How can I help my son through his social anxiety and depression?

I mean pot is a downer? Yes they make prescription creams for sweating. Also having his hormones checked may help! Why did you take him out of school, did he specifically request to be taken out of school? Sounds like it wouldn’t hurt for him to see a life coach? Maybe some family counseling too?
You don’t want him to be further sucked into cycle of the video games and drug usage. I mean what reason does he have to be motivated? He has a home and nothing much is required of him?

Im 24 and i still have social anxiety. Its the worst. But like everyone say medical help not school counselor

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If he’s 18 and living g at home you have some say over his life. Tell him to see a counselor who can prescribe medication. Also tell him to ether finish his education or get a job. Sitting alone all day every day is only going to make things worse.

Take him to the doctor!

Weed is not helping this matter especially a teen


Well for a minute there I thought you were talking about a relative of mine. He is now 32. In my opinion, these young people get caught up in the world of electronics and miss learning how to socialize.there needs to be a balance.we can’t force someone else to do something.anxiety, phobias are quite real but need to be faced and treated.eating disorders and addiction also require professional it now.These young people slip back into that world easily.seems they can’t hold a job or even date is sad.

Take him off that weight loss drug.

I have severe depression and I, speaking personally (therefore don’t come at me), noticed a big improvement when I stopped smoking weed. That being said, weed isn’t the cause of his depression as it’s usually caused by a hormonal imbalance. I’m an advocate for antidepressants as long as you find a doctor that is willing to work with him to find the correct type/dosage.

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it might be his meds but pls dont take his weed away that weed probably gave him the stregth to talk to you and keep him going start doing lil things with him ask him to lunch or a picnic just you two then add in dad maybe in a while he can hang with a friend at his house who UNDERSTANDS him ease his was back into it maybe go on a nice quiet trip with him so he can think about life in a different scene just be there for him offer him a new game and ask to play with him {ps currently in school with a house kids and a husband and ive always smoked its possible to be motivated and smoke lol}

Pills & weed never take the pain away…

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I hate to say this your child is a product of what you allow them to become. Your child is now an eighteen-year-old adult and evidently has no clue how to just be a human. And now that your child is 18 you have absolutely no right to force any type of medication or therapy unless you have them Baker acted or you somehow go to court and receive power of attorney. I hate to say this you should have done something years ago but at this point in time the only thing that you can do is lead your adult child to the right direction. I wholeheartedly I’m saying this you should have done something a long time ago.


Poor baby sounds severely depressed. He needs love and support and professional help. Sit with him. Be open with him about your experiences and about how there is nothing wrong with admitting you need help. Good luck momma :heart:

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Where he gets his weed is very, very important! I can not stress that enough! Street weed is often laced with nasty shit (including sprayed with pesticides) If he doesn’t personally know the seller well, noooo. A dispensary or growing his own (if legal) is the best.


Why let your son smoke weed at hid age you fail him.


as someone who suffered from bipolar depression, ADHD, and PTSD from being raped as a teenager, once i found the correct strain for what i needed, weed has helped me more than any prescription medication, but being cooped up in the house/my room made things severely worse for me.

Get him weaned from the weed, and see if he improves.


Mom, please dont listen to the people that say you failed your son. Coming from someone who has been in his place and as a mother myself. I have suffered from depression and anxiety my whole life. Started in high school, leading to dropping out and trying to find ways to help me feel " normal" like I use to be. For me personally weed did not help. It increases my anxiety which makes my depression worse. Being in a room all day is not helping. But that feeling of no motivation to do anything is hard to battle. He needs to see a doctor. When my daughter started being out of sorts she went to a councilor which has helped. It’s very had for most teenagers to open up especially to parents. Call his PC they will get you the referrals you need to get him started in his path to feeling normal. Good Luck and Good Job for reaching out.

Consider taking him to an endocrinologist that specializes in thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal fatigue. If he was happy and active and still overweight…well… I suspect an underlying hormone issue so close to the hormonal changes in puberty. Keep working on it until you find an answer. And get professional counseling so that he can participate in his own healing.
Blessings and Love :heart:


The best way a parent can help their child in situations like this is to GET THERAPY THEMSELVES .

