How can I increase my milk supply?

I just had my son (01/24) is there any tips on how to get my supply up and going? I’m not producing enough for him anymore. Like my first pump was a little over an ounce now I’m barely getting 2 mil


I eat a lot of porridge and that helps me heaps

I’ve made lactation snacks for my sister. I made her lactation granola and a coconut granola bar. I made her lactation baklava once. There’s a million amazing recipes on pinterest for lactation treats. I hope this helps

My pediatrician suggested beer; my husband’s aunt brought me a 6-pack of Guinness! Also, I drank water like a fish. But give it time. I’m sure you’re doing everything right.


Body Armours helped me and water too.

Pumping has never worked for me. Just keep latching and hydrating. The first week is hard xo

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The more you nurse the more milk you make - just be patient with yourself. It will be ok


just keep doing what you’re doing! make sure your flanges are the correct size and LOTS of skin to skin and letting him latch. I had to supplement while in the hospital because of baby’s sugar levels but he’s now almost 2 months old (02-03) and hasn’t had to have formula since his first week alive and i didn’t have a single clue what I was doing :joy: I drink lots of body armour, water, and snack a lot!

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Research galactagogues :heart:

Mothers milk tea, lactation cookies, fenugreek and body armor. I was getting 14 oz per pump session. You got this mama❤️

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It takes time you’re doing great mama! Just let your little one nurse as much as they want, rest and heal enjoy these precious early days and make sure you get lots of snuggles your milk will come in

Pumping isn’t an indication on how much milk you’re producing. Are you planning to pumping, exclusively breastfeeding or both? Keep latching and feeding baby to your breasts and a lot of skin contact, it helps with milk production. Also, a good diet and a lot of water. If you’re planning on pumping, keep feeding baby on your breast every time baby is hungry and then pump in between feeds to help build it. Even if you don’t pump a lot just keep pumping in between until your milk starts regulating. I’ve exclusively breastfed 5 babies and pumped with one. If you ever have any questions, feel free to msg me.

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Keep doing what you doing.

You’re only 2 days in. It’s takes time for some peoples milk to come in fully. Right now, I would just make sure you hydrate ALOT, eat good, and have baby latch a lot; before you try supplements & ect.


Dont be hard on yourself. Your baby is only a couple days old. It can take several days for milk to fully come in. One thing that helped me when I breastfed was body armor drinks. They helped a LOT. Ive also heard a can of beer here and there can help, but its gross to me so I never tried. Staying hydrated helps. Make sure to switch breasts for feedings.

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With my first I couldn’t get milk so I went formula. The second baby would fall asleep EVERYTIME so I would pump and my husband would feed. It worked perfect and my breast couldn’t stay empty long enough they were always engorged and hurting. I had to pump it seemed almost hourly. Once I finished pumping completely I still have 9 months worth of milk frozen to continue feeding. Every woman’s body reacts differently.

Decaffeinated herbal tea. Lactation cookies. A lot of water

Drink plenty of water. Before you know you’ll have more milk than you asked for. All the best mama

From personal experience pumping doesn’t help….it only works on the front of the breast & doesn’t activate hind milk so your supply will decrease. Baby’s mouth will activate the natural flow & increases….exactly like God created us.

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You only had the baby 2 days ago. Odds are your milk hasn’t fully came in yet. But the best way to increase your supply is to drink plenty of fluids and totally empty your breast frequently. After the baby finishes eating you can use the pump to totally empty breasts. It’s about supply and demand.


Make everything with oats

I’m a lactation counselor. Congratulations!
If you’re directly breastfeeding at all, put baby to breast as often as he wants, but offer the breast at least every 3 hours.

If you’re exclusively pumping, pump every 2 - 3 hours for 20 minutes around the clock, even at night, even if you dont collect any milk. If you’re exclusively pumping, it’s 100% normal to need supplement with formula or donor breast milk as the pump won’t remove milk naturally every session until you’re mature milk is in (around day 4).

