How can I spice things up with my boyfriend?

My bf and I have been together for about a year now and our sex life has always been great. He recently got a sports injury and has expressed that he feels inadequate and has been avoiding seeing me. I don’t mind not having sex but I’d like to spend time with him but he’s in an all or nothing mindset. I asked him to come over this weekend (I have kids he doesn’t it’s just easier this way) and I would let him relax and take care of him so that he can rest and heal instead of himself having to strain himself while caring for himself. When he decided not to come I made other suggestions of things I could do to him instead of him always being so dominant and he straight up shot me down saying he hates being on the bottom and just laying there cause he gets bored. I’m not A very dominant person so I haven’t a clue how I could spice things up for him so he wouldn’t “be bored just laying there”.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I spice things up with my boyfriend?

What about some sort of lap dance, at least he just has to sit. Good luck :heart:

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Get yourself some outfits and role play!! Like a nurse outfit especially if he’s injured and role play you being his nurse and not you’re boyfriend…you can make it really fun not just for him but for yourself


So he doesn’t want to just hang out?


Pity party much? Does he think you enjoy being on bottom every single time?! Sacrifices man… I’m not sure what advice to give you cause to me he sounds like he’s being a baby.


Sounds to me like he’s just uninterested in sex right now period. How long has it been since he got this injury? I think that would help a lot in trying to help you. If it’s just been a few days or a couple of weeks give the man time to heal. If it’s been more than a couple of weeks or over a month maybe there’s something else going on and you need to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk.

You tried. I would pull back & give him space. If you find somebody else, yhen…


If he doesnt want to pay attn to you go to the adult store and get something for YOURSELF. I went through similar situation with a man. When i felt like he didnt want to headache over me anymore i moved on.

He needs to grow up and learn it’s not just about his needs. It’s not just laying there from the bottom doing nothing. You still put in work :sweat_smile: and he can literally see and touch you anywhere when you’re on top. Sounds like he’s just making every excuse.

And like…. Why can he not just hang with you platonically? Or does he have to have sex…. That’s childish. And weird. Like it just seems off to me. Especially after a year together.

My advice, you won’t be able to spice anything up until he pulls the wedgie out his butt and chills out because he’s acting, as someone said above, like a baby.

Blah. Just please yourself and let him suffer. Maybe he’ll quit feeling sorry for himself and find a way. Sorry, but bottom should be doing more than “just laying there” anyway :rofl::joy:


Well even on the bottom he shouldn’t just be laying there :woman_shrugging:t4::joy:


I wouldn’t even try anymore! :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Slap his ass around then :rofl::sob:

Ummmm… be bored on the bottom…. Dose not sound like he wants to have sex lol

Give him a bj out of blue there done ,spiced it strait up.


Wow, my husband and I found a way even when he had a broken pelvic bone after a car accident. Bored just laying there?? Are you sure it’s the sports injury?


Introduce some mutually agreed upon toys. However, it kind of sounds like he may be suffering a little bit of depression from having to be still. Maybe some time and patience will also help in the long run


Wow. You people. He may be depresses due to injury. Suggest therapy to him. He may take some time. It seems you care greatly for him. Just let him know you are there. Don’t give up on him. He needs you most now even though he may not know it.


Don’t waste any more time on him. I’ve been with a man with a broken hip, doesn’t want tip be on bottom cause b he’ll get bored? Gtfoh aint never ha 0 a man say such things!


I kinda feel like he’s making excuses. I could be wrong, but that’s what it sounds like. I’d tell him that you’ll give him some space, but he needs to figure it out. I understand he’s had an injury, but he can’t use that forever. Tell him he needs to decide whether he’s gonna move on from this after he’s had time to deal with it, or if he’s gonna lean on it. If it continues this way, I wouldn’t stay.


He doesnt care for it…sounds like he has to spice things up… not you


Put him in a chair tie up his hands. Put on some sexy lingerie and do the riding cowgirl. Blind fold him, role play.

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I’m getting major fake dom vibes from him and its alarming. Some of yall are saying that hes probably depressed due to his injury. And maybe that’s part of this but depression or not you do NOT take it out on your partner and you NEVER punish them by taking your time away from them. To me this sounds like hes blaming you for his pain and that’s not okay. I’d be running so fast.


What guy gets bored on the bottom!!! So youre telling me, that if you were on top naked, doing your thing, he’d be bored?? Are you sure he’s the one you want?


Sounds more like depression then anything, and unfortunately until he’s ready to come to that conclusion himself and seek help, there’s not much you can do. I’d just tell him to let you know if and when he’s ready, and then you decide how long your willing to wait or not! I hope he comes around!!


How long is he supposed to be injured for? I would say maybe he’s feeling insecure because he can’t move the way he is used to/wants to and is worried about that. Give him some space on it. Let him know you’re there when he’s ready. If he continues to take it too far with the excuses that’s when you might want to take a minute to re evaluate the situation.


