How can I stop feeling stuck in life?

I am not trying to be an ass but maybe see a therapist. And get some insight to areas that you are as you say fixated on. And sort out ways that you can reach goals that you are trying to reach. I only say this because I’m a therapist and I have some ideas but I couldn’t just give them to over the Internet. But I could therapist it’s always nice to have. Everyone need someone to talk to

sweety there is a person that can fill the Hole in our Soul’s, his name is JESUS CHRIST, try giving him a CHANCE, What do you have to Loose???


You’ve been together for 10+ years and he hasn’t married you? You’re already giving him all the wife benefits. If you actually want to be married I’d evaluate if that guy is actually even going to marry you if you want it that bad. If he hasn’t by now, why would he ever?


Sounds like you have Alot of anxiety and are overthinking everything…do done yoga practice deep breathing medication all can help…work on 1 thing at a time it all will come.

I’m the same way. Got tired of feeling stuck. Now a surrogate and getting us money for helping to make someone’s else’s family and using it towards rental properties and stable income. Best ones ive found to sign up for ,if want to do this,are Inclusive Surrogacy or Expect Miracles Surrogacy. I’m also in process of writing screenplays for horror movies to get sold to Hollywood. Turning some nightmares into money. Just got to make sure copyright them after done and send them off to a literary agent that can contact production companies to sell them too.

Tried opening my own business. Made gel and other candles…no one bought any. Lost $300. Tried becoming a dog breeder. MIL let my females out,after a stray had run through the yard few days before,and all 4 females got parvo. They had their shots. 2 died immediately and we saved the other 2,but they became sterile. Lost 3k. Gave up that dream too. Had such bad luck. My husband opened an appliance repair business. It was going great until Covid and these variants halted work for 2 darn years. :expressionless: Shut it down.

Me and hubby have 10 acres to put rental properties on and land is unzoned. Can put as many as want. It is just getting the money to build the small 2 bed and 1 bath homes. Surrogacy has allowed us to start clearing land and pouring foundations,plus running lines to start all this up. Can also use money to flip homes to rent.$35k first time usually…$50k next times do it. Good for you and for the IPs. It has been an awesome experience. My IPs are so excited to meet their little girl middle of June. Love the response to every update and ultrasound video i send them! Great experience all around.

I get paid over $ 125 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 19030 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info.

Sounds like you are lacking in emotional fulfillment. Stuff won’t fill an empty heart, I found out the hard way. I went to chuch, participated, becoming involved and doing something for others! I was suicidal but found my relief in simple things like baking a cake or preparing a simple meal for an overwhelmed young mother or elderly people, got a job caring for others first in a rest home, them a hospital then private homes after I retired. One, simple, event like hearing the sweet, thankful words of “Thank you” from a weak. elderly patient , when I gave her a drink of water changed something in my heart----and I started my healing process! May God Bless and Guide you too!


You need to get married and take your kids to church maby you do take them that would be a good start pray a lot God bless you all amen.

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You are thinking to much about the future and the things you still not have , and missing the opportunity to really appreciate what you DO have , nothing wrong with wanting more in life and wish for prosperity but you need to be grateful for what you have .
Try to work with one thing at the time , when you accomplish it then pick another one


Your not alone I feel the exact same way & also in the same situation sort of? Going on 11 years in October we have one daughter she just turned 3 & I always feel incomplete? Not exactly happy when I should be. We’re healthy, have a home, 3 vehicles more than what a girl can ask for I just idk I always feel ungrateful because I should be happy

I get paid over $ 125 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 22138 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info.

You are never going to be happy. You are too busy looking for the next thing to fix your life and it will never be enough. Make small concrete steps you can take towards your wants but accept you aren’t going to get them all at once.


