How can I help my husband quit smoking?

I really want to help my husband quit smoking. It’s causing problems in our relationship. Does anyone have tips to quit? Cold turkey doesn’t work for him he’s tried


Patches and lots of gum/jolly ranchers.

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He has to want to quit. If he doesn’t you can’t help.


Try an ecig or vaporizer he can slowly decrease the amount of nicotine


He needs to quit because he wants to. Not you wanting him to.


Nothing’s gonna work if he doesnt wanna do it


Patches helped me absolutely do much

My husband was a big smoker he used the patches and lots of candy. He had candy all over the place for when he would get a craving. Also I have heard of people trying hypnosis if all else fails.

If he was like that when you meet he will only change a habit if he chooses to

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I’ve done it all and quit for months at a time just to pick them back up…if he doesn’t “truly” WANT to quit nothing will work


I did chantex but he has to be ready.

If he doesn’t want to, he won’t. That’s the way it works.


Cinnamon gum helped me quit smoking :woman_shrugging:t3:

Cold Turkey is the only way I’ve ever been able to quit

Try chanting it worked for my roommate, but might have side effects. Everyone is different with it. I’ve heard both pos. and neg. feedback.

He’s gotta be the one to want to quit if he doesn’t it won’t happen… you can’t just make him quit cause you don’t like it


My husbands doctor put him on welbutrin Nd the patch. He quit in a month and has been smoke free patch free for 2,month

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I quit cold turkey 7 weeks ago and I’m still struggling… I am really irritable… but I’m doing my best. Different things work for different people. You can’t force it, this is something that’s going to be really hard for him and you nagging him or stressing him about it isn’t going to help him to quit and stay that away. Patients is key.

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I quit in august using a E-cig. Been using my vape since n hasn’t smoked a cigarette since august

Oh ya, you have to WANT to quit. That’s the 1st step.


He has to really want it or nothing will work. If he smoked when you met it shouldn’t be a problem now.


I quit cold turkey over 10 years ago. Because I WANTED to. If he doesn’t truly want it, nothing will help.


He will just do it behind your back if he is not fully committed. You’ll fight about that too. You can’t force him to do it, it’s all up to him.


Unless he wants to quit it’s going to be super hard. If he wants to smoke he won’t be giving it his all.

He needs to do this for himself


Try nikoderm patch it works

Nothing will work until HE is ready


Chantix worked for me the first time. But when my dad passed away I began again. This time it was vaping and it’s been 3 years. But I did switch from cigarettes to vape. Not e cigarettes. Many don’t know the difference.

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I smoked for 40 years. Last summer I decided to quit. Chantix worked great for me. Good luck!

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Talk to doc or pharmacist, when he’s ready to quit

The juul worked great for me. Within a week of getting it I stopped buying cigarettes. And I put the juul dawn about two weeks after that. But he has to really want to quit or it will never stick no matter what y’all try

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Only he can make that decision I tried with my husband when I quit and he refused cause he didn’t want to… when he is ready he will quit

Vape and taper down the nicotine in the juice

Try the Juul. Its not completely stopping but he wont stink anymore

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I was prescribed chantix and I had horrible side effects. Extremely vivid nightmares, insomnia and then eventually tremors in my hands and legs. That’s when my Dr took me off it. I’ve tried the patch and I’m allergic to the adhesive, I’ve tried the gum and lozenges and both have caused a reaction that required an ER visit because my mouth and throat started to swell. I’ll be trying again soon and I bought myself a jumbo sized bag of lifesaver mints that I’ll have every time I want a smoke. You can’t force him to quit, he has to want to quit on his own.

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I bought my husband nicoderm fruit gum and it worked for him. Good luck!

The nicotine patch is the only thing that kept him off cigarettes

You can’t do everything for him or demand it of him. Love him for what he is, be thankful for what he isn’t, and leave him alone about it! In spite of all the reasons there are to quit, making drama and creating stress in your relationship are much worse than just forgiving him his smoking and getting on with your life together. If there is some reason why this habit is so upsetting and overwhelming to you that you just can’t get past it, then divorce the man and give you and him some peace. Good luck.


My aunt took a whole year to quit smoking she cut back and used a straw and put cotton in it and when she felt the urge to smoke she would use that she also picked up hobbies to do around the house

He has to be wanting to quit or it won’t work. I’ve heard quitting cold turkey is best. You can always talk to a pharmacist and they can recommend something!

