How can I help my toddler calm down from a tantrum?

Anybody have any advice on a 2yr old that throws a tantrum simply because he woke up? Usually takes 45 mins for him to calm himself. But its every single time he naps.


Mine did that for a while so we stopped naps and put them down for bed an hour earlier. Such an amazing change :wink:

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Could it possibly be like a night terror? Even though it wasnā€™t necessarily during the night? My oldest son used to do that almost every time he slept or napped and we found they were night terrors. It happened because he was overly tired or a disturbance between the REM cycles.

My son cut his own naps and we shifted the hours to all bed time so now he only occasionally wakes up freaking out.

And honestly I donā€™t mind the extra time to myself striaght at night.

And the pediatrician okā€™d it as long as they get the full amount of sleep they need in 24 hours.

Practice deep breathing. Smell the flower! Now blow out the candle! Maybe counting to 3?


My daughter is like that in the mornings sometimes but I just leave her alone until sheā€™s out of that mood :woman_shrugging:t2:


Chamomilaā€¦ 200c one time.

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Ignore and they will stop

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I wouldnā€™t cut out naps , especially if you ever need to put your child in daycare its a state requirement that they nap depending on where you liveā€¦ maybe try going in before he wakes up. Put on some comforting music or a nice cartoon and kiss his cheek until he wakes up. Then he wakes up in a nice way , not alone and with the comfort of mom

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Same here with my 2 year old. Thereā€™s no calming him (different than his night terrors). We just ignore it and it passes. SOMETIMES itā€™s because he woke up before he was ready

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My son does this. I just give him a little snack and try to redirect his attention with a toy or game. Hes not really a ā€œconsolableā€ kind of childā€¦meaning picking him up or sitting with him or whatever doesnā€™t help. I still always try though. Iā€™ve just always had the best luck with snacks

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Belly breathing strategies and deep pressure hugs really help my son.

My son does this. I feel like he just wasnā€™t ready to get up so I sit and hold him, give him a sippy cup and wait for him to call down. At the very least he has my comfort for it

Distraction. When my daughter cries uncontrollably, I offer her a drink of water(from my cupā€¦cause moms cup is always better), and her taking those small sips helps her calm down. Then we can move on with a distraction, like a toy or a snack. When she would wake up rough from a nap, I would just hold her until she calmed down. But it usually is not more than a couple mins and itā€™s usually because she was not ready to wake up.

Bubbles! My son does this EVERY time he wakes up and my daughter started going to him and blowing bubbles when he wakes up and he magically stops screaming !

I would ignore it with my son and I also taught him deep breathing until he is calm

For my son hes 18 months. I hug him and redirect him to an activity. If that doesnt work I make sure hes in a safe place and I ignore. He usually bounces back when he doesnt get attention from crying and tantrums. If that doesnt work I ignore for a bit then I go back hug him and redirect him.
My child doesnā€™t throw tantrums when waking up but he use to cry but we have a routine. When he wakes up I change him and I have his breakfast ready at his seat. (He was hungry when first getting up he would cry until he ate) so now I have it done before he wakes. He goes to his chair and eats and has a drink and that eliminated the crying in the morning. After Nap time I have a snack ready for when he wakes up as well. With crying its because they dont understand feelings but they feel them also sometimes its because they dont have the language to communicate a need. Make sure you use words for his feelings as well.

My little one did this also for no apparent reason at all. We just learned to give him his space and talk it through " once your finished, we can then doā€¦ā€œ. Also before he went down for nap we would explain what we will be doing after he wakes up. Even little things, " when you wake up you can eat your snacks and play with your Legoā€™sā€. It only took about 2 weeks and it subsided eventually. And if the tantrums were really bad we just didnā€™t acknowledge him until he was finished. Never once mentioned what just happened.


Yes this happens to me everyday. Wakes up from his nap and throws a tantrum for at least 30 minutes. No reason for it.

My little one was afraid of dreaming I donā€™t obviously know if it was bad dreams or good dreams but it would scare them because I think they didnā€™t understand and couldnā€™t determine between rail and not real I hate my phone but yeah so I would just have to like play a movie or soothing sounds it took a long time unfortunately for them to figure it out

Talk softly to him before he lays down and especially when he wakes up. Tell him in a calm voice that you will not tolerate his behavior and walk out of the room. When he is over his tantrum, he can come in the room where you are at. (I have never had to deal with that type behavior and I am only guessing. Good luck!)

