How can I make sure I am getting enough water a day?

How do you make sure you’re getting enough water a day? I’m struggling so bad with this. But I know I’m so dehydrated ugh


I used to drink soda , tea , anything but water. I realized how much sugar and calories I could save and so I drink only water , I keep it with me at all times , doctor apt, meetings , I just drink it all day . I refill my bottle with filtered water from home and just keep drinking.
I now feel like I am going to die with out it when before I never drank it . I don’t drink coffee so its straight to water .

You can go by the color of urine. Also add yummy things like sliced up cucumber, lime, orange, strawberries. You can mix up too.

I use an app with a drink reminder and a huge water bottle with the time marked on it

Find a good water bottle I know it’s 4 times to fill my 32 oz bottle to a goal of 1 gallon. So I work those small goes and I add mio or lemon as needed. As I will pour my bottle out into a cup then add my add ins.

That helps keep me accountable