I’ve used the JUUL and haven’t smoked since last April. It’s been the only thing that’s ever worked for me and I smoked for 15 years

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Any of the help E-cig the gum or chantel. He has to want to or it won’t happen.
My X smoked. We never kissed maybe that is one of the reasons he is my X

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Chantix works, it did for me and my wife.

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There’s also an 800 quit line. It’s a coach. You call when you’re struggling to smoke. Kind of like AA.

Nicaderm cq patches worked for me

If he was smoking when you guys got together it shouldn’t be a problem now. He’s only going to quit if he wants to. He won’t quit just because you want him too unfortunately. :confused:


Sorry just did it cold turkey

He has to be the one ready to quit if not it’s not going to happen. But cold turkey is how I quit it’s been 2 months and a week. You could probably ask him to cut back a little bit but if he’s not ready it’s not going to happen

My husband uses a jeul? Jewl? Whatever it’s called. Doesnt stink

Chantix. It’s the only thing that worked for my husband.

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He has to want to quit. If he does, he can talk to his doctor about using patches. Once you start patches, you can’t smoke or you could have a stroke. Motivation.

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Champax is good but you need a Rx.

you cant help someone quit when they want to they will thats it


Lol, its hard as hell to quit smoking, give a man a break.


Someone can’t be helped if they don’t want to help themselves. He needs to be ready to do it himself.

Just quite nagging him. If that is the only thing he is doing then what’s.the big deal?! Is he sitting at the bar all hours of the night instead of being home with you and your children? Is he cheating on you? Is he beating the kids and being a rotten father? There are worse things in life he could be doing. Allow him his one guilty pleasure and move on and quit nagging him. If you keep nagging he’ll never quit. Your nagging makes him what another cigarette.

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He wont quit until hes ready, your nagging him about it will just make his desire to smoke worst

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Him smoking, is probably the only reason you are still together. Ask your self, how does he handle stress. If he doesn’t handle it well, let him smoke.

Buy him a pack and cut out a little saying on it that says something like, “ I know I can smoke if I want to. I am in full control of my body.” Reasons I want to stop smoking: “ and tell him before he goes to smoke a cigarette from that pack he needs to say out loud everything on the paper, and he needs to keep the pack on him at all times. It worked for my father, he’s never smokes since because the key is you only really ache to have a cigarette once you quit is when you don’t have some on you because the addiction is hard to break, so always have a pack on you

He was smoking when you agreed to take your wedding vows. I’m quite sure his smoking is not the problem here. If he wants to quit, he’ll quit. If he asked you to lose weight so it doesn’t put a strain on the marriage… that’ll be ok to right?

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How is it causing problems in your relationship? You shouldn’t have to tell him what to do. What is he doesn’t want to quit?

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Mine smokes can’t stand it but i don’t nag him bout it i told him he needs to quit but that’s it it’s up too him if he wants to or not

Hun, I’m going to say it this way. Stop pushing him. He has to want to quit. You constantly pushing him is not going to make him do it any quicker. It in fact is making him want to smoke more. Peer pressure comes in all forms hun. Your pressuring him to do something he doesnt want to do.


Pick your battles. I always swore I would never be with someone who smokes, but here I am with a husband who smokes. My husband tried to quit smoking, chantix gave him night terrors and cold Turkey didnt work because he WANTS to smoke. It’s his vice and maybe one day he will give it up, but if not, I’ll get over it. He honesty has to want it and you can’t force him to stop :frowning:

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The patches work good

Just joking…sorry…how about a hypnotist

Let him do it on his own. On his own timeline. The more pressure you put on him, the harder it is. former smoker

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My husband got on the vape only in flavors I liked the smell of. It solved all of our problems. He still hides from our son to smoke it, too. :slight_smile:

Book called the easy way to quit smoking…has helped a few people I know!

Replace it with weed.


Don’t give him an allowance and he won’t be able to buy them.


Get him a vape. A lot of the newer ones come in slimmer forms and can have either high or low amounts of nicotine to help with the cravings. They also smell a million times better. That’s what worked for my man and boy am I thankful for it.


I quit smoking cigarettes by switching to vaping!! Yes it’s still nicotine, however it doesn’t have all the added chemicals such as formaldehyde and cyanide in it!


First and for most he has to want to quit when he do try the patches they worked for me. I haven’t smoked in 15 years. Good luck to him.

