My man is a very hard worker and insists on going fishing in his free time, which I have no problem with. He also wants me there, and I love being by his side; however, having the baby out in the heat is a little exhausting for me. Since I’m breastfeeding, I can’t leave him with anyone, nor do I really want to. Let me also add my finance, and I have been going through a rough patch here lately. I caught him cheating on me the day after I gave birth ( C section) to our son. ( talking to another girl on his phone) so ya know, I’m pretty devastated. And it’s really hard for me to trust him ( giving the situation), and one of the reasons he wants me there is so I don’t accuse him of talking to another girl or accuse him of anything else, which hurts my feelings. I also feel like I never get a break, I don’t ask during the week because he works, but on weekends, I would like one day I’ll still be home, of course, because my son depends on me to eat. I’ve told him to go by himself, but he doesn’t want to ( because of the reason above), and his buddy he goes with sometimes doesn’t seem to be into as much as he is. I guess I’m asking for a few different opinions or whatever. How can I forgive him fully and be able to trust him again? How can I move past this? I’m so tired of being sad/ hurt over this. I always wonder if he’s still talking to other girls. He claims to have stopped, though. I love this man and have for 12 almost 13 years. We were high school sweethearts ( but we did kinda take a seven year break and rekindled almost three years ago)
You don’t forgive him. You realize you deserve better and leave. He will keep on doing it even if he says he won’t.
The day after you gave birth, via c-section???
I’d say sit down and have a serious talk with him and just let it be for a while. If you notice anything unusual and find something later on then leave because it isn’t worth all of the hurt over and over again.
Save yourself the time, energy, and pain and just go! Wish someone would have told me that (very similar story I can relate) good luck!
No one can tell you how to move on really. They can make suggestions. It truly comes down to if you can forgive him. I know you won’t forget but if you can’t truly forgive him , you’ll never trust him and it’ll ruin your relationship in the long run.
You can not control anything that someone else does. So with that being said I’d he is going to cheat he will find a way regardless of fishing or not. It’s just up to you to completely let it go and trust him until he gives you a reason not to. He will need to man up and go alone or with a buddy if you can’t with the baby. Just from my personal life it doesn’t matter if your stuck to his hip or not
Was he only talking to a girl on the phone or has he actually meet up with this chick??? Sounds to me he wants you, hence him dragging you fishing so that he doesn’t have to listen to you give 100 degree questions once he gets home. Maybe counseling would help
What a mother fukn asshole
Okay, he cheated. He cheated while you were pregnant and newly post-partum. And now YOU are the one being punished by him harassing you to go on fishing trips with a nursing newborn so he can “prove” his fidelity? Boy
If my husband did that shit I’d make it clear we were separate and once I was healed I’d be gone.
Sorry your going through this.
I’ve been in this situation before. I stayed for another 3years and forgave him. He cheated again. Ever since then I regreted staying and wasting my 8 years with him. You shouldn’t stay if he’s doing this to you now. Good luck
Hoverwatch. Com tap his phone you won’t have to go and will be able to see what he is doing leave it on there for a month if he’s not cheating than he was sorry… Take it off… If you ever get suspicious put it back on I’m sorry you had to go through that guys are heartless
The only thing he should have been focused on is you and your baby. The first few days after giving birth is so important. Those should be the happiest days of your life. I’m so sorry you had to go through this at anytime, let alone those precious days after having a baby. You deserve to be in a trusting and loyal relationship. The trust issues you are going through will eat you alive. There is no peace in it. I can’t tell you to leave, but I can tell you that you are enough, and you deserve to be happy. Better days are coming.
I would never trust him again
Cheater now an later
He’s obviously trying to get the relationship back on track and if you want it to work then you need to compromise. Fishing is fun and if it’s hot then take a shad with you for bubs and splash in the water. If you don’t try then you may as well let him go
It honestly sounds to me like he is trying to prove himself to you and include you. I absolutely hate seeing the talk of once a cheater always a cheater bullshit because it’s not always true it can happen once and only once and they can change it sounds to me like he wants to change and he wants to include you in the things that he likes to do
End it. Don’t put yourself through that torture anymore. Life is short and you deserve better.
