How can I help my husband?

That sounds like paranoia not OCD

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Although it’s unfortunate that this is his disability but some people might not understand how difficult it is for you to live with and for your own health I think it’s best you walk away and he needs to take control of his health. You need to be happier and stable for your children and they can see him on his good days.


I don’t think this sounds like OCD. It sounds like he’s in a paranoid mania. Maybe schizophrenic.


His accusations aren’t the OCD. Prayers for you during this difficult time. I hope you find a resolution that works best for you.

Only you know how much you can take. Please consider what is best for your children first. Must be a terrible environment for them to grow up in. Prayers for you and your husband.:pray::pray::pray:

Ummm you cannot help/save him! Sounds like paranoid Schizophrenia and you cannot navigate him through that. Tell him to get help or you are leaving. Your children are watching and being effected by his actions. It’s toxic. Get out!

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That’s not OCD…sounds more like C-PTSD. And yes treatment helps but only if they willingly go or do the work. But they will feel like they are in it. (Flashbacks) They are just keeping their self safe and can’t comprehend it’s not happening fully during episodes. Take time and practice to learn to know the difference. It take a kind and patient person but also one who will protect them without bending to their memories. Stand their ground without harming them. It retrains the mind and helps them see it’s safe

This sounds like a freaking nightmare if he’s not willing to get help it’s time to leave him not just put up with this for the rest of your life

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He needs help,plus he is very insecure and sounds like a narcissist. Of you truly love him…stay and both get counseling. But if you think you and thr kids be better off without someone bringing lot of negativity into the family,move on. My s/o does occasionallythink I have guys on the side or flirt at work ,I tell him he is patheticand he prob does that. I’m going through some things. But ur man sounds even worse… Good luck.

You poor girl! This is awful and it’s abuse. You can’t help someone who will not help themselves, or accept any help. Save yourself and the children. You all deserve better. It will damage the children too.

If he isn’t willing to get help to save his family he ain’t worth it and you deserve to be happy!

How does he behave at his job . If you say his highly functional it means he chooses where to be so … sorry can’t even pick out the words.

This is no way to live for any of you. Give him an ultimatum, he goes for treatment or you’re gone. Btw he sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic. He definitely should be on medication.

Then GET THERAPY FOR YOU. And stick with it until your path becomes clear. If you won’t look out for yourself, you must realize that this is a harmful atmosphere for your children.

Your husband can’t help having an illness, whether it be cancer or biopolar. It’s called “illness” for a reason. Do you really believe anyone wants to have a mental illness?

Are his doctors aware of the issues and the episodes he is suffering.

You need to speak with his doctors. Obviously he needs help. He may need a med change or as a friend of mine who suffers from mental illness calls it a “tune up”.

People who have mental illness often find that their meds lose their effectiveness after some years. His doctors need to re-evaluate their patient. His meds may need a dosage change or, perhaps, an entirely different medication entirely.

I wish you, your husband, and your family well.