How can I manage my pregnancy mood swings?

I am 2 weeks away from my due date and me and my boyfriend have been having a little trouble the past month or two. Since I’ve gotten pregnant I have had bad mood swings and we haven’t been getting along. He didn’t yell at me or try to bring up what was bothering/upsetting him because he didn’t want to stress me or the baby out so instead he has kept everything bottled up. Well I started to notice he wasn’t himself and he just seemed sad so I asked him about it and at first he said nothing well then he finally said he hasn’t felt happy and everything has just been upsetting/annoying him and he wasn’t sure what he wanted and he just felt depressed really. I’m very very sensitive but I also have an attitude and he said it’s been a lot worse since I got pregnant. Well we both said we didn’t want to give up on our relationship and everything but then about 3 weeks ago when he got home (he gets off at 5 in the morning) I tried having a deep talk which I shouldn’t have because he was tired and just wasn’t time appropriate but it ended in us saying I should go to my moms. Well I packed a bag and planned to come back and get all my stuff later. Well when I went back his brother was at the house so I asked what I should do. His brother said he thinks he just needs time and space because it’s hard being a first time dad and I shouldn’t take all of my stuff just what I would need. Well we talked and my boyfriend said he wants to be with me it just has felt like he has been in a cage and like he hasn’t gotten to do what he wanted or have his time. So I have been trying to give him his space and not push me coming back home and for Valentine’s Day he went and got me flowers and surprised me at my moms and he sat down with me and said he started moving things and making room for the baby and all of my stuff and even set up her little nursery area (that has been one thing that I have been complaining about, we weren’t set up for our daughter) and I asked him if that means I could come home soon and he said yes. Well I spent the weekend with him and everything was great and I came home today but I’m having a rough day and I just want to break down in tears because I’m ready to go home. I texted him and asked him when I could come home and he said “I don’t know sunshine” what should I do? Should I wait until this weekend so we can talk about it face to face or should I not push him and give him the next couple weeks or however long until our baby comes? I don’t want to push too hard because I am a lot to handle and I don’t want to overreact and him shut down. We are both young I will be turning 18 the day before my due date and he is a few years older


I would give him his time. He sounds excited to be a parent but pregnancy and all of that can be really stressful on everyone. He’s still communicating and showing you love. Just try to be patient, spend weekends together if you can. Talk about things face to face. You’ll be back home soon. Hormones can get the best of you, it’s okay to cry, let it out. Sometimes it helps. Best of luck :heart:


Girl you need to grow the fuck up & quick

As rough as it is for you, it is for him too. Be nicer to him. Think before you speak. That’s the father of your child and you seem like you’re the one that’s causing him to stress while pushing him away. By the sounds of it he’s trying his hardest to be a good person.


I, too, have an attitude problem and overreact. It take a lot to push a man but when he’s there theres no knowing whatll happen. He is trying tho, so give him thst credit. Give him the space he needs and keep showing gim you love him. Be patient, he’ll come around.

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Here’s what I have learned over the years because I’m a very strong willed person as well.
When you let little things bother you, imagine how you would handle the big things? Because life has a way of throwing things at you to humble you a bit… All of this is small and trivial in comparison to what could be.
Let it go, let him have his time to collect himself before new baby comes because having a new born is HELL… Learn to think before you speak and pick your battles… Not everything has to be and argument or a discussion.


While he needs his space, you shouldn’t be forced to leave your home at the end of pregnancy. Us women need to be where we feel comfortable. We need to be able to relax and nest in our homes. If he needs his space he should leave.


I would focus on yourself at the moment…while allowing him to be the same💜. Maybe set up something fun for you two to do as a last horaah before baby comes!


If you wanna go home just go, don’t ask for permission. If you wanna stay at your mom’s stay. Don’t think the world evolves around you because in 2 weeks you are gonna have a rude awakening.

Well you’re young and dumb, and now are about to be parents.
Hard mix to keep up with.

Relationships aren’t ever perfect, but communication and being able to love someone so much that they feel FREE is important.
I’m only 23 and my husband is 25 but we have a unique bond- so when we fight we move on quickly and are able to speak freely and deeply without issue.
Of course we have our moments where we aren’t sure what to say or when to say it, but in the end it’s communication and respect that takes the lead in any relationship.

If you love each other then work for it, if it’s too much work for how young you both are then coparent and move on.

Also realize, no matter how bad it is being pregnant, not to take it out on someone.
I’m also 2 weeks from my due date and we are both first time parents- stress can get overwhelming but he is supposed to be the one who frees you and can help you and vice versa.

Don’t be his storm be his peace so he can be yours.


Don’t push it, it sounds like he’s really trying

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My expreience in this area its scary for a first time dad you have all this time for it to be real for you your growing your little one my husband (then boyfriend) was terrified we fought and foughr verbally I felt he wasnt trying one time he finally told me look I’m scared what if I fuck this up what if I hurt the baby by accident ECT. Plus I’m super bitchy pregnant once I wasnt pregnant anymore our relationship was great agian. We went on to have 2 more kids and each time it was rough during the pregnancy. Give him a little more time it sounds like hes trying as you are too guys tend to run a little slower then women at times

If he needs his time and space now please think what it will be like when he is responsible for another life. If you honestly cant get through pregnancy without needing time apart sit down and evaluate your relationship. I’m not trying to be mean but when you have only slept for 4 hours in 3 days your moods will be shit. When you have spent a week in the hospital with your kid and he cant share the hardship because you still have bills your mood will be shit. He isnt your emotional punching bag but neither of you get to do what you want anymore. Can he handle that? I am personally blessed because my husband knows to give me 20 min and I can talk and listen to what he feels if it’s even important anymore. He also knows not to take my stress and frustration to heart because he is the one I can tell it all to.

Don’t do a damn thing. You guys are young and he’s coming to terms with being a father, he definitely intends on bringing you back you just need to be patient. It’s hard when you’re so hormonal but you also have to consider his feelings.

Did you move in to his place? How long have you lived there. I ask because mentioned getting ‘your things’. He moved things around to make room for your things? I would stay with your Mom for a while. Men don’t like to be pressed. It will work out if it was meant to be. He is taking on the responsibilty of the baby.

Pregnant or not, you need to control your emotions. You don’t get to act out on him and be mean just because you’re crabby. Think before you speak or act.

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Once the baby comes it’s about the baby…try to be great parents…if you have to…make “dates” or “times” to spend together…

I would definitely give him the space he’s asking for. Enjoy what time you have left before the baby comes and do things that make you happy to. Make dates for the two of you to spend time together, a movie night, or nice walks together. Maybe prepare to have your baby while still at your moms. Good luck :slightly_smiling_face:

Although I’m not in the same situation as you I definitely understand the pregnancy hormones… I’m 35 weeks with my 3rd and I have been hell on wheels with my husband this pregnancy. I have an extremely short fuse and will go off for the smallest things to the point my husband at one point a few months ago left for two days because it was too much with the constant fighting. These last few weeks I am finally getting better and not so short tempered and realize exactly how bad I was. I would talk this weekend about moving home so that you and him can have that last little bit of alone time before the baby comes and put the last few touches on the house together. Pregnancy is really hard on both the man and woman especially with it being the first.

As rough as it is for you, it is for him too. Be nicer to him. Think before you speak. That’s the father of your child and you seem like you’re the one that’s causing him to stress while pushing him away. By the sounds of it he’s trying his hardest to be a good person.