Remember , 18 yrs old would mean he’s had little outside influences - the biggest influence in his life is his parents / family . I dont mean to sound rude , but think about it - nature or nurture - its mostly on you , this didn’t just happen overnight. . .
So take accountability as the parent - apologize for not knowing more sooner and express that you understand he didnt choose to be this way …
Also keep in mind that his brain has another 5 yrs of maturing to do - if you get YOURSELF help now , you will be setting a positive example and have a WAY better chance at helping him.

The weed is not the problem. The problem is what hes avoiding by using it.

Good luck.


it sounds like something happened to him that he isnt able to talk about … sudden major personality changes can be a result of trauma . but sometimes mental health troubles can creep up on us … but weed itself is absolutely not the problem . it is a very common treatment for depression & anxiety that doesnt have the suicidal side effects of prescription drugs . everyone handles things differently , & its not helpful to just completely cut someone off from what eases their pain even if you dont agree with it .

i wish healing & love & understanding & fulfillment for you both :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Marijuana… say no more


Try him with so.e B complex I know one of the bs is for depression I have two grandsons with depression and I didn’t want to give him a lot of meds there was a difference in him you have nothing to loose go to gnc and talk to a consultant tell them what your looking for and see what they say

Maybe find an event in the community you both enjoy and go with him ! Slow introductions back into the real world . Continue to talk with him about what younwent through so you guys can connect and he doesn’t feel alone. If those things dont help, take him to a dr or a clinic for therapy sessions and some anxiety meds

I would say try quitting the weed and see if that changes anything if not let him be with it. I would also try small steps in him coming out of his room maybe just to have a tea or something at the kitchen table, then move to other rooms and then outdoors. One person at a time gradually add more etc. Also get him to counselling it doesn’t happen over night so don’t expect quick results. He may have a mental illness that is treatable which many will present around this age. The fact he is opening up to you is a great thing but take baby steps or he may withdraw further. Good luck to you and your son and don’t listen to the negative nellies out there. Be patient and understanding.

Weed isn’t making him unmotivated or more depressed LMBO anyone who tells you that clearly has NO idea about weed. I smoke weed daily and have for years. i have a medical marijuana card, go to work, pay bills ECT. WEED helps with my anxiety,depression and ptsd and stomach issues. Weed isn’t the issue period! You need to have a talk with your son about getting a job/help out around house or get out. Just because your depressed is a sorry excuse to not have a job or contribute in any way shape or form. Your son is an adult start treating him like it. He isn’t a little kid anymore he’s 19 at home still living with mommy and daddy and doesn’t pay a dime to help with bills. Have a heart to heart talk with him and sign him up for family counseling where BOTH of you go and sit with counselor and talk things out. If he isnt even willing to do that and tells you no and just shuts you out and continue to basically walk all over you with the excuse of I’m depressed. You need to remind yourself this is your house your rules! If he cant follow the rules you set in place then take action. Take his door off his room, take away his video games,tv ECT things im pretty sure YOU bought him. Dont hand him anymore money for weed since clearly he doesn’t have a job. YOUR enabling him basically by letting him have his way. That needs to stop :raised_hand: This isn’t being mean its teaching him sometimes tough love is needed for a person to wake up! :point_up: Because without you babying him his never going to learn and be able to be out in the real world on his own. Yes depression is real but if isnt willing to himself then you need as a mother and his caregiver step up to plate whether he likes it or not and trust me he will appreciate it in the long run. You got this momma bear! Stay strong :muscle: :heart:

He needs a life coach

Get him evaluated and maybe medical marijuana.

Wow… tough one … he’s a adult and it’s harder but I truly wish the best for your son to come of been a “hermit” many prayers … good luck :rose::rose::cry::cry::latin_cross::latin_cross:

Talk to his Dr about some anxiety and depression meds (if that’s something you’re open to).
My almost 18 yr old was bullied in highschool almost 2 yrs ago for being gay. She attempted suicide.
I pulled her from school and homeschooled her. Got her on antidepressants and anxiety meds and in to counseling.
She is much happier, less stressed, learning to be proud of who she is, started her 1st job this summer and it’s in a happy relationship for almost a year now :heart:
Depression hits teens hard. I don’t have the answer for your family but I send my love and wish you both strength to get through this

His already "medicated " with durimine :woman_facepalming: and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having to take medication to get back on track

I suffer with social anxiety as well. Have you offered to have a few people over that are loving supportive and patient. I would try to provide verbal support love and no judgment. Explain they don’t have to share unless they feel comfortable. Try doing activities that are less over stimulating which in turn heighten the anxiety. Painting, watching a movie, card or board game sending prayers and support

Marijuana education for the parents. Psychological help for the son. Get him on Medicaid to cover psych therapy. Get rid of games…beware he will go into withdrawal from the game addiction


Sounds like he suffered a distinct time of trauma and it’s brought this all out. Please find him a counsellor. Weed will make him worsen without emotional help and he needs coping mechanisms to help instead of drugs.

