I need advice/tips on preparing my baby girl (and myself) for when I go back to work. Right now, she will not accept a bottle; we’ve tried Tommy Tippe and Nanobebe. She does okay with the Nanobebe but will cry on and off the whole time my fiancé is trying to feed her. I make sure I’m not around while he’s doing this. She’s four weeks old today, and I’ll be going back to work when she’s 12 weeks. Also, I’m confused about how I should be going about making a stash. How much is a good amount to freeze in one storage bag? I’m not sure how much she will be eating by then… and since I exclusively breastfeed, I’m not even sure how much she’s eating now. And if I pump 2 oz and then 2 oz an hour later, can the 4 oz total be frozen together? What are the guidelines for storing milk?
my daughter froze tons and then donated it to places that needed it
My youngest son would only take Lanisoh Momma brand. We tried 7 or 8. Never would take a different brand. My other 3 i didn’t have issues. Pump when you can to freeze in milk storage bags.
Milky Mamas Breastfeeding Support Group is a life saver and can answer all of these questions!
In terms of storing milk - don’t add fresh milk to frozen.
So in your example, if you pump 2oz and leave it on the bench and add more later that’s fine!
The way I remember it is using my hands. Wrap your thumbs around each other and you’ve got - 4 fingers = 4 hours on the bench, 2 thumbs =2 days in the fridge and 4 fingers =4 months in the freezer (6 months for chest freezers or deep freeze)
i always tried to have bags of 4/5/6 oz. i never actually breastfed only exclusively pumped since my son didn’t latch but i’ve heard to let your baby pick the bottle, try getting a bunch of bottles 1 of each kind if you can and see if that helps? we used tommee tippee with my first, i’ll be using nanobebe and comotomo with our newest. comotomo is supposed to be really good for breastfed baby’s!
It may be the bottle try other brands like nuk, or nuby, or avent good luck
I swear by avent, both my breastfed sons easily took to the avent bottles.
After you feed, pump each side. That’ll ramp up your production.
I would store 2-4ozat time just so you don’t waste much of it. I stored 4 oz at beginning and wasted a lot it was so sad. I would try the dr brown or comotomo bottles the comotomo
Finding the nipple that best matches your nipples will be the best first step. I found the nuk brand was the best for my fussy one
My daughter would scream and cry with any nipple(we tried Avent and Nuk) until I found MAM brand nipples/bottles then she became less picky with the other nipples I had previously tried after a short while.
Try the Dr brown bottle my gran babies used it they seemed to like it less gas on the stomach I believe it has a straw in it that sits on the top of the bottle and you screw the nibble to it
Best bet call lactation specialist for information
Mam nipples worked great for my little one.
I would freeze my milk in ice cube trays and once frozen transfer them to the milk bags. Each cube is 1 ounce, making it easier to determine what she would eat. Nothing was wasted this way… I started pumping when my kids where born to establish enough of a supply so I never really ran low on milk but I would think starting off with shorts spurts in between feedings until your body produces more to keep up with the demand, increasing length of time gradually until you meet your desired daily amount. If possible, I recommend joining a la leche support group.
I don’t have any advice on getting her to drink from a bottle as I haven’t had that issue… We use Comotomo bottles.
Yes, you can add the 2 ounces from 2 pumping sessions together.
Breastmilk can be room temp for 4 hours, refrigerator for 4 days, and freezer is best to be used within 6 months.
I shoot for 4 ounces in each bag… and baby will probably eat every 3-4 hours. Sometimes there’s a little left from the 4 oz, but I’d rather that than having to open a new bag. My son is 3 months!
Hope that helps some!
Don’t stress. I never got more than a few ounces at each pump. I went back to work at 7 weeks and only had a day or two of milk saved up from pumping after each feeding. The milk you pump while at work will feed them the next day. We made it 13 months and I worried the entire time she was not getting enough even though she was a very plump healthy baby. I did pump at even break ( every two hours) and at lunch. You can pump less if you have good production but I was always trying to increase my production. Fenugreek did help.
Is work close enough for you to go feed her in your lunch??? My youngest NEVER took a bottle and he went to daycare at 6 weeks. I breastfed until he was 19 month. I would feed him when he got up, too him off when I dropped him off, back at lunch to feed him the. Fed him as soon as I picked him up. In the rare occasion he wanted some i between the daycare had a bottle with a big hole and would squeeze into his mouth. He WOULD NOT a suck the bottle. We tried!!! It worked for us but work and daycare was only a couple miles and I had a great boss.
Good luck.
I have an experience to share that may help. Years ago My sister in law was breast feeding her 6week old third child after having bottle fed her other2 who were 14 and16 at the time. She had decided it wasn’t going well and wanted to change to formula but the baby didn’t like it. He was crying all the time and seemed hungry. I must spent close to an hour trying get him to drink the formula. With a lot of patience and cuddling he finally drink almost4 oz of formula. Morale it just takes time and patience
Contact your le leche for your area. Hospital and your obgyn can get you this info. There are so many things to much to describe. Milky mommas on Facebook will help too.
When your husband is trying to feed your daughter have him get one of your shirts that you had already worn. It has your scent on it. That will make her think that you are feeding her.
Start building up your supply by pumping after each feeding session. Your body will start producing more milk if it thinks the baby needs more. No, you shouldn’t add multiple pumpings to one bag. I would freeze if I had 2 ounces or more. I was able to pump 8oz or more by the time I went back to work. Make sure to date all your bags and, obviously, use the oldest ones first. Good luck👍
My boys only would use Dr. Brown bottles so maybe try other bottles
Pump and freeze it, It last for quite awhile put date on the bag. Work places have to allow you time during the day to pump
She will be better taking a bottle from someone else and you are not in the room.
I think the best thing to do is to keep introducing the bottle to her don’t force it just go with the flow… yes you can store your separate ones together and I think 4-6oz is normal amount for her age as she gets older your production may increase you can also take lactation supplements a pill eat cookies etc
Try Phillip’s Avent bottle, they have different size nipples depending on the age of the baby. My babu guzzles down milk and it made her choke. These nipples worked to have a slow flow for her.
Yes if you pump 4oz 2oz from each side you can store it together. It would be harder to use all 4 oz if she isn’t eating that much at a time. To up your body to prepare for more milk is to pump when baby is done eating. Look up things to eat to also help keep production possible, and for your own sanity do not count the oz as “I’m only producing” that turns a switch into your brain that can actually stop your production. Just don’t start to feel bad because you only produce maybe 2 oz. just keep at it! And also to help stash a bit more, if it is feeding time and baby doesn’t wake to eat pump! Your body will then begin to produce more for when baby does eat, try not to let your body get engorged!
Go and get advise from a professional person
Contact la leche league in your area for dupport from pther breadtfeeding momd
I would go straight to bottle all the time so she will have no choice
Try como tomo bottles they worked for me.
Nobody cares your problem
Yes. It can all be frozen together and I would not freeze them in ice cube trays. Not sanitary In my opinion. Breastfed babies tend to drink less at feedings than bottle-fed babies, although it doesn’t feel like it when you’re nursing them. You can pump all day into the same bottle and freeze it all together. I have breastfed seven children and it does help if you are the one to feed them the milk out of the bottle a little bit here and there. They will hate it and when you’re at work at first they may only drink a couple of ounces throughout the day. Make sure you using a bottle where they have to work to get the milk out. It helps sometimes to squirt a little bit of the milk into their mouth with the bottle so that they will understand what it is. It will be slow going at first but they will get more used to it. I used bottles with pumping that I could just put in the fridge or the freezer.
Why are you returning to milk? Adults don’t need milk.
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You can check out my YouTube channel on going back to work. I have a YouTube channel with helpful tips as well as instagram.
My Youtube Channel: Dawnymommy Certified Lactation Counselor, CLC
My instagram: @breastfeedingclc
Call your pediatrician
For your return to milk?