I just feel like it’s weird that he only wants to see you if it involves sex the way he wants it or not at all.

He can’t just hang out? Honey that’s not a boyfriend…

I know he may be depressed. But I do think it’s weird that you can’t even just come hang out.

Werid. He won’t come over and just hang out? Why waste your time with someone who doesn’t want to spend quality time, without sex?

If he doesn’t want to come apend time with you without having sex that’s a problem. Sounds like he is in it for sex and not you. I don’t understand why you can’t hang out if you can’t have sex. Screw spicing it up. Figure out why he feels like he can’t apend time with you without that

I’d say start with the balls and work your way up!

The man was just injured smfh give it a freaking rest, most injuries take weeks/months to heal. The guy could still be in a lot of pain so of course he isn’t going to wanna have sex :unamused: maybe have him see a doctor if it’s been a few weeks and he is still in pain, maybe something else is going on now due to his injury you never know

Heres an unpopular opinion: If sex “isnt a big deal” than why push him for something hes not into (even if for the time being) some are so sex crazy and confuse intimacy, reassurance and comfort with squishing your lips on someone
Heres a crazy idea, if hes not into it, if hes had a trauma (injury) support him in his feelings instead of trying to change his mind
Reinforce that hes a good partner with or with out sexy time fun…
Dominant types need care too

Idk seems odd, so he has an injury and he basically cuts you off. Doesn’t even want to see you or hang out. Is your relationship just sexual to him? I wouldn’t waste my time with him.


Sounds like he’s using the injury as an excuse of why he can’t see you. Sounds like he’s lying to me girl


if he doesn’t enjoy something that’s fine. he doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to. if he wants to be alone that is also fine. leave him be, don’t suffocate him.

does he like ass play? try eating his ass. he will love it.

Idk, are you sure it’s the injury and not something else?


So if he cant have sex with you as he wants it, he doesnt want to see you. He straight up telling you if you took control hed “be bored”. That first part should tell you everything you need to know about him. Find someone that wants your company with or without the sex. What an arsehole.

Legit no comment I have seen so far has said this so I will. Do you really think it’s you? Orrr do you think maybe he doesn’t want to be around kids with an injury? I mean this in the nicest way possible, he doesn’t have children and doesn’t HAVE to be around them while hurt since they are yours. He might just be avoiding you in the sense of not wanting to get more injured. Also, maybe your relationship isn’t purely sexual to him but he knows he can’t keep his hands off of you and doesn’t (again) want to injure himself further. Yeah there’s lots of red flags but also lots of reasonable things happening


My man is on bottom sometimes and he sure as hell makes it worth it because sometimes I just lay on top while he does his thing- he can still be very very involved


He’s not interested anymore. Move on. This will only hurt u more if u stick around.


Don’t even bother with him honestly…he’s giving you the f@#$ off tablet. .he don’t want to know.


Maybe he’s scared of the crotch gobblings🤣 sounds like he’s just not into

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Sounds like an excuse. He’s avoiding seeing you… Very suspicious and not adding up babe


Frankly it sounds like he has moved on without telling you.


If your boyfriend doesn’t even want to see you then that’s a real big red flag. Injured people specially want to hangout with the one they care about. Just telling you to stay away would make me want to leave him.


There is someone else. That’s why he’s avoiding you


Get another man it sounds like he’s not into u at all. Move on


Is he actually injured or off with anemone else

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Offer to sit on his face. If he doesn’t come over he’s broken and find a new one :rofl::woman_shrugging:t3:


My boyfriend would think his dreams come true if I went on top :joy:very far from bored ,he don’t want to watch a film :thinking:

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He is over you. When I love someone, I’ll do anything and everything to be around them, sex or no sex. And unless his d!ck was broken in this injury, I see no reason he can’t do what he wants. He is using this as an excuse to distance himself from you, which will be followed by him dumping you.

Source: I’m a guy.

Ann Ann Cheon Yamamoto did you add this group? Stories are good


I broke my femur in half 3 months ago, banged up my knee and my hip is messed up bad, I have a rod and screws in my leg. It’s never stopped me! Sounds like he’s just coming up with excuses not to!!


My dude had a broken leg and still wanted to hunch and he gladly laid there…no spicing needed lol…he probably got something else going on and you can’t read the room. Hope you figure out the real issue :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Spice things up by getting rid of him


Let him heal before you jump his bones…for him to tell you his bored…his really saying his done with you.


I wouldn’t consider him a boyfriend


I’ve never heard a man say he don’t want a cow girl on top. He’s weird and I really don’t think he’s into you


Someone else is taking care of his needs. Don’t beg, he will always have to have things his way. I’m sorry but if you have kids and you make all those suggestions, I don’t think the kids should be home for all that.


:thinking: I’d take my effort and energy in finding a new MAN. This “man” isn’t the one. There are better days ahead for you!


