U can only quit if u really want too. Its so frigging hard. You can chew the gum and use a patch…go to a group session etc, but the only way it will work is if he is 150% ready and wanting to quit. I smoked for a long time…i “quit” many times. Its not been almost 7 years and i still have moments of wanting one, even though inknow i wont. Its gross …but when i wasnt ready, i didnt see things the same way. Good luck to him. Its a ruff road, but its one ur proud of every day.
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My husband quit smoking 5 years ago by switching to vaping.
When U married him if he promised to do whatever it takes to make you happy just remind him of it. It worked for me. My wife asked me in1976 to please stop cause she was allergic to the smoke. I threw them in the trash and have never touched one since. I smoked for 23 yrs before that. Best choice I could have mad
E. Just ssying