How Can I Let My Stepdaughter Know She Is Not Going to Be 'Replaced' When New Baby Arrives?


"For the last couple weeks, my stepdaughter has been saying that she is going to be ‘replaced’ by the new baby coming after showing nothing but excitement for the last five months I’ve been pregnant.

I’m not too sure where she got in her mind that she was going to be replaced. It’s bothering me so much it’s breaking my heart. I don’t call her my ‘step’ daughter. She is full-blown my child as much as she is her dad’s in my heart and mind.

I don’t know what else to do. I have involved her in every little thing we possibly could. From picking clothes, nursery decor, letting her come to doctors’ appointments (as much as we can with the pandemic). Etc. Shoot, for a moment, she almost had her way with the baby name. How did you mamas and families overcome this? Or was it natural when the baby was around?"

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“My first thought was usually this doesn’t happen unless someone has been telling a child this… which is sad someone would be if it’s possible u may wanna get to the bottom of it quickly… but reassure her it’s not true. Y’all need to do things that don’t even relate to baby. Take her on a girls’ day. Do mani-pedis, movies, just a date for y’all and dad do the same and keep doing this after baby is born.”

“Do a date with her. Tell her how much you love spending time with her and doing favorite activities like spa stuff or going to a diner together or a you-guys shopping spree. Everyone’s trying to tell you where it came from but it really doesn’t matter at this point. What’s done is done you need to tell her otherwise now.”

“Maybe plan some things that are solely based around her and not the baby. Maybe do a spa night with you and her and maybe Daddy and her can plan that Daddy daughter Day. This way she still feels important.”

“I think she may feel different when the new baby arrives, but all children I think feel like that when a new baby comes. Maybe let her know you will have a certain day to do something with her without the baby if possible or while your baby is sleeping.”

“Very very natural reaction. It’s absolutely brilliant that she’s voicing it. She was going to think it, the worrying this would have been if she’d bottled it up. This is something that is going to take time, as baby arrives and she sees first hand that love grows, it isn’t divided, and that she is still just as loved, just as cherished, she’ll move past the idea. But for now, just keep reassuring her.”

“My son made a couple of comments to me like this when I was pregnant with my second child. Turns out it was his dad telling him that we would only care about the baby (what a cruel and sick thing to say to a 5-year-old) we reassured him that we will love both of them the same and that there is no #1 in this house and we all love each other. We also got him “big brother presents” for when we brought baby home from the hospital. Special toys just for him or activities we could do with him like water balloons, crafts, games and he absolutely loved it and felt so special!”

"Tell her no one can ever replace her: she is unique in all the world. There is only one of her just like the new baby will be completely unique. Our kids are our “babies” for life and nothing can break that bond of love. She will be loved as always but will have a new and important role as a big sister plus a whole other person to love her in addition to her parents. And as others have said, find out if anyone said something to her and if so, put a stop to it.

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Who got it in her mind she will be replaced
Someone has said it to her.
Reassure her that she won’t be replaced and she is a huge part of the new babys life.


I think she may feel different when the new baby arrives, but all children I think feel like that when a new baby comes. Maybe let her know you will have a certain day to do something with her without the baby if possible or while your baby is sleeping.

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My boyfriends daughter done the exact same thing only to find out her egg donor and family was telling her that Bc they replaced her just about when her egg donor had a new child I had to sit her down and just talk to her

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I just had a daughter with my husband and our 8 year old from his previous marriage went through the same thing. Once the baby was born she completely changed. Back to excited. Three months later she still loves her new sister to the moon and back. Kids have feelings and worries too they get past them in time. Your doing a great job it’ll be fine once she sees the new baby!

My husband’s kids were so happy when I was pregnant until their mom found out and one of them told us she literally told them he wasnt going to love them anymore. Not saying that’s deff the case with her mom but something to think and chat about.

Ask her why she thinks that spend some one on one time just to chat and do things together reassure her nothing will change maybe she can help pick out some stuff for baby try to involve her (not saying you don’t do these things but sometimes it helps)

Sounds like someone’s telling her this, how old is she


All kids go through that…BUT to verbalize with the word “replaced” someone put that in her head…her birth mother…a friend…something she saw on tv or phone. Sit her down and tell her you love her unconditionally. Explain the baby will take a lot of your time…but that no way changes how you feel… and no matter how tired you are…give dad the new baby…and you spend a little time with the old baby everyday. And let her help as much as possible.