You can forgive him but you will never get over the betrayal. You won’t forget it. Just stick to your worth and remember YOU did nothing wrong; he did. So, with that being said, you need to do what you need to do as a mother 1st then he comes afterwards. If he keeps throwing it in your face he probably still has a side piece ( trying not to hurt you more but it’s true). It is hard and it’s a day at a time to get over the betrayal. It will take years honestly. You have to give it to God all day every day. You will have anger and hurt and resentment throughout the process. Just keep in mind your worth and stand your ground. Let him know its you or none. It’s not you who cheated… he did. Let him know you have no time to play follow the playa’ your a mother now and that baby needs you. Also, you need you. You need to allow your mind and body and heart to heal. If you are stressed that energy will transfer to the baby and yall don’t need that. You do you and make him realise that you are valuable and if he can’t see that then he needs to hit the road running.
You found out the day after you gave birth, so it was going on longer than that. He doesn’t care about your feelings.
I’m sure he is a really nice guy. Sounds like one.
Put his ass out, immediately!
That would be torture especially u say after u had his child…no I would’ve ended it
Maybe it is time to grow up. Think of your child and will he need his Father in his life? Did you go fishing willingly before then compromise and make it work! Every weekend seems a little much. Work it out between you.
Sounds like a straight up scumbag of a guy… he obviously wasn’t that into having a child with you since his attention was on getting some from another woman while you were having his child. He’s the same guy from years ago. Your setting yourself up for failure in the future. He’s not trust worthy. If you actually make it until marriage you will regret it. You can guarantee he’s banging a few strippers the day before or weeks up to your wedding day. And will use the excuse I was getting it out of my system or some other lame excuse of that nature.
One day at a time. But honestly nobody can control what anyone does, married or not. And you can’t control things. But only you can decide what you want in your life and only you can decide who you’re going to go through them with! Choose your happiness! He’s suppose to add to your happiness. So you decide who you’re going to live your life with! You’re going to drive yourself crazy being sad all the time and always wondering if he’s still being unfaithful to you. Don’t put yourself through that especially after having a baby! That baby deserves your happiness too! If there’s anyone you should make sure is happy…it’s your baby I’m sorry you’re going thru that. Life happens & yes some days are seriously going to suck! But life is also short, don’t spend it being sad on things you cannot go back and change or wish it never happened…I wish you the best & I hope you truly decide on wanting nothing but the best for you & your little blessing
I’d need to know how he was talking to this other person
But honey - if he has anything on his mind after the birth of your child besides you and that baby - he ain’t the one
Stop holding onto the idea of your high school not so sweet sweetheart and move on
Yeah, let that go. You carried and birthed his child and he thought it was cool to just go on and find a mistress? Y’all on this page always asking for advice when your man cheats… Your relationship will never be the same. It’ll always be in the back of your mind. Move on. Simple as that. You want a healthy happy relationship and you’re asking how can you go with him basically to monitor him but also you don’t want to because you’re breastfeeding. For your own self respect just move on. If he respected you at all he would of never cheated especially while you were carrying/birthing his child. Sorry not sorry. Your child will pick up on all this negative energy and staying together for a child is more damaging than leaving for the child’s well being. High school sweet hearts doesn’t mean anything and def doesn’t mean happily ever after. Lust can carry things on over the years but it’s obvious there’s no love.
And remember you’re a mother now! Nothing is more important than being the best mother you can be to your child! Enjoy motherhood because they grow up so fast! Don’t waste your time worrying, spend it being happy with your baby!! He shouldn’t be worried about going fishing, he should be helping you raise your guys baby and make sure you both are okay! His priorities are just out of place
fishing is always going to be there, your guys baby is going to grow fast and time isn’t going to slow down. Okay I’m done lol but respectfully I hope everything works out for you because everybody deserves to be happy, everybody can give you all the advice in the world but only you can decide what you’re going to do!
You’ve been together for 12 or 13 years, you have a child together, yet you are not married. Must be a reason you two never married. Your trust issue goes way deeper than that phone call. You will never trust until you figure out where your mistrust is really coming from and fix it.
He cheated on you while you were post major surgery and in the hospital after carrying his baby?!
Girl no. N.O. You dont find a way to trust him ever because he is not worth of your trust!!!
I hope you find the strength to leave the trash in the bin where it belongs and realise your own self worth.
He has already proven to be untrustworthy. You cannot trust him. Accept the facts ma’am.
Pack your bag and put your white dress oooooon, baby he don’t love you get gone. Or however that song goes.
