I’m in a pickle I wanna move outta the state I’m in so bad like in a couple months just pack up and leave to 2 states away. But having a hard time thinking oh this will be so hard with 2 girls ages 10 and 11 . How would I do it not knowing anyone . Or know of any programs . How do you just do it !. Gah it’s making me second guess my self. Should I or shouldn’t I. Any adviceeeeee.
I moved to a different town with 3 kids not knowing anyone or anything and yes it was scary at first but best decision I made. Now that we’re settled things are just coming together
First, find a place to live. Second, find a job and schooling/child care. Third, JUST GO.
I would do it during their summer break
Leaf of faith mama. Pray in it
Witch Curses is now Canceled. Be sure to thank Jesus for your deleverance and miracle healing Amene
It’s scary to make a big change. I am not sure what situation you’re in so it’s hard to give advice. If it were me I would start job searching and looking at apartments online in the state I wanted to move to. I would also check out the school ratings because where my child goes to school plays a big role in the town I live in. I am not sure if you’re currently working or if you have money saved up to keep you afloat while you wait to start a new job there. I would want to make sure that I had everything situated and in order before leaving especially with children involved. You would also have to register them in that school system. If you need someone to talk to feel free to pm me. As far as programs go I know there are some but i believe most of the programs are for DV situations.
Join some online groups with people in the area you want to live (neighborhood groups, school PTA, mom’s groups, police crime statistics, local blogs. Ask them what they like & don’t like about the area and maybe some will turn into friends. Get on mailing/email lists of local politicians, entertainment venues, parks & recreation centers.
See if you can take your girls to places where they could meet other kids. Get in touch with local scout troops, school sports teams, dance classes, art clubs, martial arts studios—any activity where your kids might want to join. Go visit a class/meeting/session with your kids.
Visit as often as possible to see what it’s like—what’s traffic like, where do people hang out, tour the schools, see the sites, cruise the grocery stores, check for branches of your bank, clubs, religious institutions, etc. Talk to salespeople, cashiers, ask questions of people on the street. If people are willing, get their info & keep in touch. You’ll have a base of acquaintances before you move.
See if you can visit places where you might find employment. Ask people in the town who’s hiring and the best places to work for your skill set.
See what support & safety net programs are available if you fall on hard times. Check prices of gas, groceries, real estate/rentals, local property, personal property, sales and other taxes. Can you afford to live there?
If you do decide to move, what will it take to sell your current home, break your lease, get out of your current job/s and other obligations. Factor in having to change your address for everything, register your car, etc.
Good luck!