How can I help my teething baby feel better?

Doterra clove essential oil. It’s natural and numbs ithe gum for a while. It smell strong but really works. I tried it on myself before I did my baby and clove is good natural remedy for teeth pain.

Freeze a wet washcloth and give it to them to bite. Works better than teethers and numbing cream. Soothsayer and is safe. Rinse it well first.

I’m old school and don’t drink but a little dab of whiskey works well

Freeze bananas and helmet him have part. Ice cold helps. Also teething freeze gels they sell that are rubbed on as needed.

I used to rub whiskey on both my boys it worked and they survived 20 and 17 years old

I don’t know if it’s here or not but in Massachusetts have something called paregoric

Baby orajel! I gave my son baby orajel and tylenol/motrin. Life saver lol

put teething ring in freezer

Brandy. My mother in law told me to rub just a little on my son’s gums and it would help. It worked like a charm! I kept a airplane bottle in my house the whole time he was cutting teeth. Just get a couple drops on your finger and rub it in his gums

Hylands teething medicine (day & night) , teething necklaces, and the liquid homeopathic camilia teething drops for babies all worked for me.

Massage the babies gums with your freshly washed finger. Also give the baby some ice to cool and soothe the gums.

Bumpy big dill pickles!

Hylands teething tablets!!!

Gina that’s the best answer yet!!!

A good thick piece of jerky

Frozen waffles helps