I can’t help because I’m going through the same thing. You’re not alone


I have only one perspective in this equation. You are chasing unicorns and pipe dreams. Life is a journey it’s not a destination. You’ll never have a complete puzzle. Start a gratitude journal and write about all the things you are thankful for. Life just hasn’t kicked you in the keister yet. Not trying to be mean… just real. When folks go through hell and get to the other side… they either become grateful or bitter. Count your blessings NOW. It sounds like you’re surrounded by them and looking over and around for the BBD (bigger better deal). Be careful… that mentality is a trap.


You can do absolutely anything you want to do if you take small steps to achieve it. You won’t get it all at once but you can get it if you are patient

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I personally think you are being very selfish. I fought for my life being in the hospital for 7 months until I had my liver transplant. My husband of not even 2 years stuck by my side. I wake up every morning so grateful to be alive and for everything I have. Rethink your life. Is it that bad or are you just being selfish?


you need to see a counselor and take college classes to get a degree so you can afford everything you want, i did when i got married we couldnt even afford a bed much less anything else then my husband and i owned 9 homes at the same time because we pulled ourselves up by our boot straps and worked towards what we wanted also if your boyfriend hasnt married you after 2 kids why would you want to have a 3rd one with him, id tell him its time to step up to the alter if thats truly what you want

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27 and feeling the same honestly… Maybe it’s just a stage of life :sob::broken_heart:

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If you’re always looking for the ‘what next’ you’re never going to be content with life. Happiness is an emotion, just like sadness and anger. It’s virtually impossible to be happy all the time, and it would be exhausting.

If you have a partner, who you love, and children and a home, do you need to get married? I was with my late husband for 20 years. We were married for 14 months, and we did that because it was easier when dealing with legal decisions surrounding his end of life care.

Hon, happiness and contentment comes from within, nothing External is going ro resolve these feelings for you, until you are able to just sit and enjoy. Perhaps go and see a counsellor and work on yourself.


You will never be happy until you are happy with yourself. You can accomplish everything in your story. Start with one , finish, and then move onto the next.


Time for therapy so your children can be happy with a mentally healthy mom.


Do you believe in God? Put it in His hands and work on one at a time with His help.


Prayer .seek God That is what matters.


Not to sound religious but you’ll always be searching for something else . Once you get all those things it won’t be enough you’ll only want more and more it’s human nature . The thing missing a lot of people don’t realize and can’t understand is God. Once you have God you’ll see things from a different perspective.


Sit down and make a list of goals and prioritize them. Youll see once you make the list some things have to be done before another can be done. Start with the simple things… you wanna go to school check into it. Talk to admissions, get the details, ect… Disney start saving money and when you hit that goal plan the trip ect… Get a plan in motion for the first goal and just keep chipping away at it. Seeing your progress will help


Keep working on getting where you want to be!

It’s because you’re coming up on your year of Saturns return. 28 is when many people make big changes and major decisions in their lives. Take a breath, write down your goals and write down what you need to do for each. It will seem more attainable when you have smaller steps.


You will always want more. That will never stop. What you do with what you have now is key. Be thankful you have a job, healthy children and a place to lay your head down at night. Take one day at a time and don’t hurry your life away. Relax. :heart_eyes:


It’s okay to want more out of life, that doesn’t mean you’re ungrateful, just means you’re somewhat unhappy. I realized a couple of years ago that the job I put all my effort into was not the job for me so I decided to go back to school. Now I’m waiting to get accepted into a nursing school! I’ve felt down and depressed here and there but I finally started going to church. It has brought me so much happiness and I’m starting to fill the void I’ve been missing. I hope you figure it out soon :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’d start with the wedding and then go back to school or do them at the same time, beginning classes aren’t usually too hard!

Gratitude goes a long way. I’m 28, remember to breathe. It sounds like you aren’t so much needy but anxious. I’ve been there, I still get there sometimes. Everything in due time. Replace the word “need” with “want” and watch as you manifest. :purple_heart:

Girl that is nothing but your ego trying to ruin alk the blessings you have. Honestly you got everything a lot of us are praying for so don’t listen to your mind. Pray, meditate and elevate. Let God fill the void you are feeling. He will make you love even the ugliest town or place, believe me is all in your mind. Just pray to God to guide you with the Holy Spirit and He will! Blessings!!