Her age would be nice. Involving older siblings is a good idea. But it’s all about baby. Nothing is about her now. So obviously she feels replaced. Take baby off the front burner for a bit. I don’t mean don’t prepare for baby or stop including her. Just don’t put all the importance on baby. Make her feel important again. If she has a room at your house maybe do a redecorating day. Paint the walls if you can, new pictures, bedding etc. If you know how to crochet, knit or sew maybe spend a day helping her make matching blankets for her & baby. Take her shopping for new clothes. Whatever she likes. Spend time with her, for her. Make her irreplaceable & important again.

The girl’s mother is the culprit.

I think at some point all kiddos feel this way step or bio. Lots of reassurance and ask her if anybody has said anything.

Do a date with her. Tell her how much you love spending time with her and doing favorite activities like spa stuff or going to a diner together or a you guys shopping spree. Everyone’s trying to tell you where it came from but it really doesn’t matter at this point. What’s done is done you need to tell her otherwise now.


Make sure she continues to always be involved once baby comes. We always made sure that when baby came it didn’t seem like we were only giving the baby attention.

My first thought was usually this doesn’t happen unless someone has been telling a child this…which is sad someone would be if it’s possible u may wanna get to the bottom of it quickly… but reassure her it’s not true. Y’all need to do things that don’t even relate to baby. Take her on a girls day. Do mani pedis, movies, just a date for y’all and dad do the same :purple_heart: and keep doing this after baby is born.


Someone has to be putting that into her head :disappointed: continue to involve her and when the baby is born have her “help” in any way she can. And maybe set aside a few nights just for her for anything she wants to do like dinner and choose a movie to watch.

Maybe plan some things that are solely based around her and not the baby. Maybe do a spa night with you and her and maybe Daddy and her can plan that Daddy daughter Day. This way she still feels important.

i think just let her work thru it. my sister (whos like my daughter) was feeling replaced also. but i sent her a long text and i told her everything she means to us. i say instead of just including her in the baby things maybe go get pedicures or stuff like that. pump her up on how much fun its going to be for yall to have a baby to dress up. or talk to her about how shell have a partner in crime to grow up with. :slight_smile:

Tell her that the family is growing and It adds love to all. More love for her and the baby. Help her to understand that the baby won’t be able to do stuff on it’s own and it will feel hectic but the love and she will still be there with you.

Been through this exact situation …come to find out someone was putting it in her head !

I have had this issue and my step daughters mother was behind it. Trying to poison her against us since we have had full custody since she was one and I have raised her.

I would have a(n) (age appropriate) heart to heart with her. Then take her to do something special just the two of you.

Tell her no one can ever replace her: she is unique in all the world. There is only one of her just like the new baby will be completely unique. Our kids are our “babies” for life and nothing can break that bond of love. She will be loved as always, but will have a new and important role as big sister plus a whole other person to love her in addition to her parents.

And as others have said, find out if anyone said something to her and if so, put a stop to it.

That is common. Maybe emphasize how excited you are that the new baby is going to have such a great role model.

Spend lots of time before baby with her then include her once baby comes.

U seem to be doing everything you can to assure her. Just wait until baby comes and all those feelings will disappear!

Sit and talk with her. Best way is to come right out, sit down, and get it all out. Make sure she is thoroughly listening and involved in the conversation. Ask where she heard it and why she feels that way.
Remind her no matter what she is loved and always will be.

Try doing something that isn’t about the baby. Shopping, lunch out, manicure/pedicure, movie night with her favorite snacks and movies. Make her feel special.