I have no comments or ideas…just wish u all the best & lots of prayers…The Lord Works In Many Ways​:heart::pray:

It’s the weed. Having same issue with mine. Found a new hobbies n its smoking n wants to do not a damn thing else. N how does he get weed if he dont work.


Just go walking in nature, no drugs, no distractions. You human interaction and nature. Try for a week, everyday no matter what.


Who is buying his weed? And who is paying for his internet.
You need to contact a counceller about him… it isn’t healthy for him to live like this… and please don’t buy him juke food or soda. Obesity is an issue…

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Weed isn’t the problem. Its the damn mother!!!

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I help my son through his social anxiety and depression?

Is he still on medication for obesity?!?
I would start by him being taken off that
And start to introduce small groups of friends to him in a comfortable environment for him starting at home in his room and moving forward slowly to more public places over time with gradually more people as well.


You should talk to your family doctor and have him start seeing a therapist. Sounds like he is in a dark place and probably needs some help.


Speaking as someone who smoked weed from an early age. The weed is more than definitely not helping the problem. It can get you stuck in your head which therefore can make you come down on yourself again and again and again. As I got older I learned strains. HOWEVER this is not what I am suggesting for him! He sounds on the right track, he is beginning to open up to you, he is taking the medication and WANTS to be his old self. It all takes time, so much time. And I’m sure you can remember how much time it really took you to fully work out of that spot as well. I know it took me a LONG dam time. Keep encouraging him, keep being there for him. Start with small walks, no need to get high before a walk. He may have his reasons he feels he needs to smoke even before that, but tell him you are going with him, to be there for him and to help. It all starts with little steps. But I would definitely try to get him smoking less weed. By 19, even with all my issues was headed into a dental career, I had all these issues, I still smoked, but only after I got home etc. I hope some of this helps. Big hugs to you and your baby boy


The first step is to make an appointment with referral to a psychiatrist they can ask questions to figure out what medication might help and suggest some ways he can get back to being who he was before. I’ve been through this the mental stuff teaching out to you was a huge accomplishment for him to do. He is asking for help and the anxiety medication can be combined with the depression med ask for citalopram it has both in it.


Take him to a therapist. They really do help.


He needs a therapist and meds for sure, my
Meds help my social anxiety and weed helps me not makes it worse, though that’s different for each person


This is my 19 year old also! I don’t know what will become of him if something doesn’t change! Except for the obesity as my son is a very picky eater and will go hungry if it’s not food he wants to eat. I try my best to keep fast simple meals for him because he refuses to eat what the rest of family happily will. I know he needs to see a Dr but he refuses to go and I can’t make him go like he is a little child.


Exercise. And get him to see a drug councilor It’s an unhealthy lifestyle so he’s going to continue to feel like that unless his lifestyle changes. Bring him out or get him to go out as much as you can weed has a massive effect on peoples mental health too. It makes people unmotivated and anxious. And it also is more than likely the cause of the sweating. He can start going for short walks by himself or with you or going out to places outdoor. Once he starts to feel better in himself everything else will become easier. He needs to feel comfortable in himself before he can be comfortable around other people.

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Get him off the meds and the pot. If he doesn’t work then how does he buy the weed? I am guessing you pay for it. Take away the video games. Kick him in the ass and make him grow up. You are enabling this behavior. It’s called Tough Love. Sunshine , fresh Air and Exercise. Make him get a job. There are literally thousands out there right now.

