How can I leave my husband?

I just made a big mistake of moving in with my husband, believing it will work out and we would work on things together. So far, he has mostly gaslight me instead of taking accountability, disrespecting me, and treating me like a child. I need an exit plan but we have already signed a 12 months lease together. is there anything I can do? What would you do?


Why, it didn’t work the first time, it seldom ever works the second time


Talk to the leasing company. Explain your situation. Try & save Money to move or if you have money then just move.

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You ring the real estate and ask for your name to be removed- it’s really very simple.

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Just leave. With no forwarding address


If you can’t get out of the lease then honor your contract and LEAVE ANYWAY!! that’s worth not going thru hell


Wouldn’t the mistake be getting married?


Reach out to the people your lease is through and explain to them what you’re going through, they might be understanding enough to take you off. Otherwise you get stuck with a big bill because you are legally liable to pay for that place, if he breaks the lease it’ll wreck your credit.


Try and talk to the renter so you don’t get charged …Then one day when he’s gone get help and move out as fast as you can get all you can there is nothing he can do …I did it and have never looked back good luck .


Definitely talk to them and DEFINITELY ask that they do not notify your STBX . Just let them know that it’s important for you to do this at the last minute to prevent any backlash.
Good luck… as I said in my other comment , they don’t HAVE to do anything, but hopefully they are compassionate and trustworthy…


? Why did you marry him before moving in with him ? This makes about no sense

Most people move in with their husband after they get married

I’m guessing that she moved out once before. And then moved back in. If she moved back in a second time it didn’t work the first time it’s not going to work the second time. It’s common sense


Breaking out of a lease when current on your monthly cannot effect your credit rating, if you leave and your husband defaults by going into arrears you can get dinged, but if you file for annulment or divorce you should have a defensible firewall between his credit and yours

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Ask a domestic abuse advocate they may know laws to help you. My area has a Violence Against Women’s Act that protects domestic abuse victims but I think it’s while on assitance.

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You can be removed from the lease if he can qualify financially on his own. He will also need to approve you being removed from the lease. Office staff cannot make him do it.

If your name cant be removed, you can still move out. You will need to make sure he pays rent. If he doesn’t pay and gets evicted and doesn’t pay the remaining balance, it will go to collections. Collection agency will reach out to you and request payment. You will need to pay it off if he doesn’t so that your credit isn’t affected.

Start putting money aside in an account only you know about. Work on building your credit. It may take you a year. Know what he’s doing at all times. If he breaks a law, that gives you a reason to leave.

Leave tell your landlord you no longer live there

Call the complex tell them you want out

They can only force you to pay whatever if they can serve you. Most apartments don’t go through court processes unless it’s to evict u. Abandon the apartment and get ur divorce

I’d just walk out to be fair. I wouldn’t be sticking around for a disrespectful cunt like that.

You Just have to leave. If I hadn’t of did it that way I would’ve of never got out but I just bit the bullet & did it. That’s what I did. I packed my car got my dog & said nothing on my way out. Haven’t been back.

My ex of 8 yrs moved out on us and our lease and I just went and told the office and they immediately got his name off and changed my locks no questions asked. I was probably just lucky but I agree with if it’s that bad and you’re that miserable you don’t wanna take the 12 mths to save your exit plan up then leave and just honor it with receipts that u did so that way he doesn’t try anything out of spite.

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You can leave.
The co signer who remains living in the leased property is liable & will be responsible to the landlord to pay the rent.

He …would have the option to sue you to recover your half of the funds you agreed to pay on the total annual lease from the time you leave, but the landlord will demand payment in full from the party who maintains possession of the leased property, not the one who left.
This happens often with multiple roomates signing lease agreements and one or more leave prior to the agreed lease time expiring.
Those maintaining possession… are obligated to the landlord. They have to recover any funds themselves usually thru s.c.c from the parties that left.
You do not have to notify the landlord holding the lease. They don’t care about your whys or that you won’t be living there.
All you have to do…is leave if that’s what you want to do, and cancel any utilities that are in your name only, paying any balances
He can get them turned back on in his name after the fact.
If you leave, immediately file for legal separation. This will likely prevent him…from recovering in Court any lease or utility bill funds from you from the date you left. Existing joint consumer credit debt is another matter. You may be liable for some of that after the fact. Consult the Attorney who files the legal separation for you about this.

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See a lawyer or citizens advice bureau

if its abusive then just leave. go to a woman’s shelter where your safe from him.

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I would advise reaching out to a paralegal they can help with coming to an agreement with your landlord to have you removed from the lease. And they can do it quietly so your husband doesn’t know until ypur already put and safe.

I would just leave. He still needs severe to live so he’ll continue living there & paying rent.