Eww i would have left him already
It will keep coming up and the fights get worse even if you forgive it will still be in your head
You had just been through one of the hardest things you have to do in your life, giving birth, to his baby. But instead of loving a supporting you he was messaging other women trying to get into their knickers. If he can’t be faithful while you are carrying and giving birth to his child then he’s probably still not being faithful. I mean what excuse can he even have, “we haven’t had sex in a while” you were heavily pregnant worrying about a c section “you don’t give me much time or attention anymore” he should have been giving you time and attention and supporting you! It’ll be the same thing in 6 months because you spend all your time with a baby on your breast, which as a breastfeeding mother myself is hard work and leaves very little of a sex life for the first 6 months… get rid he’s not worth the time
Once a cheat always a cheat they always have to be the center of attention and it gets exhaustimg and next thing you know you catch them cheating again can’t live a good life with a cheater get out now save yourself alot of heartache wished I had !!
Honestly, being cheated on during pregnancy or right after birth is a ridiculously hard thing to get past. And you never really get fully past it. My husband cheated during two of my whole pregnancies and after both of those births and during multiple pregnancies that resulted in losses. I didn’t find out until months after the birth of our second child together. I was devastated. It’s been 3 years since I found out and I’m still not past it, even after marriage counseling and private counseling for myself and my husband separately. My therapist said I might not ever get past it because it’s such a delicate time in the woman’s life when she really needs the love and support of her SO. And honestly I completely agree. I don’t know if I will ever get completely past it even though my husband has changed. I have the passwords to everything and can see everything he does at anytime. He has a tracker app on his phone and a tracking device in his car. He literally couldn’t do anything without me knowing. Time has made it so I am not constantly checking on everything constantly, but I still always worry that he doesn’t truly love me and care about me because of what he did when I really needed him. He was even texting/sexting said woman while I was in labor with our son. It really is a heartbreaking thing to go thru. I know that’s probably not what you wanted to hear, but you will probably never get past it. I know that I don’t think I ever will even though I badly just want to get over it and start fresh with him and have things go back to how they use to be. I don’t think they ever will. I feel for you so hard mama.
If he cheats once he will cheat again. If he’s not helping you with the baby and fishing is more important. That should tell you something. I can tell you from experience staying in a relationship because of a child is bad for all. More so for the child . You can be given all the advise in the world but only you can decide what is best for you and your child. Pray about it. Good luck and god bless.
I’m speaking from experience… He will NEVER stop talking to other girls. He will wait until you no longer have it on your mind & start right back up. Once a cheater, always a cheater. That’s lower than low to be doing that right after you gave birth to his child. My baby daddy cheated on me with my little sister while I was 7 months pregnant with our baby. Cheating hurts but it seems like it just got a different kind of deep hurt when it’s during a time in y’all’s lives where you should be so happy and in love…But no, his mind was on another bitch. I have tried to get over his cheating but it seems so impossible to me. I just can’t force the hurt to go away. Not sure if it’s the first time you’ve found out but it’s also NEVER the same after something like that. Unless you wanna go through this cycle of trauma and hurt over and over, chalk that shit off & move on. I’m so sorry you had to experience this type of deep hurt. No woman should have to ever feel that way.
a dude who can be cheating and texting another woman WHILE in the hospital with his fiance and new born baby is straight garbage get ride of him girl.
My ex did this to me. I caught him messaging other girls. I tried so hard to trust him again… but I never ever could. I think once the trust is broken its never guna get back to how it used to be. For you though… its even worse. He cheated on you the day after you gave birth. Thats ment to be the happiest time of your life, Not sure id forgive him for ruining that for you guys. I’d kick him ass out ASAP!
You are not wrong for not trusting him. I’d leave.
You are a young mother.You are both young with a tiny baby.The greatest responsibility always lies with the woman.The woman gives birth and has to see to the wellbeing of her family.
Your hormones after giving birth play havoc.You are overly jealous and get hurt easily if your man gives another woman any attention.
Did he speak to a woman or have intimacy?
It is difficult to accompany your partner next to the waters where your baby is not safe due to critters and the weather.
Many times fishing is a well loved relaxation for men where they sit,wait and crack one bottle of beer to the next.If they take with a friend then both sit waiting next to their rods counting teeth.
