My son is 4 and still not potty trained. He was diagnosed with development delay. I will put him on the potty but he will not use it…Anyone has a child like this… How did you get him to use the potty.
My son will be 4 in October who also has delays. He is speech delayed and has SPD ( Sensory Processing Disorder) and I’m going through the same thing. People say “cold turkey” and it really doesn’t work the same especially a child with sensory problems cause my son doesn’t care if he’s wet. Keep being consistent and he will get there when he’s ready. I’m still doing it but slowly getting there.
Has he watched his daddy go?
Take him to the bathroom with you and use just the toilet. That’s the mistake I did with my son. He was nearly fully potty trained( using his own potty ) and when school began and they used a regular toilet, he got confused and just stopped all together and it’s been hell since
Yes our daughter has autism level 2 and not really interested in the potty but the big toilet we call it ( just the toilet we use) she is 3 going on for this September but because her Brian is a year apart from her development we just don’t know when we can know when she is ready she will go to us poo and go hide in the corner , next to the lounge and under the table, she knows when she has to poo but won’t go on the toilet
I tried everything with my son I asked everyone for advice. My son is developmental delay and speech delay. He only fully day trained around his 6th birthday. The school was awesome with him in kindergarten and they helped a lot. He still has accidents at night sometimes. My son also didn’t care if he was wet.
My Aunt help me cuz I have a son with a Development delay
I’m not sure what kind of delay you’re referring to, but my soon to be 4 year old son has non verbal autism and we are still working on potty training. He just doesn’t seem to understand the concept of it yet, and its ok! When he is ready it will work, until then all we can do is wait.
My daughter is austic high functioning she probably eon be potty trained till five I’m waiting till she starts preschool in the fall so she on a regular schedule
Also. My sons occupational therapist says children with delays learn better when you use visual cards/pictures. Get potty visuals and put them at eye level for him to see next to the toilet. I recently bought “first/next” visuals with Velcro so I can put different activity and it’s helping. Etsy has these!
This is the visual I have that I got off Etsy
My 4 year old son has global development delay and also has a speech delay I got him potty trained at 3 in a half it took a while . But he refused to use the little plastic potty and so I had him use a big potty with the potty seat on it he would only go poo on it so I finally got him to pee on the potty by lifting up the seat and having him pee standing up he took to that . But just keep at it it will take time .
My oldest son was the same way. For me it helped that my other son was 2 and potty training at the same time. I did naked time during the day for a few days and put pads on the couch for when they wanted to sit. I let them choose a sticker every time they peed in the toilet and they got a new hotwheel car the first time they pooped on the toilet. I trained sitting down too. He still pees sitting most of the time, but he will stand when he feels like it. Just be patient, he will train when he’s ready
I let another kid show him ( his boy cousin) and he thought it was cool. Been good ever since. Good luck.
I took him outside and told him to pee on the bugs. It worked. But he now likes to go outside and make mud.
It took my son till 51/2 and he still has accidents he has development delay don’t do anything just wait till he is ready I did just take his nappy away but that wasn’t until he was 5
My son will be 5 in November, he goes to preschool part time, he isn’t potty trained either, he’s delayed and has autism, we are still trying but it’s a working process, he just doesn’t really understand it yet. He also has sensory problems as well. We have done the underwear thing and he just pees in them,it doesn’t bother him.
He will do it eventually. Please be patient with him…
Tell him he can’t play with a toy he really likes until he goes
Use fruit loops and have him “aim” at them in the toilet. I did this years ago.
Let him decorate a plastic jar for a potty jar. Reward him when he uses it.
My daughter is 3 and diagnosed the same thing she isnt even close to being ready as much as I’d like her to be…
Don’t push your child into something he goes not understand. I didn’t even start training my son until he was 3. I think it took about 3 days.
My daughter is now 21 yrs old an she is delayed I potty trained her an her cousin who is 15 mons younger she watched her an picked it up quickly she was fully trained by 31/2
My sun wasn’t fully potty trained til almost 5, they get it when ready.
We used to sit on the potty in the living room when we were watching shows and then rewards when we used to potty and positive praises all the way around took a little but eventually potty time was easy
Put a fruit loop or cheerio in there tell him see if he can pee in the hole
Same problem I just enrolled my son in L.I.U here in Pennsylvania which will help me work with him. I have been through every method and trick imaginable to get my son potty trained
My son was the same way until he saw power rangers underwear and wanted them, told him he needed to go potty like a big boy first. 2 hours later done and no accidents, after 18 long months of trying… it will happen in his time on his terms
My daughter will be 3 in Sept with no delays but she just started really potty training at age 2. A little after her 1st birthday she’d sit on potty but nothing happened. After she turned 2 it just clicked. I’ve worked with children on various levels of the spectrum and they like typical children will go when they’re ready. It isn’t something to force or else it will take that much longer to potty train them. As with typical children, atypical children’s bodies are ready when they’re ready. I’ve met a 5 year old fully potty trained, a 4 year old deathly afraid of the potty (noise sensitivity), a 2 year old who just had no interest…etc Their brains all develop differently and not a lot of tactics work for atypical children as with typical children. Rewards are always great reinforcers! High fives, knuckles, cracked egg on head (pretend of course), their favorite snack the may not get often (after they have gone potty on the toilet). Etc when they go, be over dramatic about it and happy for them! Yay you did it! Congrats you went potty! We did a potty chart, they put stickers on their potty charts when they went! Some loved it, some could care less. It just is all up to the individual child and their readiness. Visuals as mentioned before are great for transitions and help comfort and ease a child who likes routine. We made our own and laminated them with packaging tape (cheap and easy). Good luck! We wish you the best!
Since he is a boy have the father if he is in the picture have him take him to the restroom every time he has to go but try to take him every 5-10 minutes
Leave him on the pot for bout 20 mins at a time
Throw a skittle or m&m in the potty and tell him to aim… Once he starts peeing the pee will dissolve the color off the candy and make it change colors
It takes time my daughter was like this she was finally fully potty train at age 3 almost 4 she a special needs child
My son is also 4 and he has a speech delay. We just recently got him to start going potty in the toilet by making him a potty chart and stickers. Before the chart he would also just sit on toilet and not go and before that when we even tried to get him to sit on the potty he would cry his head off. So the chart and stickers is what really worked for us, he learned in 2 days BUT he won’t go poop in the toilet so we’re still working on that.
A child with a developmental delay can take even longer than 4 years to become potty trained. There are children out there without development delays that can take up to the age of 4 to want to try. Don’t stress over it and don’t get mad. It’ll take some time but he will get there.