Take him to a phychologist my son did that at his dad very popular kid good looking then all.of a sudden he in his room 24/7 he wasnt bullyhe was there for months he had depression since his dad didnt do much for him cuz he wasnt bothering noone he turn into a schizophrenia ik iam spelling the words wrong . And i did not know what was going on cuz when i would talk with him on the phone he said he was ok he had his gf at the time she qork in a bank he had everything also . I did not find out about it later when my daughter said he just started to talk crazy n they called a ambulance and put him in a the dr said he is schizoifrania now and his was cause from being depress and he would stay n his room 24 /7 its hard to explain but take him to get help before it gets bad


I wish I had good advice but I will be praying for you guys. Wishing for the best outcome and the guidance you need !!! Big hugs to you both !!

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Get him to a psychiatrist ASAP! Then once diagnosed m get him therapy.

I would also recommend that since he is opening up, how about trying to just go for walks with him. Get him more active and do it together so he feels motivated

Find what is it that he likes and start doing it again,slowly.

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You just described the road my daughter went down. I would make her get up in the morning make her bed and we washed our face and brushed our teeth together. It was only a few minutes out of her room every morning. When I would get home from work I would find little things i needed help with. She would quickly help and go back to her room and I always tried to chat about her day or whatever TV show she was binge watching. She always gave me short answers. Even if you are getting him out of his room for 15 minutes a day it is a start. Eventually she started coming out when I got home almost like a routine. Then I switched up a little. I started making excuses why I didn’t want to take the dogs for a short walk around the block by myself. I wouldn’t ask everyday but when I did she would come sometimes we talked sometimes we were silent. Then eventually she was waiting for me when I got home ready to take the dogs for a walk. All this took about 2yrs. Now my baby will hug me and she once again allows us to celebrate her birthday. It wasn’t easy and it wasn’t fast but it was worth it.


I know people are so hesitant about medication for depression. Guided by a doctor it could literally save a life. Depression is a sickness just like diabetes or cancer. We do what we have to do to live. Medication for depression should not be any different. It changed my life. It didn’t change my personality , I am just a better me. Prays for your son. Please seek medical attention, keep going until you get the results that you want, sometimes it takes different medications and different drs. Best wishes


Psychologist. That’s going to be the only route to try to start helping him. And yes, the weed is part of the problem.


Sounds to me like he’s " STUCK" A term we use when you get ij this rut and become COMPLACENT, to comfortable ectect, it also sounds to me that he’s very comfortable talking to you which is HUGE! As some totally shut every One out, IMO it seems there’s hope for him with the right people on his side with lots of encouragement, that whole weed thing needs to stop, he’s beyond just smoking some weed to catch a buzz he’s 100 percent self medicating himself at this point now, you seem to have a handle on it ide continue to monitor his actions/ behavior and step in when need be, best wishes to you both❤

His brain is still developing until he is around 25 years old. The effects of pot on a developing brain typically are noticeable. That being said, I have a counselor friends who calls addictions security blankets that the person will not remove until they are convinced they don’t need the warmth and security the habit provides. I would see if you can convince him to try one new thing at a time. His biggest issue right now is that his isolation is destroying him. He doesn’t have to fix his life in a day, but he does need to know he’s brave enough to try something new and it won’t harm him. Depression convinces you that forcing yourself onward will be harmful. It’s not true but you don’t know until you actually try.

Therapy for sure. It’s done wonders for my son. He may need some meds at first…to help as he learns to fight off the depression and overcome it. The therapist educated us on anxiety and taught us a lot.

Definitely sounds like he’s dealing with depression. Depression can make its debut during puberty as his body and mind goes through alot of changes, running in line with when his behaviors changed. I’d recommend a therapist or a counselor, someone he can confide in and trust in that also has the professional ability to help him. Also remember it’s crucial to a young person in therapy that what goes on in therapy, stays there. If they wanted to confide in you the parent, they would. Sometimes it really does take someone on the outside looking in to identify issues and present solutions and to understand.