No,you are overly concerned.Your baby needs a daddy.Too many children grow up in broken homes.Spaeak to your partner.Put your foot down.Give him the ultimatum.He may go fishing but first help you with chores.Take any apps off his phone that you do not approve off.Talking to woman could also be part of his work.You are young and very much in love.But it ceases with the years.Go with fishing sometimes.Be your partners best friend.You both have a sweet baby.Cherish this GIFT FROM GOD.⚘⚘⚘
Girl ur paying the price for his infidelity! Hes gaslighting you by using words like" accuse" when you caught him… its a method of making u feel bad for him.
I have zero advice, just came to say this post makes me sad.
That’s so devastating to catch your man , who’s supposed to be your best friend and soulmate, cheat on you during one of the hardest times(all worth it tho) of your life. He sounds like a douchebag! You deserve so much better.
Yeah what he did is pretty messed up. I would leave, you deserve better.
He needs therapy so he can figure out why he chose to go outside of the relationship. After say like 6mo this of honest self reflection and work then you guys can start couples counseling to figure out if this is something you can forgive and move past in the relationship or if you move on separately. Trust isn’t something that comes back instantaneously. It takes time to rebuild and he should be accepting of what needs to happen to truly rebuild that. He should be working to improve the relationship and while you have a newborn and postpartum is not the time to take off fishing or want you to come along so he won’t cheat. He’s putting all the work on you. Personally I’d file for divorce/custody/support and move on.
In my opinion, I wouldn’t leave, I would make him leave. You shouldn’t have to relocate because of his wrong doing! He obviously doesn’t value his family. Best of luck
You can get threw it but only if he is willing to go threw some serious hoops to build trust back with you !! And that means anything really that you need to build it again if he isn’t willing to do that with out resentment of guilting you out it won’t work trust me you will know if he really means it ps actions mean more then words cheaters will tell you they will give you the world and everything you need for a healthy relationship but do the complete opposite and then find a way to guilt you are claim you are controlling ect !!! Just watch what he is doing is it what he should be doing to build back trust and make you feel more secure in your relationship after he completely used you most of the time the answer is not they say things to keep you but in the end their actions don’t change to better the relationship they acutely get worse the good guy attitude normally stays for two to three weeks if that before they are right back at it with their lies ect if you see this it’s time to leave figure out how to get out before you just jump but all of this won’t help if you aren’t willing to budge as well you can try and pump milk and have someone watch the baby for even 30/45 mins go grocery shopping together getting out and doing little stuff is big with out kids even doing something stupid together !!
Fuck that I’d leave his sorry arse
Unfortunately there’s nothing that any of us can say that can make you forgive him fully to trust him again. Personally, if you’re asking this question, the relationship is already over.
In your heart,you know what u should do,make up your mind,follow the chosen path,leave what’s behind you,move forward positively!
Therapy, therapy, therapy! For both of you individually and together.
pump and leave the baby with a grandparent
I think soon as someone cheats the trust has gone, if you want to be with him you’ve got to forget what he did and move forward you’ll never forgive but you have to forget, even though it’s going to be on your mind you have to push aside and fight for what you want, if you can’t push it aside and forget then why live in a relationship being paranoid he’s going to do it again, It would be best to leave, things happen for a reason
Once a cheater always a cheater
I wouldn’t trust him at all talk ing to other women while you had a baby oh no he’s a jerk sounds like he doesn’t really want to be with you dump him
You already know the answer. But like most. Financially your stuck . Get educated trades are more affordable than college. ( barber , hairstylist. Etc etc ) bide your time. Get financially set Then you’ll have more options
It takes time but trust will come back. if he’s willing to go through the annoying stage of proving himself.
You never get passed it. It gets old the invite you feel that if your not there he’s cheating and most likely is playing along to make u feel better
So he cheated on you at your lowest point? And you still with him? And these has been devastating for you?
Honey something is wrong here. This man should be treating you like a Queen! This man should be doing everything by himself without being asked! This man should be helping you with his baby any time he can. This man should be working really hard to gain your trust without putting stress on you, if he’s really really sorry, this man should be doing all these and more to prove himself to you.
First off you should have left his butt when he cheated the first time because he will do it again. Secondly you can pump the milk in a bottle to have others feed baby so you can get a break. Thirdly find something you like doing and do it. Then realise you can be better by yourself. I’m a single mom of four and I decided a long time ago that it’s easier being single then in a relationship.