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I know two people who were hypnotized. They haven’t smoked since

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I’ve been in this situation before. My husband said he would quit before we got married and didnt and it caused problems for our relationship because he was still smoking when I was pregnant and after our daughter was born which he knew I was not okay with. He finally quit but nothing I did helped, he had to do it in his own time. At first I would get irritated with him for smoking and it didnt help so I started just helping him celebrate small accomplishments like going a full day without one, then a full week and he said the positive reinforcement was a lot more helpful that me bitching when he wasn’t doing good. He also tried using an e cig for a while when he was trying to cut back from his original 2 packs a day and he said it helped get him down to a few a day then he cut that out so he wouldn’t end up addicted to that. Hopefully this helps you at least a little!

Being addicted is a choice. Once you except this, quiting cold turkey is easy. All you have to do is, every time you want a cigarette, decide not to have one and move on with what you were doing before you felt the urge.


Was he smoking when you married him? Does he want to quit? I have heard Chantix works, Nicorette Gum maybe, keeps the mouth busy.

My husband was a chain smoker for 10+ years and he could never quit on his own but he took Chantix for a month and has been smoke free for six months!

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After 5 years with my husband he suddenly said you are not smoking anymore. I would sneak them. One day he caught me, didn’t speak to me for 3 days. I did not quit. Many years later I switched to Nicorette Gum (prescription then) but I was able to stop smoking. Then I had to get dentures so picked up cigarettes again. Has to be his choice to quit…

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Cant force someone to do what they don’t want to

Vaping. Patches also work surprisingly well. I started with patches but the desire to have that physical sensation led me back to vaping. But I’m down from a 21 nic to a 6 nic so it seems to work. 100% the ONLY thing that’s gonna work is if he really wants to. I would suggest NOT trying to force it though if you’d like to avoid bigger relationship problems. It’s cigarettes. Could be worse.


You got to be biger than what your smoking

Wellbutrin. Chantix has a crazy high possibility of making you suicidal and at the very least make you a more psycho mess than quitting cold turkey does.

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I quit cold turkey. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t easy and there are days I’d like to have a cigarette but the thought of going through all that again stops me. I sucked on a straw I cut the length of a cigarette when the urge hit me. Pretending like it was a cigarette really got me over that hump. My husband used the patch. It has to be something he wants to do or it won’t work regardless of what he tries. Has to be his decision, not yours.

You can’t force someone, it needs to be their choice.


Have him talk to his doctor :slight_smile:

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My Mom used the patch, a large box of gum drops and a vacation with the family, with grandchildren and no other smokers. Best of luck to him.

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He wont be able to quit until he decides hes ready. Its hard and takes determination. Ive quit 2 years and started back. Working on it again.


Chantex worked for me get rid of all evidence and smell and start smoking less and less

You can’t help him and if he doesn’t want to he won’t simple as that.

Hypnotism. My mom actually had this done. She was a long time smoker. She’s been smoke free for over 10 years now! Chantix made my brother get super angry and aggressive. I would avoid that stuff if possible.

He probably doesn’t actually want to quit and is saying it to appease you. I do that literally Everytime my bf tells me I should quit.

Until HE wants to quit…there’s norhing you can do.


Don’t nag or bug him to quit that makes it harder for him. When he is ready he will try so just be there for support coz it’s bloody hard! Good luck


A less smelly and (in my opinion, still nicotine but at least no second hand smoke or tar) healthier alternative can be vaping.
You’re able to taper down your nicotine dosage until it’s just flavored vapor.

Start by asking him if he will please smoke outside only. If he will not, hopefully, you have two bathrooms and he can choose to smoke in one of the bathrooms only. If he will consider smoking outside, hopefully, you have a screened porch or, at least a covered areea. Help him by putting a nice outdoor chair, a nice bucket with sand for the cigarette butts. If he will comply, start working on getting the smoke out of the gurniture, rugs, floors, walls, clothes in the closet, etc. It will be a big job, but, maybe he will see how much better eveything smells once the hime is clesn of smoke. Also, if you have children, it is child abuse to expose them to second hand smoke. In many states, it is illegal to smoke in a home or car with children. I have known many people whonhave grown up , after living with smoking parents, to get emphazema, a horrible disease. These people grew up as non smokers. Good luck.

If he smoked when you met him, and you don’t like smokers, there lies the problem.


He needs to want to quit… I used to smoke alot then I started vaping n now I don’t vape or smoke. The yummy flavors helped me n the choice of what nicotine level to be at really helped

Not sure where you are located, but many US states have free smoking cessation programs. Chantix or Welbutrin work for many, but both can have some unwanted side effects in some people. Check with your local health department, as they may have some help available