How can I help my son through his social anxiety and depression?

Where did he get the weed did mom buy it for him

Interesting how no one made suggestion of spiritual counselingā€¦BC that would be my first suggestion. I suffered depression and anxiety for years.

How can he buy weeds???

You must get his cooperation to get help for himself to address the possibility of some traumatic experience he has has! I suspect it happened around the time when you noticed the change in his personality! What ever it was, he needs someone with whom he can confide, because of the sensitivity of the subject and how it may relate to who he thought himself to be! Is there a Clergyperson in his life? or any he is comfortable with! In any case this should have been addressed some time ago, but it is not too late. but talk to him as an adult and get his cooperation by helping him to understand that he is a valuable person and you want him to act upon this matter so that he can proceed into Adulthood in a healthy way and become all the Lord meant for him to be!

Tal ves sufriĆ³ agresiĆ³n sexual en la escuela y no lo quiere decir ,pero muchos chicos se ponen asĆ­ cuando eso sucede .

Find a good church and teach him that God loves him. Get him a Bible to read and if he reads it, it will help him.

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Look up reiki healers in your area . Reiki is wonderful for helping in this sort of thing x

Depending on the type weed he is smoking ,could be whatā€™s depressing him :heart:I also have a grandson Iā€™m very worried about :cry:

Go to the drs and get him referred so he can get the help he needs.

Please take him to a mental health doctor it could be a imbalance but they can help him

Talk to a therapist who deals with teens. Start small. Every day go for a walk. Not a long one but every day.

Start with a drug test and then therapy

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Yoga, mindfulness , exercise can help a lot also

Get one of his friends that he like s to talk him into some thing social

Weed can make everything heā€™s going through worse he needs to stop it all together

Get him with a therapist and to his pcp to discuss medicine options.

Prayersfor deliverance from this oppressive binding spirit that has ahold of him.
Praying that he will find recovery , healing and peace of mind through Jesus Christā€¦

But f he needs meds be careful what they put him on.

You really need to medicate him. And get him in therapy.

i would have him tested for ADD

Cut out paying for his weed. Get him too a good therapist.

He needs the Lord in his life. And a CHRISTIAN COUNSELOR

Agree. Get him to therapy. And yourself, as well. Best wishes!!

Stop the marijuana. His brain is not done growing

I think he needs to be in waterā€¦

He needs a psychiatrist thereā€™s nothing in the world wrong with that

No offense but maybe a good physiatrist can help

See a Dr and therapistā€¦ Maybe meds and guidance will help. If he wants to be like he used to beā€¦ Weed is supposed to be good for anxiety and depression tooā€¦ Talk with a Dr and a therapist see if they can. Help

The weed might be part of the problem

Get his doctor to refer him to a therapist and pyschiatrist. Get him off the weed at least until bed time. Work on a diet and have him join an instructor led gym class. Have him get a part time job not at a restuarant if hes struggling with weight. Dont come at him all at once with everything.

Weed is definitely making it worse. A good diet and exercise can do wonders for mental health. As can some fresh air and being in nature. Sounds like something definitely happened with him. Maybe something embarrassing he doesnā€™t want to tell anyone about. Definitely start with diet and exercise and maybe a new school and put the weed up until things improve.

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Get him to a therapist then a psychiatrist. It sounds like depression could very well be hereditary so an anti depressant may be necessary. As a teen and adult I tried to take my life many times. A simple pill once a day straightened me out enough to really open up in therapy. Everything else fell into place. My daughter uses weed and it helps her tremendously as to where my son uses it and it makes everything worse for him. Itā€™s fantastic he comes to you. He needs you. Keep validating his feelings. Maybe do mindful meditation with him. Maybe get a gaming system and learn how to game with him. I shived myself into my daughterā€™s life like that and kept her from being a hermit in that way. By her own words that saved her life

If he was active in the classroom and contributing to group projectsā€¦ why pull him out? Also, consider that maybe something traumatic happened to cause this to start and he isnā€™t ready to tell you about it. Check messages, games, former friends anything for clues.

Take him to a certified therapist

Gee, you donā€™t think itā€™s the weed do ya?? Hereā€™s your sjgn.

Stop smoking pot will be the first significant step!

Where is he getting money to buy weed?

Get him back to doctor for his depression zoloft is good and u dont gain weight like paxil.

It could be the weed affecting him.

Cut off his internet and drug supply

The weed is definitely part of the problem. Between his depression, weight issue and the weed, it is not surprising that he feels so terrible. See if you can tell him you will not allow it in your house anymore because you are worried about him. See if you can get him to a weight counselor. Maybe you can join him in creating a healthy lifestyle? Join a gym with him? Right now he needs support both from his family but definitely from the medical community.

