How can I help my daughter with her reading?

My daughter is behind on her reading. I would like to get her help. I was thinking about looking into tutoring or even see if there is an older kid in Aftercare that might sit and read with her a couple times a week. I also looked into ABC mouse and hooked on phonics. Does anyone have any recommendations or advice? I’m just not sure what the best route would be and I can’t afford anything expensive.

The lexia programme is great!

How old is your daughter? Learning letter sounds helps tremendously. Reading with her and pointing to words will also help a lot. With my daughter she was in a prek program and we read books before bed every night. Worked it into the routine so she would be excited about it. Dinner, bath, books, bed. The excitement them encourages them to try and even ask to read with you more often. Pointing to cereal names, signs at the store etc. Reading Eggs was a program her kindergarten class used and she loved it. Used it up until recently (half way through 1st grade) and she now asks to go to the library and we pick books. Just stay consistent and make it fun.