You’re definitely not alone !!! I’m 27 with a boyfriend / fiancé 2 kids and a good job and always feel like I’m desperately craving more more more… a new house, a new car… a boob job lol… I picture the “perfect” life often and dream of it while reminding myself how lucky and blessed I am living in this current moment and I try to be so thankful everyday. But the thoughts if wanting more always sneak in. You are so not alone

Human nature can NEVER be satisfied.

I really feel this. I’m a single mom of 2 amazing kids and I have a job I love but I want more all the time. I too want my teeth fixed and to take my kids to Disney. I want a relationship that won’t end in me being cheated on. We currently live with my mom because we’ll the cost of living is so high and I want my own place not that I don’t love living with my mom I do she is a big help with my kids I just want my own place again. I’ll pray for you hun. You are not alone in feeling this way.

You CAN have all those things. Who says you can’t. But it takes time and you need to do one thing at a time. Set a goal for yourself like a 2-5 year goal to accomplish those things. Than before you know it you’ll have what you want.

Taking it from someone a bit older. Happiness is not a destination. Most of your life will be spent in the journey phase of “happiness.” Don’t waste it, be intentional about your happiness. If you must, redefine your definition of what makes you complete. I used to think I can find happiness in “success.” I have since redefined it, it is now based on my relationship with God and my quality of life. I am intentional about moments.


A day at a time!! Blessings

You can have all the things you wants it’s about sitting down with your partner and making plans and setting some goals.
Good luck :crossed_fingers:


Just work towards one thing at a time, no shame in wanting more

Short-term goals,Mid-term goals,and Long-term goals are a thing. And never feel bad for wanting to succeed and reach those goals👏🏼. One little bit at a time can make it possible. Make a plan and figure out ur next step to doing at least one of those if not multiple.

You have not matured yet. When we think that “wants” will lead to happiness, we are wrong. Happiness is a state of being not a destination. I am glad that you are happy with your kids, fiance, and job. Many are not. A prayer might help. Try praying. My favorite prayer is to say “Thy will be done” and then be still and listen. Contemplate that prayer. “Thy will be done” and be still and listen for the answer. it will come. Thy will be done is the same as God, will be done or God’s will, be done. God is everywhere including in you so listen for the answer it will come. Remember that all of those things you want you will not have when you leave this world but God.

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I get like this. I remind myself to be grateful for the things I do have, and not what I dont

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I’m 40 and still don’t have the things I wanted in life. But I’m grateful for what I do have. It’s human nature to want more. Learning that happiness comes from inside not what you have or have not accomplished. I left America almost graduating with my bachelor’s in psychology. To some it may not be much but for me it was so much. Here my credits are completely useless and I clean houses for a living. I don’t own a house and we struggle but… I have a job, a house to live in, a husband who loves me and a son that brings me more joy than I ever imagined possible. I am truly blessed. Life will not always be this way but I work hard every day to obtain the goals I have for the future. Even if that looks far away

I could’ve written this one too :pleading_face:

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If your perception is 'I need this, i want that, this needs Changed ect before you can be fully happy, then you’ll never be happy, there will always be a need/want for more, bigger house, better job, more kids ect an that’s not a bad thing, having goals is good, achieving those goals is what brings self esteem and confidence, but happiness is a mood, it’s impossible to be happy all the time, maybe try writing gratitude lists, write down everythibg you have to be grateful for once a week, an over time as you achieve the goals you have, add them to the list, sometimes seeing things written out helps realise how much we’ve accomplished which then will add to your overall happiness

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Sweetie……you feel empty and stuck because you are focusing on things of this world. Monetary things. Things do not make you feel happy and fulfilled. Jesus does.

Maybe you need a break from social media ? Idk if this is the issue, but sometimes we compare ourselves to those we see on here.

Make a goal list, start small & check things off as you go. Also make a gratitude list. 3 things everyday you’re grateful for. Good luck :two_hearts: