How can I make my husband stop talking about his job?

Deal with it or let him find someone else🤷🏾‍♀️

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My Mother amazed me with my Dad. Night after night, they sat and had cocktails before dinner…she let my Dad vent and never said a negatory thing about it. His home was his castle, she made sure of that. I always thought highly of her for letting it be all about him when she had six children to contend with, one of them being special needs.


Set a timer where he gets to spend 30 minutes talking when he gets home to decompress. Than no more

Don’t we all talk about our “jobs” and how we spend our days?


I tone mine out. Maybe a nod or uh huh from time to time.:upside_down_face:

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I understand how you feel. My husband always talked about his problems. I don’t mind but same problems over and over again. I wanted to focus on conversation about us. How we doing?. How’s kids, school,. My issue is, talking about the problem will not solved the problem but tried to fix and change his mindset of how to handle things. I offered a lot of good advice but he ignored them. He paid a lawyer that gave him the same advice I told him, go figured. :smirk:.
Tell him how you feel. Pray about it

It’s all in the dynamic of your relationship. My husband and I have a rule; when we are in the kitchen making dinner together, that’s his time to talk about work. When we sit down at the table to eat, it’s the kids turn to talk about their day, their struggles, their achievements, etc. After dinner when he and I are cleaning it’s my turn to talk about what I want to talk about whether it be us, our weekend plans, things I am struggling with, etc. It’s something that you need to work on together. Tell him nicely that you don’t want to stop talking about his work or job, but you’d like to incorporate other things into the conversation and offer a solution. Maybe when you get home, vent/discuss about work for an hour and then work is off limits. Express it will give him a break from it and possibly lower work related stress, etc. You’ve got this!

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Just straight out tellhim!!!


Me and my husband take a walk after work everyday. That is our time to vent about work and whatever is on our mind. Once we get home it’s all about us/family time.

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I would probably go with Lauren on this one. Usually an obsessive talking about ones job could mean (not always) that he is insecure in his job. Then there are some (I call them centrist) that only want to talk about themselves and they do it continual. These are the ones that always have the one-up-man-speak. Those are ones you can do very little about.

I get paid over $ 130 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 16249 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. ===>

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A old boss of mine told this story. In much more words. The gist is, there is a tree outside your front door. A big pretty tree that makes you happy when you come home. There is a door in it. When you get home from work you dump all of your work woes into it. It holds them for you and lightens them. Then in the morning, you can pick them back up on the way to work. Not only does this tree protest your home and family from work woes, it lightens some of them over night. While you weren’t dwelling on them, they seemed to get better a bit. But if you drag them into the home, then the venting turns woes into worse woes.


Kindly mention it to him that he’s got 15 minutes to tell you about his day then you want to enjoy HIM!!!
We all need to de-stress but there has got to be a limit …

Give him a blow job.