How can I make my kid a morning person?

Anyone else sruggle with their kids not being morning people? they go to bed at a decent time and till dont want to wake up in the morning…how di i change this


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There’s absolutely nothing you can do about that. I’m still not a morning person either. And I’m pushing 49


Nothing I’ve never been and never will be a morning person, I’m 53 and still hate em


You can’t!!! I am not a morperson, never have been. I find making sure I have plenty of time to wake up properly before I need to get ready is key for me. So getting up the extra half an hour early means I have time to zombie around and get it together before I need to do anything else!!! Might help with your son xxx


I wish my kids weren’t morning people lmfaooo I’d kill for an extra hour of sleep. Count your blessings

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You don’t lol. Just gotta deal with each day as they come. My oldest is 18 now and still not a morning person… none of my kids are. Just gotta do your best to make sure they get enough sleep and ignore the morning grumbles while you get ready for the day.

I have never been a morning person and I’m in my 30s…. You can’t make someone a “morning person”


Good luck with that. I’m still not a morning person after 40. :joy:

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Well. That’s their personality and they’re allowed to have that. Weird you want to change it lol


I never was a morning person. A night owl yes. And what’s a decent time to you. A decent time for a non morning person like me would be 10 am :joy: and strangely my work hours start at 6:30 am

I’m 73 and have never been a morning person


Some people just aren’t man.

Enjoy it, I used to dread 5:30am wakeups lol.

I just got paid $7623 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 12069 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.

This is what I do…

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Im 34 and still not a morning person so if u find the answer please post it :rofl::woman_facepalming:t3:

I just got paid $7623 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 12069 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.

This is what I do…

If you look up how the Hitler Jugend trained the kids in Germany you might find a way to make your kid a morning person. :thinking::flushed:
But I would not recommend it. :joy:
Statistics say that evening people is more productive though. Even though we have a false stigma of underachievement.

I just got paid $7623 working off my laptop this month. And if you think that’s cool, my divorced friend has twin toddlers and made over $ 12069 her first month. It feels so good making so much money when other people have to work for so much less.

This is what I do…

Honestly, just put them to bed earlier. I moved up my kiddos bed time by almost 2 hours and now she wakes up happily because she gets 12 hours of sleep.


My 2 kids that were born in the morning are early persons and my other 2 that were born after 11 am they sleep longer, same with me. I don’t know if that is something real or just coincidence :woman_shrugging:t6:

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Good luck! My husband is 45 and not a morning person. One of my kids is, one isn’t. Despite not being morning people my husband and son do (reluctantly and with a lot of groans) get up for school and work.

My kids are not morning people either. I wake them up early enough so they can watch their favorite show on Netflix and eat breakfast in bed before they have to get moving. It helps a lot. If I try to wake them up and make them move right away, it’s torture for all of us: the neighbors, the dogs, the neighborhood squirrels, EVERYONE. They are 7 and 4. We try to go to bed around 8, and I get them up by 5:45 most mornings.

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You can’t lol. I’m not a morning person neither is my son. Our dog isn’t either :joy::joy:.

Throw out the kids and start over? :woman_shrugging:

My 6 year old is not a morning person. I am thanks to years of a long commute for work. Is it inconvenient, sure, but it’s who she is and how her body is wired. We work with it the best we can.


That’s 3 out of 5 of mine. My 17 year old and 11 year old are easy to wake up. The 14, 12 and the 7 year old are hard to wake up. I have to go in there constantly.

You can’t change them into a morning person, someday they may become one on their own but who knows. For now just try different bedtimes to help morning wake up go smoothly as possible. I would also recommend waking them sooner then they need to he awake to give them more time to fully wake up.

You don’t. I am not a morning person who has created 7 people who are not morning people. Lol

I’m 38 and still not a morning person unfortunately my 16 yr old daughter is the same way. There is no way to make someone a morning person.

I’m 30 and still not a morning person and struggle when I first wake up. If you find the answer, please let me know. Lol

I’m 45 and I’m still not a morning person. I hate hearing that 6:30 am alarm going off every day. You’re probably not going to be able to change this. However, if you figure it out let me know!

49 and NOT a morning person! Good luck.

Im not a morning person and it definitely wont change. Can’t change it


Yeah there is no magic trick to “make” someone a morning person… Accept it. Make compromises.

Put them to bed earlier. During the school year i make sure i put them to bed with plenty of time to wake up naturally so I don’t deal with sleepy crabby kids. My youngest is awful if i have to wake her up, i have to put her to bed an hour and a half before my son so she’s up in time to take him to school.

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I used to get my son up a little earlier and let him shower…always seemed a little better after that


You don’t . Some of us are night owls and some are morning people . Just make sure they get plenty of rest


You don’t/ can’t… there are a lot of studies that show kids do better starting their days later. Idk why we force kids to get up so early


Lmao how to make a kid a morning person?? Is that even such a thing? My kid is 19 and STILL not a morning person :rofl:


I throw music on for them

You’re either a morning person or a night owl, no changing it lol.

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I mean the only thing that makes someone a morning person who naturally isn’t one is their desire to become a morning person soooo good luck with that with kids lol

I’m 32 and I’m not a morning person at all. I think schools should start at 10am instead of 8am.
My daughter is 11 and HAAAAAATES mornings.


Uh tbh I don’t think you can.

