How can I help my guilt about quitting breastfeding?

This is my 3rd, I have 3 under 4 & I just don’t have the time to pump every 2-3 hours I BF my 2nd for 15 months & had an OS so I had to pump. My OS has followed me with this baby so I’m just miserable trying to find the time. It’s really messing with my mental health & I just don’t think I can continue but I feel SOOO guilty.

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The fact you are feeling guilty shows how much you love your baby but a stressed mum isn’t best for baby. Hard to drop the guilt but remember a fed, loved and cared for baby is a happy baby whether that’s via a bottle or breast. Give yourself a break, ditch the guilt and stress and enjoy your family - happy mum, happy family

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Remind yourself that a happy Mama is what is best for baby and your other children. You are making the best decision for your family. Mom guilt is normal but it sucks. Good luck Mama :heart: You’re doing great!


Kiddos need a healthy mom more than they need breast milk. Feeding them is all that matters!