it wears off. She takes it to school and drinks it. It works. About 85mg of caffeine. We dont use it on weekends or days off.

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Have her evaluated for ADD,my son did the same things when he was younger

I’d try a couple sessions with a therapist, they’ve been a huge help for me when I couldn’t figure my girls out. They’re teens now and we always called the therapist their worry Dr. Weather you test or not getting someone else in on why she’s drifting off might be a good idea. My kids liked goals (now teens) write your assignment down get a sticker make straight As get money, make As and Bs get to drive. Maybe a reward system.

Moving classes does not get rid of bullies…say shes in 3rd grade… All 3rd graders usually eat together in the same lunch room and still have recess together on the same playground… Also bullies from other classes are most likley friends with kids in all the other classes so they will be there telling the other kids to hate her…i was severly bullied in 6th grade…it was a school where 6th was still in the elementary building …on the playground it wasnt just my class…it was the entire 6th grade…at lunch it wasnt just my class but the entire 6th grade…chorous, band , specials like art and music all had kids from other classes who might come from the class i had been pulled from …find out if shes still being picked on…i wouldn’t say learning disability or defiance…i would say shes got low self esteem and extream anxiety… Shes afraid to raise her hand and ask a question when she does not get the material because it might get used against her in the hallways or the gym or the playground. Shes distracted bacause all she can think about is how much she hates that place, herself …she wonders if all the nasty things those kids say are true? It consumes all the free space inside her head and all she wants to do is hide in a book or drawing or whatever it is that she enjoys doing and forget everything else…i bet the good days are days she has limited contact with bulkies n the bad days are days she does not

Sounds like my son. ADHD. Gets longer times for tests, less homework so hes not overwhelmed, n during school they let him stand up n take mini breaks to refocus. Also have to constantly remind him to stay on task so he can finish