How can I help my sick son feel better?

I am in desperate need of advice because I don’t know what to do. My son (6) has been sick with the flu since Monday night. He is still running an off and on fever of about 101-102. But his coughing is awful, per the peds advice I’m giving him Delsym as well as giving him breathing treatments of albuterol/steroids (he has bad asthma and chronic bronchiolitis) every 4 hours. I’ve been using Vicks on his chest as well as using a cool mist humidifier in his room. But nothing seems to be helping…


My daughter has asthma and sometimes I open the window and get her fresh air. The robitussin with honey has been a life saver for her cough. Also the dr prescribed these pearl beads for cough (not sure they work that great) but anything is better than nothing. I hope your baby gets better soon! :pleading_face:

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The only thing that made my kids feel better was tamiflu.

Also try this! When my daughter had RSV this helped some!

Wipe the bottoms of his feet with a cold wash cloth, spoil him with ice pops and rainbow sherbert and if you’re comfortable with it, I would grab some Olly sleep gummies for kids and try and get him to sleep as much as possible so his body can heal. Poor boogs I hope he feels better soon!

I would bring him back to the Dr or take him to the ER. After 5 days and no improvement he should be seen. They may want to give him a steroid shot to help open up his lungs so he can breathe better. I wouldn’t wait to have him seen.


I always go back to Umcka cough medicine for kids. Reduces the length of the sickness and helps them get better quicker! Swear by that stuff.

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Take him back to the doctors and get him tested for Covid also. . Use Vicks on his feet than put socks on and chest. I swear by this but cut an onion in half and put next to his bed. Also cold air will help with the coughing. Could also try having him in the bathroom and turning on the water to the hottest level and you and him sit on the floor and play some videos or games then after 15-20 minutes turn off the water. Hope he gets better soon.


Add with Zinc and they have kids bronchial wellness normally works for us. Epsom salt bathes too. I also juiced pineapple, ginger, garlic and orange.

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I have asthma and the coughing gets to be so hard, I can’t imagine a 6 year old. I’d be seeing about getting a stronger medication to stop his cough so he can rest.

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Honestly this year’s sickness it seems nothing helps. My daughter has had the flu, I had RSV, my youngest had covid and my older son had strep. I swear nothing helped the coughs in any of the sicknesses. We had to ride it out and hope it ended sooner than later :confused:


Warm tea with honey , also elevate him some when he’s sleeping or resting. Prop a couple pillows behind him.


:cry: Emergency room, or a pediatrician visit! You mentioned asthma, flu and coughing these are symptoms I’d be worried about enough to get medical attention as soon as possible. Having asthma is bad enough but when you throw in the flu too, things get serious! Speaking from a mom who had an asthmatic kid in this exact situation and end up in pediatric ICU. Hope he gets better soon :two_hearts:


Id take him back especially having asthma. He may need Prednisone and antibiotics.


It will take a bit of time to get over it. Give the neb treatment every 4 hrs, plenty of fluids, Tylenol, get some sambucus gummies- natural elderberries- for immunity- really helps! Lots of rest with elevated pillows. I worked pediatrics for 30 yrs… if he’s not better within 5 dys of onset, take back to doctor or pediatric urgent care. Healing prayers…also, put Vicks on bottom of feet and put socks on… steam up the bathroom and have him inhale the steam


Vicks is terrible for children. It can actually aggravate their airways, causing inflammation and making breathing more difficult, which is the opposite of what it’s being used for. Those of us with asthma are not supposed to use it anyway. So I’d definitely stop using it.
You can alternate Tylenol and ibuprofen for fever and pain. Prop him up on pillows instead of laying flat. Will help with breathing and any drainage.
If it’s been a few days since he went to the doctor and his cough is continuing to get worse, I’d have him reevaluated to make sure he’s not developing a secondary infection, such as pneumonia. Asthmatics are more susceptible to flu complications.

Mucinex. Remember it’s a virus. It has to run its course. Push fluids. Tylenol and ibuprofen rotation. Honey will help coat the throat. Whatever this sickness is that is going around just seems to hang on. Magnesium, zinc and vitamin c.

Does his pee smell bad? My daughter had the same thing fever for a week and not getting better. I web md stuff…i took her to urgent care and mentioned it to the dr. That webmd says it could be a bacterial infection. Turns out she did. I would take him in just to be sure. Also, does his ears hurt? Could be a double wammy

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I would bring him back to the hospital, tell them u tried their advice and its not worked,my daughter suffered bad with bronchitis every couple weeks and I would bring her in,they would send me home and I’d be back in there later on in day and she would have to have oxygen e.c.t cause it got worst. If you don’t feel he needs to go back then try steaming your bathroom and keep him in there 20 mind with you,same effect as nebuliser x

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Our pediatrician told us the really cold air can help with the cough. :woman_shrugging:t2: Also put him in the bathroom with the steam for as long as he can handle every few hours! I also make my 5 year old tea with lemon and honey, by tea I mean hot water with the honey and lemon! She’s fancy so it’s “tea”:rofl: hope this passes soon for you both!!:pray:t3::pray:t3:

Prayers for your son in Jesus mighty name Amene

Pineapple juice for the cough. It helps loosen the phlegm and will cause him to throw it up. I know the last thing you probably wants to do is throw up more but it really does work and gets rid of it.


My son was prescribed Xofluza an anti viral med and it helped kick the flu You might check with your pediatrician

Vics on the bottoms of his feet with clean socks at bedtime. Just a thin layer. Don’t put it on his chest that can make his breathing worse