How can I keep my house from smelling like cat litter?

Any ideas on how to keep your house from smelling like cat litter? Drives me insane no matter how much I clean their boxes out.

Lysol room spray, scented candles, new odor controlling litter, open windows, air purifier or ionizer? Cats neutered? Are they spraying around the house even if they are? Are the cats long haired & their fur is collecting urine and feces?

Change the litter type you’re using, theres some really good ones these days. Ive never had this problem but I was a nut with cleaning is way more than most people normally would lol

I scoop my litter box twice a day. I have a candle about 4 feet away from it. I completely clean the litter box out monthly with fresh litter. I use scented litter, and sprinkling some baking soda in there.

I use the slide cat litter. Scoop it out daily. No issues.

I use arm and hammer double duty cat litter works really good . I also scoop out the pee and poop twice a day

Also, they recommend one litter box per cat, plus one. So if you have 2 cats, they recommend 3…