How can I keep my bathroom smelling clean?

I have 4 kids total boy - 30, girl - 28, boy - 17 and boy - 13. My 2 older ones are out of the house adulting. So now I have 3 boys left in the household (including hubby). My question is, how do you keep your bath room from smelling like a boys college football locker room?? It seems impossible, and I mean impossible for All 3 to actually hit the water whenthey’re peeing. I swear their ding a ling turns into a water wiggle when they step up to the toilet. You can see pee on the floor, all over the stool, sometimes on the wall……it’s crazy!!! I’ve tried everything that I’m aware of to help the situation. I’ve put Clorox wipes in there so they can clean it up right after. I’ve tried spray bleach cleaner as well as vinegar and water; I even bought “My pet peed” and saturated the area with it, let it soak and come back toScrub it down. NOTHING works. I’m afraid the urine has seeped down into the seams of our solid vinyl plank flooring. Any advice would be appreciated. I love all you mamas


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I’d have a serious talk with them boys because at their age there no excuse for that it’s not that hard to pee in the toilet and not all over the place :woman_facepalming:


My son is 4 and doesn’t miss the toilet … they should be able to aim fine … have them clean it with bleach and water everyday .


Shaving foam will get rid of the smell and then make them sit lol


Make them clean the bathroom…


You make them clean it before they even leave the bathroom. That’s gross and they’re all old enough to clean up after themselves. I told my 12 year old he either cleans up after his pee mess or he goes back to sitting to pee like when he was little. So far so good.


Here’s how you handle that… You make them clean the bathroom everyday! That’ll make them better at their aime


If there’s pee on the floor, wall, and stool then they can clean it up themselves. And most likely the urine has seemed down into the flooring like you’re thinking.


Get them a box of cheerios for target practice. Really these boys need to clean up after themselves! Absolutely :100: o excuses for this.


You know what helped cure this for my 14 and 9 yr old boys??? I made them clean the bathroom. Seriously though. They aim much much better when they are the ones that have to clean it.


I’m lucky enough to have 2 bathrooms in my house. My boys have their own. My youngest is the worst for getting pee everywhere so he’s the one who has to clean it up. He complained the last time so I told him to sit down while he pees. My husband sits cuz he knows I clean our bathroom. Make them clean the bathroom to realize how bad it is.


Shaving cream… I know it sounds crazy but it works. Spray foam shaving cream on the floor around your toilet rub it around with your toilet brush, let it stand for a while then mop as usual. You can do the same with your toilet. Hope this helps.
Edited to add… it can be cheap dollar tree shaving cream, you don’t have to buy anything expensive.

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Shaving cream around the toilet on the floor. Let sit about 5 mins then wipe up. Worked when my son was learning to potty train. For your boys I don’t know why they can’t aim in the toilet. Make them use tooth brushes to clean the walls when they get it on there.

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don’t give them a choice - tell them they need to clean the bathroom. If they refuse, you could refuse to cook as that bathroom odor makes you too sick to do so

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Baking soda soaks up odours… and id also make them clean the bathroom at their age its disgusting that they can’t get it in the bowl!!

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I took care of my father for the last 6 months of his life and he was totally incontinent most of the time…dribbling and wearing a diaper…I used the cat pee enzyme cleaner. Used as directed and used a steam cleaner weekly…didnt smell that I could tell…

I told my son and his dad that if the keep peeing on the seat I would just leave my blood on the seat too. It worked cause one time I did and they thought that was gross and clean up after themselves.

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I have to say, I was hoping for some good advice because I have a 16 yr old son who constantly has my bathroom smelling like a latrine. My son cleans up if he makes a mess and he has cleaned the bathroom for years; neither of which takes the smell of urine away. I have a removable toilet seat and the amount of pee that is under every week is disgusting. No matter if I clean it every day which I have before, it still stinks! So I understand what the woman who posted is talking about!

They all need to be potty trained again


It is very maddening to have just cleaned the bathroom and this happens. I know what you mean and hope someone finds a cure for it besides cutting it off!

Umm you need to pull your toilet off and clean under it, you may need a new wax ring also. I learned then maintenance removed my toilet and ewwww. I figure out where that smell came from.

Put ketchup or fake blood on the toilet seat and on a tampon/pad & instead of wrapping it up nicely to it loosely and leave it in a place they can see scare the living heck out of them. Tell them just how they don’t want to see your bodily fluid. you don’t want to see theirs either. Then have them clean up the bathroom after themselves.

Geez, they are certainly old enough to figure out how to pee in a toilet. Let them each take a turn daily to clean it. Maybe their aim will be a little better.

Check the seal of your toilet. Sometimes the smell comes bc the seal under your toilet is broken.
Also, make each of them clean the bathroom every day. Use bleach cleaner.

Those little gel stick on things that go on the inside wall of the toilet. They adhere with a small plunger type thing that comes with them. One lasts about a week at our house.