I’d be more worried about the fact he doesn’t want to spend time with you if he can’t have sex with you…is that all the relationship is to him?? If someone truly likes/loves you then it wouldn’t matter if yall were being lazy watching movies together or doing the hanky panky lol

Every thought that maybe he is depressed. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Sounds like he wants out of the relationship and probably has a side piece.


I’m sorry to tell you, but it sounds like he’s making excuses. What man is bored with a woman on top? I’d stop texting him or making any type of first move to see what happens. If he doesn’t initiate texts, making plans, then he’s probably not that into you or has already moved on in his life.


He’s cheating…wake up!!!


“He’s just not that into you”


Have you tried fucking his dad?

Make him work for it. You make it two ezey.


You sure he isn’t gay? :expressionless:


If the only reason you’re together is because he wants sex, and he avoids you when he can’t have sex, he’s not a boyfriend, he’s a booty call. Let him go and find someone who appreciates you.

Tbh if i was in his shoes. Most id want is head. Lets say a broken leg. You are going to crush the F out of his broken leg no matter how you do it on top. If he wont accept a blowy sorry he is for sure cheating or just lost interest.


Hookers and sheep :sheep: :thinking: nahhh lol on the real he’s got somebody else Chica time to wake up smell the coffee and move on…


Ummmm me thinks something more is going on!


Honey you sound like the side piece


Tie him up and blind fold him he cant get bord if he don’t know what’s coming…also get some Edible body stuff :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: also find some toys


You offered your kindness, he didn’t accept. Time to move on and spend time with someone who appreciates you


Find someone who wants you to ride him like a donkey. Sounds like he’s trying to find an excuse to not see you. Cut your loses and masterbate until you find your new horse.

Unless his sports injury is he was playing basketball with an erection and fell on it bending it into the ground he should want sex still.Its pretty suspect if he doesn’t want a blowey or you on top because he “get bored” tell him he can try to solve a Rubik’s Cube while you ride him :roll_eyes:

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Get out of there quickly run run fast as u can any man id jump at this ffs just lieing there ffs :weary::weary::weary:


Y’all must be miserable people who all think the grass is greener on the other side. Relationships take work and require compromise. If he feels inadequate and is bored laying there on the bottom - yea, he’s probably depressed. Let him know how you feel and give him some space and go from there.


Are you sure it’s a sport injury keeping him away.

Try watching porn together. Try fantasy play.

Um wondering if you were really his gf or just a fun time that he got bored with

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Sounds like his looking for a way out … sorry to say u tried and he didn’t show … tell him how it is or walk away u will only disappoint urself


He’s not interested, just drop it and give him some space. If after a reasonable period of time he is still not interested, just move on. Never beg.


He sounds a little scared and like he feels immasculated… find a way to make it seem like it was his idea

Show up naked, bring beer :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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The fact he is saying he gets bored what he gets bored during sex let that sink in for a min

After I heard the word bored I’d be so gone. What man is bored on the bottom? Noneeee


Sounds like he isn’t interested :thinking:


Hes just not that into you…:woman_shrugging: sorry.


He’s not interested drop it


If he is not interested oh well

Maybe just leave the poor man alone until hes feeling better! Gosh can you imagine the uproar if this was a man trying to find ways to coerce his injured wife into having sex with him?

Food if he likes that sort of thing or toys … I have never heard a man say he was bored on bottom :triangular_flag_on_post:


Lol he just dosent want to

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My suggestion is, Patience. If he has a sports Injury, he could be on pain meds that are working for the pain…but umm…not other things. He may not want to tell you that because that strips them of their “manhood”. I know pain meds cause that issue and can cause depression as well because he is dependent on someone and always in pain, it doesn’t make them feel very masculine. Just talk to him and find other ways to entertain each other until he heals.


give him head, suck his Balls.
jerk it for him.
tell him u can make vids, or take pics.
Talk dirty, tel him to demand things to do to him. (he gets to be dominant then)
dress up.
get risky. do stuff near a window. or. outside in a garden or something.

slap him, make it feisty.
just be crazy with it.

use toys on yourself, make him want you, no guy can resist his girl legs spread playing with herself.
if u really really wanna get a fk.
but if its too much work and he doesnt even wanna try. then, dont put yourself through it all.
but if it really really matters that much to you. then… cant hurt to try.

Say what now? … bored?
Seems to me the females he’s been with just weren’t doing it right.
For me personally, that’s where I shine. I would have been gone if he was denying me my play time lol like I’m not here for no free-bees, this is literally a tag-team effort. Soo TAG ME IN !
Alright. Advice would be if you can get a babysitter head over his place. And immediately loose the cloths. Touches here and there. Tease him a bit. But don’t do anything too quick, make him suffer. If he wants some then he’s just gunna have to let you ride …. If you don’t get where I’m going with this then we can’t be friends lol


Get his ass real hot then stop and go home see how long he will play those game after that