When did he start smoking the weed is my question. Iā€™m very well versed through experience in the mental health field with not only myself but with children as well. Something ā€œhappenedā€ to make him change drastically.

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Maybe itā€™s the weed. Maybe the wrong kind for him. I dont use it but I understand at a pot store you can state your purpose. Like pain relief. Anxiety relief. Maybe he gets a depressive type. But certainly less pot. Thatā€™s obvious. And maybe something to speak his interest in being outside. An e-scooter. Take one thing at a time. Get him out of his room first.

Your son is almost 19, you canā€™t medicate him unless he wants it. Heā€™s almost 19 and doesnā€™t have a job, school? Itā€™s time for a conversation and some boundariesā€¦

The weed and all the screen time are both leading him down a rabbit hole. Sunshine, physical activity and breaking a habit - which usually involves 21 days of abstinence - would be a good start. Meditation, lots of leafy greens and forcing him into outdoor excursions (even if it is just the 2 of you going to the park to throw a frisbee)will trigger his brain to quit being a hermit. Lots of fun travel, learning and documentaries are available if he needs to watch anything on TV.

Iā€™m so very sorry your son is having to go through this.
I too have severely bad social anxiety and I have severe depression, these two for me have always come hand and hand. Weed for me, depending on the strain worsen my social anxiety. Making it so much worse. Indica for me has help more because it being body high instead of being a head high. I would like to state no way am I a doctor and everyone is different so, what works for me may not work for your son but I would like to share with you what works for me. I donā€™t like being medicated because it makes me feel like a zombie. So thatā€™s the choice I make and itā€™s harder to handle without the meds but i want to feel grounded not all numb from meds
I battle everyday, sometimes takes me 20 mins to walk out the door. But I found edblies in low doses helped me a lot. And very slowly getting out of my comfort zone, getting out of my head space, making sure to tell myself alot of the anxiety is in my head, doing yoga helped me , I know you said he loved sports, mabey going out and finding something he can do byhim self like a outdoors hobby can help him get out of his comfort zone and help him get back out there. I still am working on this everyday. So everyday he tries is always a success, one day at a time! You can or your son can message me anytime for more questions on how I deal or just need someone to talk to. I know itā€™s hard for him because he feels no one knows what he is going through and hard for you because you just want to understand and make him feel better.
Iā€™m 33 just has my first son he is 9 months and Ive had some of the worst of my anxiety come out, and my depression had been out of control, lately Iā€™ve really found out that having a support system of others that have some of the same struggles everyday, it helps to be able to relate with people that live this everyday, I think he should definitely find a group online or in his city of anxiety and depression support groups. Also like I said anytime you or your son would like to message me for advice, Iā€™m here! .tell your son it gets better I promise, somedays it doesnā€™t feel that way but I promise it does. Xoxo bless your heart momma. Stay strong, always just be there for him and the best thing you can do is just be there, I had a lot of problems with family thinking I was being a big baby and faking it just be there for him.
Prayers for you and your son.

Get him off the pot and get him outside. Not around people at first but he just needs to start feeling the world again.

Sometimes we need professional help ,reach out xxx hope you get some support x

Kick him out. U let him game all day n do drugs. Poor parenting, poor results with the kid.

He needs antidepressants

Get him a therapist they can help build them up and help with this

Has he been molested?

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Sorry this is because of so much crap out about this virus and then the demorats want to scare you and push a deadly vaccine on you that is FAR WORSE than han getting the virus. None of you have researched what is in that poison have you?? Nope just trust these idiots??? Wow!! I feel sick for you because within 2 yrs of you getting that vaccine :skull_and_crossbones:. Keep a record from now on of your health.

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Get rid of the weed.

marijuana is a depressant get him off of it asap

Weed could be depressing him

If you would like to talk to me I will share about my son and my experencies.

Weed will depress them more.

He needs to seek counseling

Just initiated into cultism

Try cbd. Tinctures and gummies.They are working great for anxiety. Maybe he should look into changes in diet. Alot of people want to blame the weed but forget that SODA causes chemical imbalances.

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Prayers and hugs :pray::heart::pray:

Start doing activities together. Get him out of the house and away from his comfort zone. Be with him and let him know you are there for him. Iā€™m not against video games but alot of people and kids resort to that and then become anxiety ridden when having to be around people or doing things because of being so tuned in with the virtual ā€œworldā€. Do therapy together. & Making him step outside his comfort zone little by little will help alot. Thatā€™ll get him in the routine of being more comfortable with being around people again.

This is not something you can snap out of.He needs to see his doctor get on medication and set up therapy.It will be uncomfortable for a short time but he will get better.Having the mind set that you donā€™t want to meditate him is only wasting time.Anti depressants take 4-6. weeks to start working.If heā€™s asking for help donā€™t wait.He needs you Now! Donā€™t fiddle with vitamins.This is serious.

He sounds depressed and seems like he has MAJOR anxiety. I donā€™t think weedbis the issue, I think it is more he is using the weed as the security blanket. Because of his weight and if he gets clinically diagnosed with depression, he should qualify for medical Marijuana or CBD to allow for a balance of his metabolism, hormones, and depression/anxiety. I would also suggest having him use a diary to get his thoughts into, because atleast he can give some words to how he feels without having to physically talk to someone every minute, because he wonā€™t be able to. I would also suggest taking the junk food out and start switching things gradually to healthier alternatives (eating healthier ,even just a bit, makes a huge difference in mental health). Starting going on small walks with him, even for 15 mins down the street and back. Donā€™t have to talk, just have to get out of the house. Little things like that will make a huge difference.

Sounds like adhd and depression. Might wanna check it out! Itā€™s what I have and thatā€™s how I was

Time for therapy. Sounds like there might be some underlying trauma that you may be unaware of.

Definitely Therapy! Everyone could always use it

Therapy!!! Always! It is literally their job to help people like this! Therapy is really only going to be beneficial. I understand itā€™s not a possibility for every family, but if it is I would greatly considerate.

To everyone acting like weed will have you seeing shit and hearing voices just an FYI thatā€™s not weed. Yes different strains have different effects some may relax you some gives you energy. But if you smoke weed and all of a sudden youā€™re sitting in the corner butt ass talking about the neighbors dog is telling you to go cut off everyoneā€™s head then your ass smoked some weed laced with something.

1000% therapy & stop stigmatizing antidepressant meds!

Up his serotonin levels. Excessive, healthy diet, sunlightā€¦

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Umā€¦ he needs to quit smoking weed! Weed makes you more depressed and unmotivated

He should probably take a tolerance break and also only smoke at times of need. Also maybe you could encourage him to get a job. A smoke shop would be chill. My brother was like this (minus the smoking weed) and when he got a job I feel he was better. He had one 1 thing to focus on, his job, and it made him feel good for actually doing something. Heā€™s also 18. Also look at different strains or even delta 8.

My eldest son was like this minus the weed smoking, in the end I took the tough love approach after therapy and counselling failed, I calmly told him how it affects me, do not use you statements but I. ā€œI feel sad that your always in your bedroom, it makes me worry about you, how about we watch a movie together or go for a short walk, the air will do us both goodā€ etc. If he says no, leave it a couple of hours and reapproch, if it starts stressing him out further, then leave it a day or 2 before trying again. Trust me eventually he will see the effort your making and will open up eventually. Just need to reassure him your there no matter what and that you love and support him

Iā€™m not an expert but I know some people who have depression. They are not lazy at all; they are seriously sincere in pleasing others. They were ahead in school when they were younger, but later when other kids catch up with them they donā€™t know what to do. They try so hard to get ahead again but they hit their limits then crash. Smoking weeds could be reflection of being self destructive. As a mother, I would forget about his past glory and tell him and myself that itā€™s okay to take his own pace step by step and one foot and another.
Also, I recommend eating avocados and bananas everyday. They are both good for bettering skin conditions and lowering cholesterol.


Sounds like what happened to my son-heā€™s tall, facial hair etcā€¦, but had NO testosterone! Years of medications, canceling, and finally dr drew labs!!! Such a simple fix to an awful life

The weed is probably keeping him functioning as he is. Needs antidepressants. My teen is headed down that same path. He is 15. He does work though and is meeting new friends since his last ones are not that great lol. I hope he does well Hun.

Itā€™s heartbreaking when a mother is faced w/ thisā€¦watching ur child suffering in this matter, however heā€™s fortunate in one respect he has u in his corner fighting to seek help heā€™s too young to be in this situation ( as Iā€™m sure ur aware of) I feel ur on the right track though ( Iā€™m not a expert by any means) just speaking as a mom if I was facing this,thereā€™s many different kinds of counseling available to not only help ur son,but to help u understand & give u support dealing w/him as well Wishing u both the best life has to offer :rose:

How is he paying for his weed? He must be doing something. If you are getting it for him then you are the problem

Trade the weed for brand Prozac.
Give up Sugar! Walk

Doctor!!! Take him to the doctor!

Therapy and possibly medication

Take him to a psychiatrist for an evaluation.