Sooo there is a thing called a breast pump! Pump and then take a break u can leave the baby with grandma or dad take a day. Great feeding is not end all be all of having a break. And if u are choosing to not leave the baby…. Thats on you. You don’t seem like u wanna meet him half way. Soooo…. This is half your own problem. Be more flexible not sorry. Sometimes u gotta do stuff to make stuff work.
Living in the same household doesn’t make you a family. It sounds like you love him, but he’s just going through the motions. You don’t ever have to forgive him. What he did is inexcusable. I became a single mom to a 6 month old after being with my then husband for 7 years. I didn’t put up with the cheating and having to constantly question where he was anymore. Since I was already doing it on my own, I just made it official. I know you want your perfect family, but he’s holding you back from being truly happy. He should want to take care of his child when he’s not working because he misses him, but there’s a definite disconnect and I think y’all are staying together for the wrong reasons.
Live and live on your own terms! Hold your head high. He was the one who messed up so he should be doing things to please you. Demand it. Don’t show weakness!
Was he talking to another girl on his phone or actually sleeping with other women? If he left you alone to take care of the child you made together right after you giving birth when you need him the most the issue isn’t even really whether you can trust him it’s whether you can count on him to be there when it really matters. I’d suggest seeing a counselor to get some advice and have a place to talk about your frustrations.
Maybe talk to counselor or therapist on your own. You have a ot to work through. You could do virtual visits while he is at work and won’t need a sitter.
You have a right to care for yourself mentally, emotionally and physically.
The truly only way to get past this is to learn to forgive him if that’s what you truly want…I also went through a similar situation and I sat down with him and told him exactly how I felt and how damaging it was for me…I decided to truly forgive him with my heart and gave him one more opportunity for our daughter to have a family…it’s something that you will have to work on a daily basis to reassure yourself more than anything it’s been months now but I will be honest I still struggle daily and learned to calm myself because our mind is our biggest enemy it wanders off and creates its own scenarios. Sit and ask yourself what you really really want then decide.
Honestly if you don’t want to leave and try to make it work. It takes strength to stay and heal, and it also takes strength to leave.
But I would suggest a couples/marriage counseling for at least 2 months. Reflect on what is said in the sessions. Trust building excersize, have him leave his phone either with you or on the counter where he can leave it while home. If anyone really needs to get a hold of him, they can call. He has a phone number for a reason.
You just answer the phone first, ask who is calling if you don’t know them. He is to call you on the way home, no negotiations. Turn on the location.
After the two months, if you don’t feel different. It might just be time to let go.
Honestly. I’d never be able to trust my man ever again and I would leave. As soon as I found out. Especially a day after your giving birth. Once a cheater always a cheater. You let it slide once. He will do it again.
Flag on the play! Lots of red flags
You’re not the problem here. He is.
One word…Bye…isn’t it enough u have 1 baby who u care for already…once a cheater always a cheate
Dude, that’s a lot of dead weight you’re carrying there might be time to throw the whole boy in the trash. A “man” that cheats on his wife/fiancee at all in general but especially after having his child is not a man. Plus he doesn’t want you to go fishing with him to spend time with him he only wants you to go so you don’t accuse him of anything is ridiculous he’s a whole ass bum. Know your worth and trust you deserve better than bullshit like that
He sounds like a huge dick.
Also, you had just gone through the most difficult thing a woman can go through, birthing a child. On top of having a new baby, postpartum hormones/depression, and recovering from surgery. F him. He clearly doesn’t respect you at all. He will do it again. You’re not his babysitter. He’s a freaking loser!!
Compromise. One week go fishing with him, next week he supports you doing your activity. And if that activity is you sitting on the sofa watching the tv while feeding the baby while he massages your feet, so be it. But be fair, if he has a sore back after sitting all day for the fish to bite, give him a back rub, too.
Once there is infidelity, you’ll never get back to a place before it happened. The fact he cheated on you the day of your c section speaks volumes. He should be spending time with you and the baby not going out fishing and dragging you along so he can have his cake and eat it too…
RUN. Please… and I know it’s not just that easy, so just start thinking of plan to leave.
There is an obvious lack of respect for you, the mother of his own child…
His blame shifting response back to you is another big red flag that is concerning to me…
I think it really depends on what kind of talking was happening. Friendly talk isn’t considered cheating in my book but sexual talk and emotional affairs are completely different. If it was sexual, you’ll never get back to where you were. You’ll always question him whether you want to or not. It’ll always be in the back of your mind. And usually if it happens once it’ll happen again especially if it happened on one of the most important days of your guys lives. Counseling could maybe get you guys through it but it takes lots and lots of time. You deserve more then questioning why this man hurt you so deeply. Just know, it’s not your fault.
If a person wants to cheat they will, it’s their choice and you won’t stop that following him fishing etc. He was the one that cheated, he needs to grow up and reassure you and build your confidence, he can do this by not going fishing, but by caring for the child and giving you time to take care of yourself. You both need to put it behind you and focus on your child.
You might forgive. But you will never forget and never fully trust him. It will eat away at your relationship forever. But. If you are unwilling to leave baby with someone. even for a few hours. You could pump. Then you will never be able to work and pay rent. So basically there is not much you can do at this point other then get mad and argue
You might forgive but you won’t forget it, if you want to move forward maybe you need counseling together/separately!! Personally I would leave, he will likely just get smarter about it!! He doesn’t seem from what you said to be trying to really help you forgive!! If you don’t think you can also not constantly accuse him and hold it against him then that’s also a sigh to leave, that’s not fair on either of you!! Good luck
Once a cheater, always a cheater. Especially in a situation like that. If someone is unhappy enough to do that the day after their child is born they have absolutely no regard for their child or for the mother of their child. I said what I said and I meant it!
You will never look at him the same way again either. The trust issue will always be there no matter how much you try or try to convince yourself otherwise.
There is nothing in the world that could make me stay with this man. People like this don’t change. Once there’s an infidelity, things will never go back to how they were before. You will always have a level of doubt. You need to decide if you can live with that feeling with him forever.
I couldn’t. Cheating on you when you’re at your most vulnerable is unforgivable
I also read about “support.” Nothing in the post that says he does not support her. She does say he works hard and wants to go fishing from a boat. Fishing isn’t an all-day thing. You go at 5 am, and usually, you are done by 10. She is a stay-at-home Mom. So someone is paying the bills, and because she is breastfeeding and taking care of her baby, I doubt she is maintaining the house all by herself. A man that fish is usually a DIY type of guy. I have not met one who isn’t, but there can be guys that are not. So it is safe to assume he shares some of the housework.
“and his buddy he goes with sometimes doesn’t seem to be into as much as he is.”
That means fishing is his venting session with his friend. I have been on that side too many times. I’m all for supporting and hearing my friends vent. But it does get old for a while, to the point you don’t want to hang out with those people anymore. But, of course, if he were cheating, the friend would have a whole different reaction when he goes out with him.
But what do I know, just a guy that thinks like a guy. So yeah, he is cheating for sure. LOL Good grief.
I don’t understand this one… did he actually cheat or was he just speaking to a lady on his phone. Was she a lady that ye both know or that he only knows. Did you hear him speaking to her. Did he know you were listening. If he did I think then he wanted you to know he was cheating and not just by speaking on the phone but otherwise as well. If that is the case give him the road ASAP.
Girl AFTER YOU GAVE BIRTH TO HIS CHILD!! Which means while you were prego probably was talking and or cheating stoll . If he can cheat on you while you’re pregnant with his CHILD he literally gives NO FUCKS ABOUT YOU!! DUMP HIM
Move on now! Don’t invest any more time that clearly is being wasted on someone who is selfish and only concerned about 1 person, himself. It might be hard but easier now than later. Sorry for being harsh but you asked. Sometimes Your love is not enough.
Go fishing with him. Hopefully he doesn’t have a tragic accident.
Honestly, this relationship sounds exhausting. In fact, that’s a group on Facebook, too. You know the answer, you just want all of us to tell you what you already know. I wish you good things, and hope you can move forward
If he was genuinely sorry and wanted to make things right then he wouldn’t even be considering fishing at this stage… his putting the problem onto you when realistically the problem is him. He either needs to change his priorities or lose his family…
You caught him the day after you gave birth.
I’m going out on a limb and thinking he’s very comfortable with extra curricular activities at that point.
I doubt it’s the first time or person he’s had that with.
Sorry, but you can forgive. You won’t forget. And trust is broken.
That won’t heal right.
Talking to another person who maybe a woman and cheating are 2 different things. What sort of things were they talking about? It could be completely innocent.
Leave him. He cheated on you while pregnant. Move on and find happiness…you won’t get that with him.