Breast/nipple stimulation and colostrum removal (by baby or hand expression combined with pumping) is what brings your milk supply in fully on postpartum days 3 to 5. Breast milk supply is established based on a supply and demand system.


This happened with my second child.

I finally have answers now. I was dealing with insulin resistance and high cortisol issues. Both are hormone imbalances and will decrease milk supply. What helped me was to learn how to prevent insulin spikes by not eating carbs until after 2 pm. My following child I have breastfed for two years.

Doctors don’t tell you this. It’s something I had to research on my own.

Use warm cloths on breasts before breastfeeding or pumping.

2 days!!! That’s amazing. Good job mama. If you are breastfeeding from the boob KEEP IT UP. My worst mistake was pumping and thinking my supply wasn’t enough. As long as they suckle you are producing. The pump will only get what it expects from prior feeds. So you’ll likely not get more (once your supply comes in) unless you torture your nips and let me tell you pumping every 2 hrs is awful. And then doing a supply pump (pumping intervals every 15 mins) to boost supply…its just not the same. I have three kids and the best advice I’ll give u is FEED THE BABY. I know your tired. I know u want to do more. Or pump so u can nap. But don’t skip feedings and just feed baby. It’ll be ok. That milk will be coming very soon your still in very early stages of new milk production.

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You don’t get milk this early. It can take up to 10 days. Until then, you produce colostrum, which will feed your child plenty in that time. Newborns have very tiny stomachs.

Are you pumping only?? Latching baby and pumping???

Your milk takes 3-7 days to come in. What you pumped was colostrum. Be patient :sparkling_heart:

I’m sorry you’re having trouble. I know it’s frustrating. Pumping helped get my supply up! I would take supplements if it helped and drink lots of fluids! Good luck and God bless you mama!

Pump ever 2 hours around the clock, that works. And great job mama.

For reference, I’ve exclusively breastfed 4 babies, including a set of twins, for the first year.
Eat oats, barley, and fennel, they all promote milk production. Drink A LOT of water. I set a timer on my phone to remind me to drink 8oz every hour. Exclusively breastfeed, on demand, for the first month. Relax!! Stress interferes with milk production. Congratulations!! You can do this!!

I would exclusively breastfeed for a little while if you can. I think it’s safer to start pumping once your milk supply is established. I know some would disagree, but after feeding 4 kids, I’ve got some experience. Feed on demand! Throw a schedule out the window in order to up your supply. The baby helps set that demand. Make sure you aren’t taking any medicine (unless necessary). Unfortunately for me, even the mini birth control pill almost wiped out my supply with my third child. If you are going to pump early on, it’s every two hours. Don’t get discouraged if there’s only a little. You JUST had your baby. Keep going, be consistent, and don’t stress. Stressing about it will only hurt you. Also, don’t be afraid to supplement if you have to.


My doc had me taking hopps supplemenTs

lots of hand expression, keep at nursing a lot! hormones are your best friend and they react to baby so much better! if you run into more issues, definitely consult a lactation specialist

Relax, it’s only been 3 days. It come within 4-7days. Just breastfeed on demand 🩷🙏🩷

Drink a beer , true fact . Doctor told my daughter 23 years ago to drink a beer to get enough milk for my preemie grandson and it worked :heart:!!!

Pump pump pump constantly, its been two days few more days & you’ll be filling the bottles

It’s very early days. Make sure you’re consistent, WELL hydrated and fed, and maasaaginf those boobs

Your milk isn’t in and that’s normal. Assuming you are exclusively pumping just keep pumping every 2 hrs even at night. If this is ur pump after breastfeeding then it’s normal to not get anything after a feed bc the baby drank it. If you want to know if the baby is getting enough look at their number of pees/ poops a day (1 for each day of life, 3 days old = 3 pees and 3 poops), their growth, and how satisfied or unsatisfied the baby is after the feed