I’d like to know what are some advice and ideas on bringing on labour please before I am to be induced Has anyone tried anything that has actually helped them go into labour It is safe I am 39 weeks I’ve been induced once before and it was the worst pain ever ! Thanks ladies.
Yoga ball and bounce on it.b
I did a hot bath and by the following morning my water broke and had him by 1pm
I pumped! I did for 5 min every day starting week 38 and when I was turned 39 weeks I pumped for 15 min and went into labor the next day. Not sure if that was the reason why but have read it helps to induce labor. Wish you a safe delivery!
I had a pedicure while sitting in a massage chair and had baby the next week, three weeks early. Not sure if that was the trick or not.
I walked and ate spicy food that’s what helped me and by walking I mean like walked for about an hour non stop.
I mopped my house the last 3 times I wanted them to come out (my first was a C-section) worked like a charm, was in labor within 2hours!
dates, pineapples, and the “mothers tea”!! lots of walking
My first (25 years old) went to a concert parked and was walking up of course passing the carnival my contraction started, stayed all through the concert got home and water broke at 3:39am
what worked for me with my 3rd child was to sleep with my partner, it releases the natural oxytocin they give you for induction. and being natural for me it was easier than when i was induced with my first child i didnt like that at all but was needed because my baby was almost 10 pounds and was 2 weeks over due
Walk walk walk walk, sex, spicy foods, then walk some more
Say no to being induced. All tips are simply correlation, not causation as it is a protein released from baby’s lungs that initiates labor only when baby is ready. Anecdotal stories are only that.
A labor tea it’s all natural. Get raspberry tea , pineapple juice , green tea Ans castor oil. Make the tea per instructions , add a cup of pineapple and 2 tablespoons of castor oil then get on your bouncy ball and bounce . Had my dil in labor within 4 hours
Squats, walking, intercourse, nipple stimulation, orgasim. All safe to bring on labor.
Do not drink castor oil. That is such a dangerous thing to do. But try curb walking. You can go to 42 weeks. So if you don’t want to be induced, you can decline it & wait a bit longer.
I hear dates, pineapple, spicy foods, sex, staying active. Good luck and praying for speedy delivery and recovery 🩷
Natural oxytocin
I brought on labor drinking 6 oz of castor oil. It was past my due date though.
Just say no to the induction
You can choose not to be induced, I think. I was 2 1/2 weeks overdue with my first daughter and gave birth to her the day I was supposed to be induced. I think what made me go in to labor that night was I fooled around with an ex bf and there was some nipple stimulation and an orgasm But it could have also been a coincidence since I was already 2 1/2 weeks overdue lol Before that, I had tried walking and eating something spicy but that didn’t work. I had wanted my Dr to induce but she told me that naturally started labor would be better and to have patience and she would only induce if I was 2 weeks overdue.
Curb walk… Sex… And midwives brew
S3x is the only thing proven to actually help seman thin the cervix . So s3x. Lol
Walk, walk, walk. Curb walk, one foot on the curb, the other on the road off a sidewalk (I walked around the outside of a mall and all thru the inside). Spicy food, pumping is supposed to help. Sex can help bring on labor (if that’s still comfortable or an option for you; orgasming specifically as it contracts the necessary muscles lol). Best of luck mama
Primerose. Amazon has one from pink stork called labor prep. Raspberry tea but theres raspberry in the pink stork too. Dates -3 a day. Pumping or breast stimulation. Also sperm is supposed to help dilate you as well. And the big O. Much of this takes time. Ive already started the dates and im 34w today. Going to the store today and will probably pick up some of the rest of it.
Semen helps. You can google it.
Breast pump, sex, warm bath and vagina massage, bouncing on a ball, walks…
Yoga ball and roll ya hips
Massage chair or belt, hot baths, sexual intercourse, up and down stairs
I did alot of walking drank pineapple juice and ate pineapple worked with 2 of my kids