How can I move past what I found on my boyfriends phone?

Here’s the thing. You both need to sit down and discuss what you feel “cheating” is, what you find “unacceptable” what you just don’t like etc… that way you know what each other expect. Everyone’s definition of cheating is different. If he doesn’t realize that it is effecting you, or you only say it when you see it, he may not respect your boundaries. You have to respect your partner’s boundaries whether you like them or not. If you don’t… it’s not the relationship for you.


What are you 14 you can’t even spell but I like tiny tatas grow up

You may not have a perfect body. No one does. You have to learn to be happy where you are. Forget the bf. He needs to grow up. A man loves you for you. Not your body.


Did he show them to you? Is he messaging other girls or just looking at porn in private moments?

you def won’t always like everything about your partner’s body and vice versa. and it’s fine, as long as they aren’t making you feel like shit for it. How they go from there is on them but don’t hurt yourself by digging into his phone, etc.

If he doesn’t respect how you feel then it’s time to move on


Easy to fix " get rid of him " he is a pervit :bug:


I’m small breasted…. My husband says I’m just fine…… let him look as long as he doesn’t touch… God gave us small boobs & a big heart. Don’t let it bother you!

I’m part of the itty bitty titty committee…lol
My Mr loves every single part of me…
Buuuuut he still likes to watch boobs jiggle when other girls are running, or in porn etc…he’ll even crack jokes sometimes to me about it…"yooo…if she’s not careful, them babies are gonna smother her! She should do doggy instead…"lol
So them looking…that’s normal.
BUT…if you’ve mentioned how it hurts you…THATS the issue for me.
If I were to tell my man that him doing something, even something that is normal,hurt me…he’d not do it anymore.:person_shrugging:
Sooooo I’d be bringing it up to him again and ask him NOT to save those kinda photos and such…and then if he does…he’s showing you he doesn’t care if he hurts you…and in that case…you fire him🤷it’s that simple.

I mean people lookup porn theyre into to use for masturbation, it hurts when ive seen my partners clearly not into my body type/act different with me vs those body types. Just leave cause its easier in the end, its just toxic.

Leave. If he continue to lower your self esteem, he’s bad for you


If you don’t like my response please stroll past it. A lot of guys look at porn pics, it’s normal , it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you just the way you are. Some like blondes some red heads, some big boobs some small, some big girls others skinner but when you find your match they may be different from what you’d normally choose. It’s ok to read the menu as long as he doesn’t order.

Yea see if you’ve told him repeatedly and he’s said he will stop, he doesn’t care about your feelings or if he hurts you.
But another thing is you obviously don’t trust him since youre going in his phone.


You need counseling only for yourself to feel better , however don’t bother wasting anymore time with him. It’s disrespectful when he knows it bothers you


Never let anyone make you feel you’re not enough


Is it just porn photos? Why would that bug you? I mean pictures of real women he knows or could potentially meet or chat with okay… but porn? Unless hes cutting you out for porn it’s not worth the fight. Stop looking through his phone.
To me that’s just looking for an argument… and over something not worth fighting over. Your feelings wouldn’t be hurt if you never invaded his privacy for no reason. :woman_shrugging:

Do you know if he’s addicted to porn? Maybe he could get some professional help

He’s a bf . You’re not tied to him.


Just know you will be perky a lot longer than some others lol


Have a conversation…let him know how you feel…if he continues to have those pics after you discussed how they make you feel
…time to break up…not easy…but if he won’t change…that just shows you how he really feels about you


If there is one human alive that actually believes their significant other never looks at other people or racy photos you are kidding yourself. You need to find your own confidence, this is totally normal, I’m sure you’ve ogled good looking guys too.


Kick him to the curb!
He is already disrespecting you by continuing to check out other women. He’s not going to stop, and he may even become abusive as time goes on. He does NOT RESPECT YOU. You can’t love someone that doesn’t respect you so why keep him around.
You are worth so much more! Get rid of him!


Let him touch you and he won’t need pics. Try that


Leave, why are you waiting?

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Tell him you’re sending your pics out to other dudes. It works both ways. He can look at other girls, and guys can look at you.

The pics of those women aren’t even real half the time. Fake boobs, face, etc. you need to learn to love yourself. You can’t expect a man to love you, if you don’t love yourself first.

Remember u can remind him that anything over a mouth full is a waist…u can find many men who feel thatcway…

You need counseling and need to leave him. He has no respect for your feelings.

I have one question what are you doing looking at his phone

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Least it’s just saved pics and not saved videos. I don’t like/let my man watching porn without me and I’ve caught him watching it again in his search history

Snooping means there isnt trust there on your part thats one of the foundations of all relationships if you dont have trust you dont have a relationship period :woman_shrugging: not teyna be mean its just facts! Maybe you should be single work on yourself and your self esteem before trying to have a relationship! If you dont love yourself how can you expect someone else to love you

Good stay of his phone.

Lmao! Id be willing to bet on this. Your man is cheating on you, and your letting him because of your insecurities! A MAN WILL TREAT A WOMAN EXACTLY THE WAY HE FEELS ABOUT HER!! IF you allow this kind of thing with your man, and if it doesnt really bother you, id have to ask myself why was i with a man that doesnt want me?? Because if he’s looking at other women its because your not what he wants really, and hes only with you for some other need! I love myself and know i deserve a man who wants only me, and isnt afraid to show this!! Does your man want you or need you? Id rather be wanted always, not needed!