How can I help my son with autism?

Hey mamas I have a question?? my son just got diagnosed with autism level 2 any mamas out there with children with autism what do you do to calm them help them any toys that help I’m all new to this and having a bit of a hard time with his behavior with hitting and I’m at a lost right now tbh


Lots and lots of patience. … It’s definitely a hard journey. My son is autistic as well as I work in a setting with 3 autistic boys right now.

Read the book 123 magic you can buy it on Amazon
Lots of patience. My daughter is 22 it’s been a lot of trail and errors

I just learned when my son gets to over whelmed an we make him a “tent” in the living room,he will go lay in it for hours watching his tablet or playing with his whatever toy he’s attached to that day. It’s helped a lot! He also has a sit an spin an a small trampoline indoors which helps a lot also.
Look into joining some of the fb autism moms groups! They are awesome!!

Like Tiffany said, lots of patience. Every autism case is different just like every child is. You will have to find what works best for your son. My son likes swimming, robots, and toys that require a lot of putting together and taking apart/building like legos and puzzles. I highly suggest finding sensory toys as well. Or just lots of sensory play. There’s sooo many different things you can do. You can even make up your own sensory play games. You can make a fidget board with belts, locks, twists, short strings, etc. When my son was two I would put different beans in a ziplock bag and tape the edges of it to the kitchen floor and he would push the beans around in the bag. It was really cool to watch him sort the beans at only 2 years old. This picture doesn’t show theirs taped down but I found it safer.

Get him into therapy. Speech, occupational, behavioral. Join some autism group pages on Facebook. When you do you can look up different subjects in the group. Godspeed on your autism journey. It’s very hard. We’ve been on it almost a year now.

Kenitic sand it relaxes them dollar store has it

There are lots of groups on Facebook you can join, there’s one called children and teens with autism

Weighted blankets. Have you identified any triggers?

You need to get him occupational and speech therapy

My nephew has austism. Boy younger him had some melt downs when things were not to his liking. Have patience through those tantrums and try to find out what set him off. Learn his triggers. He may only wanna wear certain clothes because of way they feel on him. Toys aren’t so hard to pick. They find a favorite toy and stick with it awhile. My nephew could tell you everything about trains when was into them. Now he is into cars. When they are into something, they get really into it. Don’t let his autism diagnosis make you or others think or treat him as slow. Autistic kids can be pretty damn smart sometimes. My sister also was able to get disability for my nephew because he was so autistic. Keep that in mind. That money can help you pay for autism schools which exist or other therapy type services. Sometimes autistic kids have trouble showing and dealing with their emotions. When my nephew hugs me, it’s the most special hug in world to me. Lots of love and lots of patience mama.