How can I increase my milk supply?

9 weeks postpartum. Until tonight I’ve only given my baby breastmilk. I’m completely dry right now. She just had her first bottle of formula. How do I increase my supply? It make it come back rather

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Supply and demand. Hydration. And rest. No stress.


Lots of electrolytes, water is good for general hydration but too much can and will deplete your electrolytes, coconut water is full of them. If you can’t do just plain coconut water, try body armor drinks. Make sure you’re getting enough calories in through the day. Supply and demand, the more you nurse the more your body will make. Add in some pumping sessions throughout the day, even a power pumping session or two. Biggest thing I can think to say though, see an LC. They can help you come up with a good game plan to fit your day to day life and give you some great pointers.


Drink lots of water and pump when between feeds, that helped me out tremendously.
Good luck hon!

You have to eat… get rest… stay hydrated. My first kid I wish somebody had told me all this… ( I know this is hard with a new born… much love to you.)

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There may be better newer says as my baby is 18 but lots of fluids for you and if possible nurse then pump right away. Thats the old school

Skin to skin with baby very important. Stay hydrated, it doesn’t have to be just water; warm broth, coconut water/milk.
Supply and demand, the more you feed or pump, the more your body will produce.
Having a bowl or 2 of steel cut oatmeal throughout the day helps with milk production.
Keep your body well nourished with each meal, snack, snack and snack some more( healthy way)
Keep your mind relaxed during feeding time, stress will decrease milk production.
See a lactation specialist! :two_hearts:

Stay well hydrated eat a good diet, and stimulate or mimic feeding… perhaps you could speak to a lactation nurse at breastfeeding mums Australia.

Don’t worry if you’re not chugging it out. By about then your milk supply settles and you just produce in response to them suckling with very little reserve. You may not be dry at all just settled. Make sure you’re drinking and eating enough and have a picture of them in front of you before you feed.

I have heard and was always told by my elders to drink Guinness. It builds the milk up