So, my son goes to sleep early and isn’t really a morning person. He needs a minute okay… just a few minutes to decide if he’s gonna move. So what I do, is I go to wake him up before his alarm, I give him cuddles and kisses and I hold him and then when the alarm goes off he’s full of love and usually isn’t ready to get out of bed just yet always asks for 5 more minutes. so I dress him while he’s laying down and we talk a little then he gets up. Finds shoes. Sometimes I’ll turn on the TV and let him wake up a little with a cartoon. And he’ll brush his teeth while I get his sister changed. And I’ll brush his hair. And then we’re off to school when he’s awake and ready to take on the day. But I literally wake him up an hour and 10 minutes before we have to leave the house. So nothings rushed. My son can’t stand a rushed anything. Not when it comes to picking him up from school, or anything. He just likes life at a kids pace where there is always time. So I make it work to where I’m never in a hurry. And I do the same with his sister who is 10 months. She gets cuddles and kisses and then I change her and make her bottle. Etc… Waking him up when we gotta leave in 30 is a no-go because he just ain’t ready to face the day and the rush of the morning on a late morning makes him grumpy.
Some people just aren’t morning people, I’m a whatever time of the day person, but my kids definitely need a slower pace. No rushing. Just calm. Let’s do this. You can watch a cartoon while I do this, then we need to do this. It helps because he showers the night before. He would hate a shower first thing. The night routine is about an hour and 1/2 long. His sisters is about an Hour because she’s pretty easily put to bed for the night. So we start everything at 6-6:30. His sister goes to sleep anywhere between 6:30-7:30 depending on how tired she is. He showers at 7:30 and is in the bed but doesn’t go to sleep until closer to 8:30-9 sometimes if he’s super tired he’ll go to sleep at 8. ( he is 5 ) and I get up at 6. And start stirring him at 6:10-6:14. And we leave the house at 7:10-7:14.
You just gotta find what works for your kiddos.

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You don’t. :joy: My 12 year old is not a morning person and never has been. I’m not either and my parents tried for YEARS and it hasn’t worked.

Um, 55 here, only one out of my three sons, is maybe on occasion a morning person, which works for me because I have never been a morning person!

You can’t change it. Some people just aren’t morning people. I’m not, my child is not, my youngest sibling isn’t.

There’s no magic answer but what works for my daughter is food ready, a smoothie or an iced coffee, she’s a young adult now. If I need her to wake up or wake up in a good mood, I’ll make her some food :grin: You need to find your child’s soft spot, it could be a toy, cartoons, etc.


A shower helps my 9 year old. He doesn’t even wash or anything in the mornings, just sits under the water. Usually by the time he’s out, he’s awake and ready to go!

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You can’t change how people are naturally wired.

While you can’t make the child be a morning person you can create a routine for them to help with mornings. Send them to bed at an earlier hour and set an alarm for the time they need to be up. Eventually the child will get used to it and their body will wake them naturally due to that routine.

You either are, or you’re not. I try and be quiet, and wake my son up with cuddles and very softly tell him good morning. If he’s extra grumpy I pick two of his favorite breakfast options for him to choose from and tell him to get a cartoon going while i get his breakfast. Lol i grew up in a house full of grumpy people and it rubbed off so i try and be super positive in the morning and really read his mood. Sometimes he just needs space and quiet to wake up lol

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All depends on your childs age too. If they’re a teen or close…I have no suggestions

You don’t. US non morning kids are now non morning adults. I work 3rds now. I have 2 non morning kids and 1 super early morning kid.


My dad try making me a morning person that never worked I’m still a night owl

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You literally can’t. Everyone has their own circadian rhythm. Mine is better suited for being up at night and sleeping during the day, but sadly I can’t find a job near me that I’m qualified for that would be good with those hours so I’m stuck with feeling perpetually exhausted cause my brain is in a constant “No! We should be sleeping right now!” when I’m working :woman_shrugging:t2:


My 6 year old daughter REALLY isn’t a morning person. Neither am I. I find that music helps me so I started playing “the good morning song” by Walrus for my daughter each morning. It’s hit and miss… Sometimes she yells at me but most of the time she wakes up dancing :sweat_smile:

I mean… I’ve not been a morning person for 28 years lol I don’t think it goes away lol

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Ummmm I don’t think you can…

I’m 34 and hate mornings​:joy::joy::joy:

Some people don’t respond well to mornings. Something about or circadian rhythm’s for all messed up with light bulbs, tvs, phones etc.

To make mornings easier though.
Set out clothes
Prep lunches
School bags
All of the things the night before

So in am everything is ready to go except breakfast.

Set alarm clocks earlier in 5- 10 minute intervals. This helps me sometimes. I literally cannot just use one alarm i will not get out of bed the first time.

You don’t. I’m 32 and in a house full of not morning people and it’s just how we are.

Idk I’m a night owl but mornings do get easier for me if I stay on a strict bed time and up time. So maybe bed a bit earlier and up early EVERDAY. Weekends included.

You can’t. My daughter is not a morning person. To help we set out as much as we can the night before: clothes, hairbrush and other morning hygiene items, ect. We wake her up about 15 minutes earlier than necessary so she gets her “lay in bed and process waking up” time. Her thinking she gets an extra 15 minutes of being lazy helps her be more cooperative in the morning

Good luck my son still hates morning and I cant fix it no matter what I do lol

I’m still not a morning person and I’m 30
I highly doubt I will get my kid to be she’s just like me :joy::joy::joy:

I’m 65, still hate mornings, never could find a way to change.

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Unfortunately, some people are wired to be morning people and some aren’t. Good luck.

I’m 28 and not a morning person at all. My 5yo son isnt a morning person either

You don’t lol. You just give more time to get ready since they are slow. I was the same way till becoming a mom

Never been a morning person my whole life. You are either one or the other.

You looking for a refund on yours :rofl: Breize Craft

I’m 34 and haven’t seen a morning person since birth. It was especially present in my teen years and drove my mom insane. You can’t really force or “train” someone to become a morning person.

Been trying to make myself one for almost 39 years so if u find the secret lmk

You can’t. They may change as they grow and mature, but you can’t make someone be something they’re not.