Have a girls day and tell her how much you love her. Get her a piece of jewellery that says daughter and do a proposal thing and say you want her at your baby girl aswell her the rest of your life and say how she is the little girl that made you a mummy and you could never replace your baby as she made you the mummy you are

Maybe instead of including her In the new baby fun, ask her what she wants to do and do that! Go get nails done, ice cream date, mini golf, see a movie or a fun date-In day where you make a fun meal/snack together or a craft. Then once baby is here make sure she still gets that one-on-one with you and dad


Spend time with her. Do things that SHE enjoys doing. Not baby related things. It can be overwhelming for kids to have the attention averted to another child. Take her out shopping for a few new clothes if ur able. Or go get ur hair or nails done together… Take her to lunch. Just have a day with her without any baby talk. Try to have a few days like that before the baby comes. Whatever you can think of to make her feel extra special and important :heartpulse:


Well, someone is telling her she will be replaced. I would try to get to the bottom of that and nip that in the bud. As far as with her jealousy, take her out on a date. Get your nails done together or go for a girls only date. (It can be as cheap as popcorn and a movie) just spend one on one time w her and KEEP IT UP once the baby is here.


Ask her why she thinks that for a start. Also i noticed my stepdaughter got jealous cause of all the stuff we bought for baby so i ended up buying her a doll and asking her to practice being the best big sister ever x she loved it :heart:

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Have her pick a tv show for the two of you to binge when the baby is eating. Then, when it is getting close to feeding time, you can say “oh! It’s almost time to watch OUR show” Instead of her seeing feeding times (the most time consuming part with a new baby) as something she is excluded from, it becomes something for her too.
And always make sure that the little rituals you have with her now do not fall by the wayside when the baby gets there. Discuss with her which ones are her favorite ones, and really concentrate on those.
Make some special times with grandparents or Dad, that start before the birth, and keep it going.
Teach her a new hobby you can share … or someone else in the family can share, even.
I don’t remember my kids getting jealous, but I do know how hard it can be to budget time.


Did she hear these words somewhere???

When you go to hospital, pack a little present that “the baby brought out to give to her” tbh its probably the bio mums words. All you can do is reassure her that people are irreplaceable.
Ps if it is the bio mum, she needs to be ashamed of herself, what mother would WANT her child feeling so sad based on her own jealousy and insecurities. Thats just pittyful. No matter what, I’d want my kid to be happy.


Actions speak louder than words. Dit worry about what she says just prove it when the baby comes. However, babies usually require more attention so u might have to explain that to her. You’ll be fine. Sounds like you’re doing a great job already. You got this!

That’s normal when a new baby arrives but you need to include her in every thing you do with baby like the bath, diaper change, carrying her, more attention to her, she will settle, she is a child therefore she thinks the baby is taking her place :heart::pray:

My daughter (6) was the same way when I was pregnant with my son. It was hard because everything was changing and she knew it. There was gonna be another person getting my attention. I found time to do things with only her, whether it’s a game, a movie, homework, shopping etc. Things she wanted to do so that way she knew I still cared about what she wanted and needed. Now that he is here (he’s a year now) we still do all those things. Some times she still gets jealous if I can’t focus all my attention on her or if he needs more of my attention at the moment but at the end of the day she understands. One on one time is soooo important as well as including her in things once the baby is here if she wants to help let her help.

Make her realise shes going to be the very special big sister that you need to her help with the baby and that you couldnt possibly do without her to help .feeling wanted is the best cure for insecurity.

It’s very natural for siblings to feel this way. Babies take up so much of our time. I’d say just try to have activities that are all about her nothing about the baby. Go get ice cream and talk about her and what she likes etc. Go to the park spend time with her doing what she wants. That will help and even after baby is born try to make time for just her type activities.

One thing I was told, is to use language like “our baby”, it gives a sense of inclusion for tbe older sibling. Also, what others have said. I mean, jealousy is likely going to happen but you seem to be proactive about it.


One thing I did with my son when my daughter was born, was set aside one evening a week where I went and did something with just him. I left the baby and a bottle of pumped breast milk with daddy or gran and we spent a couple of hours just the two of us.

First maybe start by not referring to her as “step” remind her she is just as important in every aspect of the sense !!!
Then let her know you won’t be able to do it without her help …
Make sure to make “you & her” time without ANY babystuff !!!

Just love her no matter what her in the baby love the same way

First how old is she? A friend from school may have had a similar situation. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Time will prove you mean it.

Could be other kids telling her what happened to them so they think that is what happens to all kids in this situation. Someone put that thought in her head…

Is her mother putting those thoughts in her head?


Do something that is NOT about the baby.

