Any advice on car rides? My baby is seven months, and she started having huge tantrums when we go out she hates her car seat we bought a new one. To see if it would help, but it’s the same.
Put her in the car seat and let her cry… she has to go in it and ride so she has to get over whatever the problem is…make sure you have shades on the windows to eliminate it being a sun issue…but otherwise however unpleasant she has to travel
My daughter was the same way, I bought an IPad holder for the seat and I haven’t had any issues since!
Give her toys and get a baby rear view mirror so she can see you
we bought a van with dvd players but you could try a portable one and a seat holder. works wonders for my daughter!
You can try a mirror so she can see her self an also you. We have one for our daughter (she’s one) and she’s had it since she was like at least 4-5months. Anyway she loves to look at us through the mirror while we drive, it let’s her see we are still in the car.
My daughter was like this until I bough one of those mirrors and it instantly helped I just think she felt alone because she couldn’t see any of us.
DVD player. The best thing we got for our son! You can even have your kid watch educational movies. I know your baby is only 7 months old, but it’s never too early to get them to watch learning videos. Good luck mama!
We’d listen to kids songs and I’d start singing as I buckled them in.
Do you have back seat car vents? Might be hot…they make amazing things that hook to the front vent and goes to the back in cars.
Dvd player,soft toys and could be a phase and do u have her carseat installed correctly?
My nephew started doing that at about that same age. When he was older and could speak he would hold his forehead and say hurt. He was diagnosed with migraines at three. (They run on both sides of our, my sister and i, family) the sunlight is what was really bothering him.
Get her a mirror to look into and she will see your reflection as well, that helped mine a lot
Let her cry. Mirrors, portable DVD players, etc all pose hazards and could cause serious injury or death in the event of an accident.
Hoping my 4mo eventually will handle long car rides. As of right now he is not a travel baby. Any other time he’s as happy as can be but being in the car for more than 30mins and he’s upset
My son was bad for awhile. Either my wife or myself would ride in back with him. When your by yourself you need to figure something else
A mirror and I have a tote full of toys between my kiddos so they can flip through books or play. My son just hated car rides until he turned two.
Honestly my son and daughter both did that for about a month. Give her toys or a bottle… I wouldn’t go for a tablet yet she is still very young
My 7 month old has hated her carseat since she was born!! Driving an hour, she would cry the whole time! I recently took a few long car rides and she has just gotten better on her own! Good luck
Children under 2 yrs should be in a rear facing car seat in the back seat. A deployed front seat airbag could be fatal to an infant and toddler. She may be going through a separation phase and should get used to riding soon.
Try giving her a toy or put a mirror up so she can see herself in it
Put the mirror so she can see you
Put her in the front seat so she can see you
Make sure the seat is cool. If you leave the seat in the car its hot and uncomfortable.
Have you tried a mirror so the baby can see you? What about small toys for to play with ? I used to have toys that hung on the car seat
My oldest hated car rides as well. I just tried to make him as comfy as possible. I figured out the problem was his shoes…of all things. He hates shoes to this day and hes 8 now. He also would freak out I’d someone’s car (or my rental) had a black interior, to the point where I had to put a sheet over the back just so he wasnt staring at it. Weird things… I know… but ya gotta do whatcha gotta do. As he got older he was getting carsick, so we had to stick him in the center of the backseat so he could see through the windshield.
My grandson hated the brightness of the sun. We got him baby window shades from Walmart . My granddaughter had a sensitive stomic and always screamedin the car. The Dr. suggessed Gripe Water ., it soothes the stomic without medication and its non- drowsy. That too can be bought at Walmart.
My daughter is choosing to fly with our 14 mo old grandson on 7 hr trip to FL at end of the month. They have tried all the above suggestions with no luck. Even purchased a little thing that goes on AC vent on passenger side to funnel air back to him. Her Edge has no backseat air.
Could be the riding backwards is the problem. Could be it makes them not feel good, my grandson would scream every time facing backwards, as soon as we turned him around (his first birthday, before they said they had to be older, just suggested it) he was fine. Tried backwards as an experiment, and screaming again, so forward it was because it was safer for the driver, thus all involved.
I played kiddie music (heaven help me, it was so awful), put up mirrors so we could see one another, and had a special bag of toys just for the car. I sometimes resorted to outright bribery by allowing her to have a sippy cup of apple juice (which I ordinarily didn’t let her drink.) My husband thought of the smartest thing though, which was adjusting the rear A/C in our vehicle - it turned out she was HOT!
Make the seat more comfortable, at least that was what was happening in my family. I got a seat that reclines and has more cushion. Another thing that almost always works is to reach (if you are in the front seat) caress her cheeks and her forehead until she falls asleep. Sometimes it is just the adjustment to the “environment” most children fall asleep during a car ride just help her to do that! Make sure the air is OK not to cold or hot just the normal things. If it is a long ride make sure to get her out and about just like everyone else to stretch her body.
Give her favorite toy only when she is in the car seat. My daughter didn’t like the potty chair that worked for her.
My daughter would get motion sickness and throw up. We also learned that the headlights from cars behind us would shine in her eyes. We turned her around and she was happy after that.
I was car sick. Not sure what you can do for a car sick baby. But I hated drives because it made me sick.
I would try to talk to my son while driving and he would cry, then I stopped talking, he’d stop crying. He just wanted his quiet time.
My nieces went through this they don’t like being confined to the car seat but they have to be safe
My little one screams when she is hot in the car. If I leave the a.c. blowing on her she is a happy girl.
Put a mirror up where she can see you and a car seat toy to play with also hook up your phone to car radio and play some baby tunes for her during the car ride. Mine still throws fits without their kind of music on for them. So we jam out to nursery rhymes 90% of the times we go somewhere.
I strap my Kindle to the seat and put on kid shows for my 7 month old. Works like a charm!
I think my youngest was getting carsick and as a result hated the car seat and the car.
I would get a little radio and put it up to 5 at baby so the baby hears music, all babies love music.
Sing, you are my sunshine … the wheels on the bus, my granddaughter went through this! Also sing these songs at home… it helped us!
Try a mirror placed where he can see himself, or some hanging toys he can barely reach
Have you got the mirrors that you set up so you can look in One and she can look in One and this makes each other
Get one of those musical toy bars at Walmart and strap in to the handle. Only $10
Yes she might be getting car sick riding backwards.
A battery powered tiny fan, helped my youngest. I’m not sure if he was hot or just needed the sensory.
Do you have any toys on the car seat for your child to play with? This helped with my younger sister when she went through this stage
Baby books and bag of toys you keep handing her.
Put a mirror in the back so he can see you. It might help if he can see you.
Have one of you sit in the back with her
I think most kids go through this. Mine was getting afraid of the dark.
We used a DVD player
Are you serious? Get a grip lady. She’s 7 months old, let her scream it out, she’ll get over it before she goes to first grade. Be a grown up… “Make the car more pleasant?” I always think I’ve heard it all, then stupid rears it’s ugly head once again. Geez Louise!
Our youngest did this. Tried the same as you. It happend as she was learning to walk. We wound up just having to just suck it up. She did grow out of it over time.
Try getting some toys that attach to the car seat. Maybe put some quite soothing music on your radio.
I agree, keeps them occupied. Some toys may be helpful but she may just throw them. You can always try a portable DVD player. Music helps as well. Good Luck, this too shall pass!
The child is sick of the car ,spends to much time in the car seat .
Try a mirror so he/she can see themselves