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Get a therapist and on the proper medication to help him

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He needs a release like going to the gym and having a good work out. Left to all the thoughts in his head is just gonna isolate him even more. Get him to ride a bike, spin class, anything to get his blood pumping will help. Get him to hang out with supportive peeps that actually get him doing things in a safe environment to get him started socializing again. He just has too much time for bad habits

I think he needs to see a psychologist. I think that’ll be the first step. It’ll take time but I think it’ll help. It’ll get him out the house and out his comfort zone. He’s opening up to you which is great. Sit with him in his room and talk to him. Go out to the park or walk just the two of you. The sweating part I don’t know. But as someone who has suffered from depression bipolar and anxiety all my life, get him a psychiatrist as soon as you can. Wish you all the luck and sending positive vibes your way

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Hi, I’m 21 and also struggled with social anxiety all through high school and still struggle immensely. a therapist has helped some and being done with the drama of high school helped a lot too. ive been on antidepressants since I was 13 and they help a lot. the weed could be depressing him if he isn’t using it medically and more recreationally. a sativa strain may help him with depression, that’s what I use to get me out of bed and do the things I need to do.
Also I’ve heard baking soda can help, or switching to a natural deodorant. after I switched to native (and have my body time to detox as the site talks about) I began sweating about 50% less :open_mouth:

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Different perspectives, choose the best ones that resonates. No therapy! Find a match!

Tell him Stop smoking weed fam, he clearly cant handle it. If you arent an actuve contributor on weed then dont do it full time or you become what your som has become, closed off, withdrawn, and depressed. You need to be working full time or something. Stop the weed, start the exercise and a healthy routine, like asleep by 11 and up by 7 to start. A simple legit sleep schedule can change how someone feels 10 fold

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Who buys his weed ??? I mean I smoke alot of weed but I have to go out and work to pay my Bill’s and buy more weed ( I live in Oregon so its legal) it actually was one of my main motivators to get my own place and pay my own Bill’s so I could smoke weed where and when I wanted .
Dont buy his weed and dont pay his way that will motivate him .


I know this might sound weird, but I take supplements for weight loss and they also help with a ton more! Like ppl with anxiety, depression, they all had a change in mood feeling great! Maybe worth a try at least? Feel free to message me for some info!

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Depending on the kind of weed he is smoking it could be causing the anxiety. Everyone’s brain reacts differently to different strains. Sativa strains for myself, make me anxious and overthink. Traditional depression medication does work. Exercise abs certain foods will boost chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. Good luck Mama!


Uhm, honey you’re enabling any making excuses for him. 1st pay for legit counseling for all of you. Don’t rely on the school or a death in the family to “snap him out of it.” WHO is the parent here? At 18/19…school (with passing grades) or work should be his only 2 options. Instead you’re allowing him to lay up and smoke weed in your home? Get a grip and be a parent!


I’d like to suggest you both watch how to create heaven on earth by dr bruce lipton on youtube also yoga for anxiety by Adrienne (breathing techniques shown in video)

Sounds like mental illness he needs to see an actual doctor not a counselor first. Then they can do medication and talk therapy.


I think medication for the depression could help. Sometimes depression comes from a chemical imbalance that we can not fix on our own. It sounds like you are encouraging and love your son very helps a depressed person alot to have understanding.God bless praying for him.

Try to slow on the weed , that’s what caused my depression / anxiety it felt good while doing it but some peoples brains just aren’t built for it. No harm done. I felt better after a few days…‘I occasionally smoke in the evenings but only when I got no responsibilities cause That’s what triggers my depression and anxiety and self Doubt and isolation.
It’s bigger than how I say it but I really hope he’s able to reach out. It’s hard but it’s do-able.

I am so not against weed, so my advice will sound a bit out of place but here it goes. Take him to a drug treatment program. General mental health services usually have a months long wait list but substance abuse services can usually do an intake within a week. It will get him access to a therapist as well as a psychiatrist, which is what he needs to help him develop coping skills for his social anxiety. He sounds quite depressed and he needs a good support system right now. Keep supporting him as best as you can mama, you are doing great.

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He needs to see a therapist like NOW.

I’m 31 and have always been really socially awkward. I was that “goth/stoner” kid in school and unfortunately my social anxiety has really only gotten worse as I’ve gotten older. But I do have a suggestion. Since I started using an actual dispensary for (medical) Marijuana (they do sell recreational where I go) I’ve learned a lot about different types of weed. Like did you know there are strains meant to relax you and keep you almost like sedated and then there are strains meant more for giving you a little pep? Maybe suggest if he’s going to smoke to look into what types he’s smoking. Different strains may react differently to him. It also may be the way by which he’s using his weed. For instance I can’t handle the vape pen or some of the edibles but I can smoke flower all day long and be okay. It’s worth looking in to. Good luck mama :heart:


