How can I potty train my toddler?

Fan Question •
I’m a first time mom and I’m trying really hard to potty train my 2 almost 3 little boy. I would love to get him into preschool this year but he needs potty trained first. Any tips to help me get my little man trained?


Just a heads up, sometimes you can’t rush them before they are ready. We tried every piece of advice and every trick in the book with my firstborn. She never was interested until about a month after her 4th birthday, then she decided she was a big girl and it was time. She’s been potty trained with zero issues. Potty charts, a table, going every 15min to start out, rubber pants, going naked, lots of rewards, reminders, potty watches… none of it worked until she was ready.


I did the 3 day method with my son. It’s when you don’t leave the house or make plans for 3 days but concentrate on potty training. The first day I had him sit down every 15-20 mins for only 2-4 mins but he had to sit. The next day it was every 30-45 mins, and the third day it was every hr. He got the idea by the third and could take himself by then. He still had accidents but it wasn’t too frequent. He was fully potty trained in a month.

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I know this sounds weird but I had to move my sons potty chair to the living room for him to poop then once he got comfortable I moved it back to the bathroom. It worked! Good luck!

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Give it time
They have to be fully ready
I tried with my son so many times but he wouldn’t get fully potty trained untill he was 4
Don’t put pressure on it you know when they are ready


Put Cheerios in the toilet and tell him to aim. Create a reward system. Make a chart for every time he goes pee and poop. You can use stickers as a reward or if you’re okay with candy then try that. When I used to work in a daycare, With the approval of the parents. I’d either sue skittles or m&ms. One skittle/m&m for pee. Two for pooping. Makes them want to remember to try at least.


You cant potty train him if he isnt ready. He needs to be showing signs and completely ready on his own.

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I did the 3 day method and had mine fully night and day trained in just 3days. My oldest boy was 4, second boy was 3 and my daughter was 2. Once they are completely ready on their own, it will be easy peasy and shouldnt take months or weeks


I put goldfish ( the crackers) or Cheerios. Told him to hit them

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whenever my two-year-old son goes out in the public in his undies and doesn’t have an accident we take him to the Dollar Tree and let him pick out a toy as ever award and that has worked wonderfully for us


You can’t force him you have to wait until he is ready or it won’t work and you just end up stressing you and him out and getting frustrated

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Is he ready? Cause if not it’ll be a losing battle. The 3 day naked method works really well and I got my 3 year old a potty watch when we started. I set it to go off every 15 minutes and as she got the hang of it I switched it to 30 minutes, then 45 and so on. Now she goes on her own and we’ve also been out of pull ups at night for 2 weeks now


I put Cheerios in the toliet and made it a game lol. It still took time but it worked

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Have you tried Cheerios in the toilet? You tell him to hit them with his pee

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It has a propeller that spins if they are able to hit it!


If you push, it could set him back further and cause issues lovely. My son didn’t get sorted until 4 but once he was that was it zz

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They have their own time for this my first boy was easy our second was so stubborn but we quit pushing and he just started on his own and was ready literally right before preschool patience

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Time toliet, take potty chair with you every where you go. Potty dance and song every time. No matter if they go or not. Big big dance song and treats when they go. I do it for my handicapped daughter if she doesn’t go. With a sorry no pee or poop in toilet song next time it’s ok next time mommy proud of you anyway I love you anyway. She is 19 years old and take herself sometimes and does go sometime. She is now doing it at school to let them know when she has to go. So it helps the remember it is fun. If you use big toilet their feet have to touch ground get a stool. It is very hard for them to go without feet touching ground. Just keep taking them. Go with Dad if a Male figure is around to model.

I used a potty chart for both my daughter and son. For every time they at least tried they would get a sticker or tattoo. When they actually went potty they got a bigger prize like crayons or a hot wheel whatever they liked the most. They loved it and were more motivated to try.

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If hes not ready its a losing battle. It will take you longer to train him if he isnt ready. My daughter was 3 before she showed any interest in the potty. She didnt get it fully down until 4

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One thing I’ve heard is that they have to be ready. You can’t force them to do it. And you want to make sure you’re not making potty training a negative thing. Make it a positive thing and don’t ever punish him for not doing it.
I’m sure you already know that, but you’d be surprises at how many people punish their children for not potty training or messing up during potty training.

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What I did was the 20min method. U set a timer and every 20mins u put them on the potty to see if they go. It took about a week of that before things took a real good turn for me. And also I did a reward system. So if he went on the potty I gave him 1 Hershey’s kiss. And even though that was a very long week of fighting and tantrums he realized that he gets a piece of chocolate if he went on the potty. That really worked well for me. He is now 4 and if he goes poop on the potty he still asks for chocolate afterwards. Lol.