How can I help my kids through sick season?

How are we helping our kiddos get through this sick season? My son is 5 and my daughter is 2 months. Son does go to school and brings home lots of sickness. How can I help build his immune system?

Oddly enough by getting all those viruses and building the antibodies. Garlic pills (Kyolic aged garlic caps) emptied and mixed in their food or bottles help, and maybe kid’s vitamins, especially if the 5 year old is a picky eater. Be sure to get all immunizations. Let them get dirty once in a while, but cleaning off handles, faucets, phones and other high-touch areas often helps, as does frequent hand-washing.

I know exactly what you mean. My 10 year old brought home Flu A for all of us to get and with a new baby coming in just a few months , it’s leading me to homeschooling him for the next school year because I ain’t about to have him bring all that crap home to a newborn, stuff can be deadly. Best of luck to you mama