I have a 1 year old that sometimes does the same thing and I found that walking away and letting him work his little self out. Walk away and shut the door. If you try comforting him he is getting the reaction and attention he wants. Believe it or not they know exactly what they are doing. Its kinda like their own game and you donā€™t even realize your playing.

Find something he really likes , food , toy, tv show, try to take his mind off tantrum and onto something else , works on my 2 hrs old granddaughter, she doesnā€™t have tantrums ,Just has her moments

Might be night terrors

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My kiddo had this happen but in the afternoon not early morning. It was an anxiety or panic attack. She was older and could tell me she couldnā€™t calm down. I put her jammies and a towel and a blanket in the dryer, then i put her in a warm shower. NOT COLD not room temp, but warm maybe a little cooler than her normal shower temp. I would wash her from head to toe and talk calmly to her. If she wanted the water warmer, I warmed it up. And she calmed down within 15 minutes. Then I bundled her up with the warm Jammie and blanket and cuddled her while she napped. The shower gave her system something else to focus on and forget what caused the anxiety. It was a RX that caused it. She has been taken off that med and her Dr was ok with how I calmed her down

I am 28 and still throw a fit that I have to wake up. :joy:
Honestly give him some time.
He might be 2 but maybe he just needs time to fully wake up.
Donā€™t over stimulate him when you wake him up.
Turn on the TV or a tablet for Half an hour and just let him sit and chill.
Then approach him again:)


I read 90% of the comments my husband and I have 5 kids between us youngest being 3 who we have custody of from previous relationship but once I had more than 1 child it was no longer nap how ever long you want or when you napped. They took naps when it was nap time sometimes it varried due to apprs but they got up when nap time was over no take your time safe space blah blah. And all 3 of my boys are now functioning men. So if he wakes up and cryā€™s he cryā€™s continue about your day, he will figure it out at least if heā€™s crying you know where he try ignoring it and he will see that he will learn to self sooth quick enough

I have 6 children now, 2 of which are already adults and tbh I donā€™t know what you should do because my children never behaved that way; I only know what I would have done and it falls no where under tolerance so Iā€™m gonna leave this to those whom think they know better. Good luck


My son freaks out to if we wake him up so I let him wake up on his own Iā€™ll go in his room turn the lights on and say his name a few times then walk out and he gets up on his own and will be in a great mood but if I go in there and just wake him up out of his sleep he cryā€™s for like an hour so Ive been letting him do it himself and itā€™s been great

If I donā€™t go in and wake my 3 year old it would be gone mid-day before he woke up. So when we have school I tend to go in, open his curtains, say his name a few times and then let him stir naturally - otherwise world war 3 breaks out :woozy_face: Just be calm, soft lighting, light distraction methods etc - suggest going and making breakfast together. Xx

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Just give Iā€™m some time

My daughter does this. She is 3. Iā€™ve found the only thing that works is for me to be in the bed with her when she wakes up so I usually go into her room about an hour into her nap and lay down with her until she wakes up.

I teach preschool. We let them take a nap with music on, when they wake up they will lay there and still listen to it until theyā€™re ready to move. Calming music. Screen time maybe too stimulating. Also help them identify their feelings. Say things like I see that youā€™re tired, your face looks angry, tell them they can be in a safe place until theyā€™re ready to get up. That place could be on the couch on their bed anywhere thatā€™s a cozy special spot where they can safely throw a fit and you know that they can do that without being hurt. When they throw a fit during other parts of the day help them identify their feelings and ask them if they need to go to the safe place to help calm down. Donā€™t use it as a punishment. Remember two year olds are just learning how to get along in the world with their feelings and they quite often donā€™t know how to calm down on their own. Sometimes just asked if they need a hug.


Lord at some of these comments smhā€¦ A safe place? Really? The whole home is a safe place (or should be) offering a child a safe place is exactly why we got these entitled, selfish lil pink pucci hat wearing Snowflakes running around. 1st Iā€™d see if he had a bad dream, then Iā€™d make sure he wasnā€™t hurt. 3rd, either go back to bed or go sit on the couch and watch TV while I make you a drink and snack. If that donā€™t work, Iā€™m bout to whip your ass!!!

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I would try a special blanket if they always nap with it will become familiar & one that is super soft to touch

Ignore him. Act like he doesnā€™t bother you when he acts up. Eventually he will stop when he seeā€™s that itā€™s not getting any of your attention. Be patient

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Have you tried baby wearing after naps? Put him in a Tula!