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Guys to not want to hear it unless they can fix it. Try just asking him maybe feed baby or watch the little ones. Instead of dumping on him. Little by little. And thank and praise him. Guys need to feel appreciated.
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l get paid over $ 185 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $ 19502 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This. https://DollarBenefits1269.pages.dev/
Unfortunately it is impossible to change another person the only thing you can change is you. You either taihoa for them to catch up or move on. There is no easy way to work with an emotionally unavailable partner personally I changed the things I did so his unavailability didn’t matter, also I got good enough at doing things on my own I eventually told him to leave. I continued with my kids and my job. We both did alot better without each other than with each other.
Start leaving. When he goes to another room after you try to communicate… go to a park, library, craft store, etc. Be gone long enough for him to call you. Then be gone longer. Let the kids to know to go to daddy !!
I learned this along time ago. We all have stresses, have you ever considered maybe he has enough stress in his life to and his cup is already full? That he doesn’t have anything left for you to pour your stress into his cup? You definitely need to talk to someone, so I would suggest going to a therapist. You said you do so much for your toddler, are you a stay at home mom? I have anxiety and depression very badly, I’ve had to stop hanging around certain friends when all they do is dump their issues and problems on me. It’s not fair.
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Tell him you feel like you can’t talk to him because every time you try he says you’re stressing him out and he always makes it about him. You have a right to your feelings and if he doesn’t want to acknowledge that then yeah you need to figure out a way to leave.
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Keep a journal
Two a rule a friend had a rule. Each party was able to grumble for ten minutes each
Then learn to divide the load. Same for him. He’s not an extra child
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At some point in time, you loved each other enough to have children. You can communicate. But, timing is everything. Do you want to vent your stress the minute he comes home from work? How long does communicating your stress take; minutes, hours, every time you talk to each other? Does he share his frustrations with you? I don’t think you shared enough information to let us help you. I do like the suggestion that you get a girlfriend you can talk to. You also didn’t mention whether he shares parenting the children or whether he helps with household chores. I hope these questions help you.