That’s normal. It will fade w time. How old is she?

I would say as the middle child i was worried about this with my younger sibling too. I think the key is to involve her, almost like a mom sidekick for the new baby, when she wants to of course I mean you don’t want to make her grow up too fast but involving her as new baby takes up lots of time will be important. And spending time alone with her still after baby is here may be important to her too, mom/daughter dates and talks ya know. :heart: you got this

I had the exact same, during pregnancy, with my now 10yo and almost 2 yo. I made a big fuss of you are loved just as much because i lve loved you for the last 5 with just you. Shes never gonna get just mummy love, she will always know shes loved but she has to share my love and attention with you aswell. Shes gonna grow up in nowing you love her just as much as i do, and you’ll soon see i dont and eont ever have favourites. Yes while shes little she will take up my time but ill also make special time for just us big girls. Even 2 years later we have pur grown up girls days other days shes demands her sister is in on the fun too. It was hard for a good 6 months till we all got into a routine and learnt how to share our attention and time. She still has her jealous moments but she will ask me and talk to me before she sits and lets it stew like pre baby emotions. We are constnantly twlling her how great of a help and big sister she is and we l9ve her more and more everyday for those little things she does for her sister or us.

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Do special big girl activities that the baby can’t do/wouldn’t be involved in and make time for just her. It’s probably a validation thing and she needs the security of knowing and feeling irreplaceable.


On the day our baby was born we had our baby give gifts to her older brother to show how excited she was to be his little sister.

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Has someone put things in het head that had spoken to her behind your back the step fam just a ges

Once baby is here i really suggest getting her a big sister gift. The whirlwind of the birth will be a pivotal moment for her, so include her in that as well as doing everything you are already. Take a day of the week and spend one on one time, and talk to her and tell her that you hope her little sister takes after her, and just keep praising and reassuring her.


Is her mom putting these thoughts in her head?


id say someone is putting those thoughts in her head . my ex when i was pregnant he was scared as well and his mom to tell the child even though the childs mom had another kid waited until i was 9 months wanted me to give the boy a present at my shower to make him want a sibling .kid flipped the f out later found out it was my exs mom and the kids mom putting crap in his head . my son is almost 10 and my exs mom and same child whose now 17 still doesnt give a crap about him because the older child is her favorite and is still taught not to give a crap about his brother :rage:

If her mom has other kids born after her that may be why she feels that way , I know my step daughters mom was telling her that she’s going to be my babysitter because that what she does when she goes to her moms and I’ve never even asked her to watch the littles even when I shower

My son made a couple comments to me like this when I was pregnant with my second child. Turns out it was his dad telling him that we would only care about the baby (what a cruel and sick thing to say to a 5 year old) we reassured him that we will love both of them the same and that there is no #1 in this house and we all love each other. We also got him “big brother presents” for when we brought baby home from the hospital. Special toys just for him or activities we could do with him like water balloons, crafts, games and he absolutely loved it and felt so special!

As an older sibling (I was an only child for 8 years) I can say just let her know how important she is and spend time with just her doing what SHE WANTS once the baby comes. For me, my parents seemed to think I was a built in baby sitter. Don’t get me wrong, I love my sis but my childhood and teen years were lost after she was born. So just make sure she is an individual with individual time with the parents and grands.

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Sounds like she has a devil whispering in her ear. You need to find out who that is and stop them. Have a day or 2 or 3 of mommy/daughter day - just the 2 of you (as best as you can). Do whatever she wants (within reason of course).

After baby comes include her still! Even with baby bath time and diaper changes and feedings! I just went through this! I have a 2.5 year old and a new baby she loves her sister! First week or 2 was a little rough with jealousy but everything is great now

Even full siblings feel replaced and jealous. Sure she will adore helping to look after new baby when it arrives. Reiterate that they will share the same daddy too.

Right before we had our baby, we did a big sister survival kit with a bunch of fun things to keep her busy but, also feel loved and included. It worked great!

Tell her that when the baby comes she will spend more time with the baby than she will spend with you too. It will happen!

be constistant keep a routine play with her read to her sing to her involve her in everything you can concerning the baby etc

Involve her with the new baby…let her hand you the diapers when changing the baby…let her hold the baby. And bond !!