Probably not a popular question but I will ask it anyways… I have a friend due soon and I wanted to pump some milk to help her out as she struggles with breastfeeding. I have carried two babies to term and breast fed both but it has been a while since I have lactated. I’m not pregnant although I have been trying, can I still produce milk without medication? Everywhere I read it says to do hormone therapy but doesn’t seem worth it. Has anyone successfully relactated after over a year of not pumping?
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I’ve heard it can be done but I haven’t personally done it
You don’t need to be pregnant to lactate. But it takes a lot of work & around the clock work. Also, she hasn’t had the baby yet so not producing right now is okay. It is very rare to actually not produce & not produce enough. Babies get over fed without pacefeeding so that’s when people can’t keep up. I highly suggest Expressions! Lactation Services group!
Every pregnancy is different, this momma may have no problems this time.
That being said, it is possible! But a lot of work I have read.
Drink lots of water AND take brewer’s yeast, is only sprinkle it on a batch of popcorn.
I know of women who have adopted and breastfed their infant