Take all the games and pot away. He has to get a full time job pay rent or move out. His choice


He needs a psychiatrist! I was just like him, and somewhat still am I don’t like being around ppl at all, but I have my own kids so I can’t fall into that dark place again, it’s an awful place to be! I see a psychiatrist 2x a month. I’m on medication for PTSD, sever anxiety, depression, bipolar 1 mania, I tried like hell to avoid medication but honestly it helps so much! Idk where I would be with out it! My kids notice a huge difference in me and that alone keeps me doing what I’m supposed to do!
I do highly suggest a therapist and a psychiatrist. It’s ok to be medicated :heart: I hope things work out :heart:


get a evaluation mayby meds will help

I can tell you the weed is not helping, in fact, it’s more likely that it’s making him worse. Even though some people claim it to help them, it’s not always the case with each person who uses. It can have a reverse affect if it’s used habitually and actually cause depression and anxiety.

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He is 18. He needs to move out and take care of himself. You are enabling him at this point.


Ashwaganda from the health food store. Maximum strength.

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Take him to a Psycologist.

Zoloft from a psychiatrist

Zoloft has been very helpful for my anxiety. I never wanted to be on meds. But after suffering all these years gave in. It doesnt make you feel high or weird. Takes about 6 weeks to start to notice a difference.

Microdosing shrooms has shown to help. Look it up.


Take him to a brothel and get him laid by 3 woman. He will come out a changed man lol

Microdosing and a therapist who supports that. Made me stop my anti-depressiva and made me feel myself again…
And behavior therapie could help.
Keep supporting, asking and loving him, he needs that more then you image. My family always said I need to stop whining… Believe me, that killed me inside and only showed me I truly am nothing and a drama queen. It made me wanted to step out of life, more then ones.
I’m happy now and know how to take care off myself emotionally… :rose:

Your son is very lucky to have you, a parent advocating for him into adulthood. He’s not ever going to just snap out of this on his own, he definitely needs help. I hope that happens for him. It hurts to see the ones we love hurting & to feel so helpless. Be there for him always, listen & do what you can to help him get through this :heart:

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Counseling and medication from a psychiatrist.

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Counseling,. Medical review especially by a psychiatrist Despite marijuana being frequently used for many things, it can cause physical and mental problems

He Definately needs some medication for his depression… Weed could be adding to his depression

Cut off the internet and his access to weed. He needs to go to school or get a job. There is no in between. Right now you are just enabling him. He needs a wake up call and a swift kick of reality. The sooner. The better


Some people just get super paranoid and freak out when they smoke weed. If he was not like that prior to smoking I would say it is 100% the Marijuana that is making him that way. Some people just can’t smoke weed and be social…

He needs a therapist and a psychiatrist. Most kids dont talk to anyone that works for the school. Get one that doesn’t . It takes a.person a few visits to open up. It will take time.

It’s good he is talking to you. Everyone needs someone to talk to. Try talking to him more, getting him to open up more. It’s a slow process but getting him to be comfortable enough to really open up is key. Try and find out what is the root of his depression and anxiety. He needs to be comfortable, not force him into anything because that can sometimes make the situation worse. Be there for him as much as you can.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I help my son through his social anxiety and depression?

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I am bipolar and it sounds like what happened to me I would suggest taking him to a Dr and see if he need medication it really does help to lead a somewhat normal life.


The intake of weed has very bad side effects especially on young developing minds. All your son is experiencing are effects of the intake of weed. It causes irritability,nervousness. He’ll soon start having tremors. How does he get the money for weed? Needs to see a counsellor psychologist then a psychiatrist. Both will access him and if need be get treatment through medication which works.Hoping he’ll open up to them to get proper diagnosis and treatment.
Wishing you all the very best.


As with ANYONE,he needs a good therapist. But the most important thing is the RIGHT person. You have to be able to relate to this person. You can go to a hundred therapists, but if they’re not the right one, it’s not going to work. I was lucky to have a wonderful first. Unfortunately, many males refuse to get help. My son and my grandson are two examples.


The Good thing is he has reached out to you for help. So do whatever you can to help him, go with him to a doctor appt to start and keep researching and learning about anxiety to be better prepared to help. The fact that he has reached out means alot-alot of people won’t, don’t or just don’t have anyone to reach out to!