How can I help my son with his social skills?

My 6 year old boy struggles with social interaction and it makes me so sad . All the neighborhood kids play outside I always encourage him to get out he never wants to go outside and play and when I put my foot down any give him no choice he just sits down looking miserable . What can I do to help my son with his social confidence ?


Play dates, one child at a time. I think groups of children can be overwhelming for shy kids.


Maybe he doesn’t enjoy playing with a crowd. Maybe he’s happy doing his own thing. Leave him be…he’ll find his place in life. Personally never liked playing in crowds as a child. I did go out …bikes , skates etc. And I did have a few friends growing up but much preferred my own company. As an adult I haven’t changed lol
One of my children was very social one is like me…we all have different needs in life and as a loner being forced into social activities feels awful and can make you more determined to be alone

I have the same problem I had to go out with my boys take them out daily as long as I was there watching them they went it’s the anxiety of always being indoors I also tried not to talk so much about the outside world around him that helps but get them outside or doing xtra activities