How can I help my toddler gain weight?

Hi, Mamas, I need advice (or just comfort perhaps?) My child is now 3 yo, but his weight seems stagnant at just 10 kls since he’s 1 year old. He is a picky eater, it is only easy to feed him with Stew, but meat? No. I get anxious if he’s not eating well, he does not even drink formula milk. I’m concerned about his health. However, he is an active child. He is everywhere, and at anything. He is also sponge-like whenever I teach him, a fast learner. What can I do? Please, help me Mamas.


have you tried to supplement with pediasure or something similar .

Contact your child’s pediatrician

My grandaughter is almost 3 and weighs 23 pounds! Eats no meat but chicken fingers and eats very little in quantity period . She is just a petite child like her mama

Try milkshakes with protein and bananas and fruit.

No formula at that age. Whole milk. Ice cream. Full fat cheese. Protein shakes.

My daughter is 3 and a half am not sure what she weighs but she looks healthy and happy she’s absolutely fine she’s never been poorly other than the odd runny nose, she’s a very very fussy eater, doesn’t eat any meat, fruit or veg! She drinks a lot of cows milk, east pasta, chocolate ready brek, crisps, chocolate, potatoes alphabets, chips and beans thats all she will eat…

Meat pasta bread peanut butter pediasure ice cream I’m in the same boat that’s what my dr said to give to gain weight …

Pasta , Meat , Bread , Cheese :slightly_smiling_face: