Feeling stuck. I am 27 years old, I have the same man I’ve been with for over 10years(we aren’t married yet but very happy together) have two kids, a dog and we are renting a house in a town I never really planned on moving too. I feel overall happy with my kids, my fiancé, my job everything in my life should be making me feel whole and happy. But I’m struggling. I don’t love where we live(even though there’s so much more room then we had before) Had to switch the kids school when we moved and that was heartbreaking. I feel like right now I just want EVERYTHING. I want to take my kids to Disney. I want to buy a house/land of our own. I want another baby. I want to get married before my dad gets any older and can’t walk me down the aisle. I need to get a bigger vehicle. I want to straighten out my teeth. I feel like I should be going back to school. I want to be making more money. It seems SO NEEDY of me now that I’m typing it all out. But I feel SO fixated on all of these things. Like I know it’s unrealistic to obtain all of these right now. It takes time to build the life we want. But they are all I think about ALL. THE. TIME. I feel like I can’t be completely happy in my life because I’m not where I want to be. Idk. I guess what I’m looking for here is to not feel alone in this. Maybe some tips on how to feel more whole even though I’m struggling to be my happiest when I have no reason not be. I have what I wanted when I was younger but still struggle to feel completely “happy”. Like I’m missing all those pieces.
When you do things out of order they don’t come to be in order. It saddens me that your forever fiancé didn’t marry you after the first child. You and your kids deserve so much better. But you are considering another kid in this situation? If he was gonna marry you he would have. You need to get your life in order and clean house. What do you need for you and your kids. Maybe you need more training or education to afford the material things you want. Also saving and sacrifice are a thing. I wish you the best. Listen to your instincts you won’t be settled till your house is in order
Read some personal developmen books. Unfck Yourself is one I really liked. Also, I Used to be A Miserable Fck by John Kim.
Start at the most reachable thing, and set goals for yourself to work toward such as saving up and doing the easiest things first
I feel you on this one. Just turned 30 been with my man 9 years. He has helped me raise my older two and we are on our 5th together. We lost our youngest almost a year ago. We have a relatively simple life. As happy as I am with the little life we are living, I, too, feel like I should be making more out of life. Besides just the day to day routine.
Start small, what can you fix to make you happier right now? Move from there. Best of luck.
Find happiness with yourself then everything else will fall into place. Anything or anyone that “makes you happy” doesn’t last. But if you can be your own happiness then it will last!
My Grandma always said that you need to find a way to be happy with what you have, then concentrate on getting your “needs” taken care of. “Wants” should always be last
Write down a realistic list of achievable things to do and start small. All of a sudden nothing will seem so big or hard to start. You will look back one day and notice the change but won’t know when it happened.
Create a vision board then tackle the manageable parts.
You shouldn’t have kids w/out being married. If he loved you he would have proposed by now .quit settling!
Definitely not alone!!!
Be greatful u have a fiance to converse about all these desires. I am in the midst of losing my children in a custody battle n being homeless, with all kinds of similar desires.
I feel this HUGELY and the biggest help for me has been therapy.
These are all goals that you deserve & you need to talk to your partner about how important it is to you & work towards them together.
Happiness isn’t conditional. It’s a choice. What has your individual therapist suggested?
You are definitely not alone. I feel like this on the daily. I also tend to rag on myself, like I should be doing something more to obtain those things. It’s depressing and makes me feel horrible but I can’t stop lol
I think all of us have had these thoughts and feelings at some point or another. We want everything best for our kids. We want to take them places and do things. We need the money to do that. But we need a vehicle first, etc etc. Therapy has been great for me to get these thoughts out there and to work towards them, one at a time. We aren’t superhuman.
Girl, you’re still young. I know at 27 you probably don’t feel it but you are and I honestly don’t mean that in a negative way.
You sound a lot more together than some people twice your age. It is normal and healthy to want more but start with appreciating what you have (sounds like you do) and take the small steps towards the big goals and you’ll get there.
Start with honoring you, get married since that’s what you want.
I am 27, a mother of two, we live in a small town and I just want you to know it’s completely normal to want all of these things - especially when you see people around you doing “bigger and better” things than you, it’s disheartening. I was 19 when I had my first child and as most of us know, when you have kids that young - you have to put YOU on hold for a bit. I want us to have a bigger home with more space, a second vehicle for my spouse, I NEED to go to the dentist and get a tooth pulled, I haven’t seen a doctor for 6 years, I work 40+ hours a week at a local restaurant and we have a happy life but the feeling of wanting “more” out of life or thinking I should be farther than I should be can EASILY send you into a trail of darker thoughts and it’s HARD.
I recently decided one thing I really wanted/needed to do was further my education - I graduated in 2013 and had my first child the next year so I really just let college slide right by, and I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life at that point. Now at 27, I am ready to make something of myself. If I want to excel in the small town we chose to stay in (my spouse and I have had detailed discussions and this is where we want to live for the remainder of our years, good schools, good towns, great mountain scenery etc and it’s also where my children’s father and his wife and their family plan to stay as well) that I needed to get my butt moving and start doing something to get better for myself. I did a lot soul searching and research and figured out what I want to be doing for work in 5+ years, I found an online college that has been AMAZING and the financial aid I can get for my age and salary is unbelievable and I have this feeling of myself again, like I am doing this for myself and for my future. If I want the big house and the 2nd vehicle, vacations, Dr and dentist appoints or hell even insurance than I have to do something about that because it’s no one else’s responsibility.
I would love to give you some info on the college and the financial aid aspect of it if you’re interested!
I’m nearly in same predicament. I have been with my husband for 11 years. We bought a house and own 2 cars. Have 3 kids and I’m only 25. I still feel like i havent done anything with my life, but how? We’ve accomplished so much for our age. So maybe go into school to pass time or find a hobby that can be used to make some side money if you want. I work 12hr shifts at the job I’m at but I’ve been thinking of becoming a dog trainer since my family can’t handle a pup right now. I feel like this will fill me with happiness. I’m just concerned that I will feel horrible if i do… i already work so much and my kids need my attention as well. My oldest is only 6 and my youngest 2. Just think on something you find an interest in and try it, if you don’t feel comitted try something else. There are so many things out there. I’ve tried plenty and still haven’t found something.
Your not alone… I feel like I’m living the same day over and over again, have so many “wants”,but at the end of the day, I have everything I need.I am blessed, thankful and grateful… I think social media has alot to do with what I feel, comparing your life with everyone else’s, realizing I didn’t reach my goals at 48… ugh, it’s a struggle… I feel for ya!
Honey we all want things, and thats okay, one thing at a time!
If you really want those things you’ll find a way to do it. Don’t wait for the opportunity. Make it. Also, talk to your SO about the whole marriage thing.
I obsessed over this stuff as well. I’m 26. Have 2 of my own, 1 bonus kid, and a baby on the way. We’re finishing remodeling the house we’re moving into to make it livable but I obsess over the fact that I don’t have a degree, that the whole house isn’t done, that because of my kids I’ve missed out on some experiences from my 20’s (got pregnant with my oldest at 21), things like that.
I’m exploring therapy options because while I love my life so much I hate that I just keep wanting more.
But you’re not alone. So many of my friends feel this way too. Thinking of you
You’ve got it right… you have to plan and manifest!!! But you are missing out on today. Try to spend some time from a grateful perspective… someone is praying for what you have right now.
Nailed it girl!!! I feel you
I would make a goal list and write down a time frame for each goal. I would probably get married first, then go back to school which will probably create more income for you to begin working on the other things. Don’t forget that at your age you have accomplished a lot. Don’t forget to be proud of what you have accomplished and appreciate what you have while working on your goals. You got this!
they are not impossible things they seem realistic so start on the most simple things write a list you want to go back to school ok so is it high school or collage either way you can take a course or two on line or in person you want to get your teeth straight on go to the dentist and find out what are the steps you one about your dad walking you down the isle i get that my sister got married and had my dad walk her 2 weeks before he past best moment ever just no what you have there isnt imposible you just have to start small
Going to church might make you feel better and help on your decisions
Pray pray pray
If you have all these bucket list of things you want to do…create what u want most and then force yourself to do them one at a time! Changing things up will make life interesting for you again!
Prioritize that list by what will successfully build your status and mental state to achieve the rest of list (school first, then increase pay, then house/land, etc). Really focus where you can comprise temporarily (bigger car price/needs, improve current house or explore the city/area) to improve mood and happiness. Explore how marriage would improve your life.
Be grateful. Be thankful. That God for his Grace every day. Only he provides. And he will in abundance
You’re definitely not alone. Start by setting short term, obtainable goals that will help you move towards your long term goals so you will feel some sense of moving towards them. Save X dollars every month. Set a wedding date. If you can see yourself moving towards the goals, you might actually start feeling happy.
I think this is why moms are so hard on ourselves , I hope you can find balance and peace , for I struggle with this as well sending Love
Might just be a touch of spring fever. Harness some of that feeling and pick something to start achieving. It’s normal to want more, that’s how we humans achieve progress. Look in to classes at a local college. Make an appointment with your dentist to discuss your options for your teeth (braces? Invisalign?). Research what you need to begin your journey to home ownership (I don’t think it’s a buyers market right now so I would wait). Start looking in to affordable ways to get your dream trip to Disney, maybe next tax time? Anything you want is possible. Sometimes you just have to take baby steps.
We all have those feelings. You need to focus on all the good and positive things in your life, and it sounds like you have alot to be thankful for. Wishing you all the best .
Life is like being in a train trip; you look at the cities where it stops; why would you decide that you’re to be really happy when you get to a designated city but not before? Smile plenty and enjoy the whole trip because this train never goes backwards; one more thing: be very very very grateful for everything you have; I have plenty of friends my age( 42) who have no children and no stable relation, even thou their career is thriving; or a couple of friends who lost a child to cancer and to car accidents; and I have myself who lost the father of 4 young beautiful children after being together for 19 years to a heart attack just 6 months ago. So do your best to enjoy your good health, good relationships, healthy children. Be very grateful every day; if you work on all the other achievements, they will come to you, but in the mean time you can still smile from the bottom of your heart often and enjoy the moments.
How you with a dude 10 years and not married… that’s your first hint somethings off.
My boyfriend says he feels the way you described now…
I’m struggling to understand it, because I’m curious content with our lives…
You will never be happy until you’re grateful for everything first. Live in gratitude. Every time you have one of those thoughts remember to say out loud all the things you’re grateful for. The more things in life you’re grateful for, the more things you’ll have to be grateful for.
Your deserve those things, you’re not being selfish., But Rome wasn’t built in a day,as they say. to keep from feeling overwhelmed.,start prioritizing, make a list., Take one thing at a time and everyday do something that will move you closer to your goal.,you will eventually get there.
Be still and know that I am GOD. He does know the desires of our hearts. Give it to him first then set a goal plan to obtain the first thing you want.
Baby steps is the key to it. Go take online classes as step one. Or start saving for a down payment on a house first. Either way. Start small. Everyone gets in the “funk” as I call it. I am also 27 and just got married to the love of my life after being together for 10 years. Trust me when I say I know how you feel.
Make a dream board! Make a cool poster with all the things you are striving for, and one by one make plans and make them happen. If you have a visual of it, it makes it so much easier to achieve, and you won’t have to focus on it all of the time, because you already know you’re not going to lose sight of it. Thinking about these things will drive you insane, so create the board and start working toward those things without focusing on them. Only focus on what’s in front of you. I know that’s easier said than done, but I use those words “focus on what’s in front of you” every time I find myself distracted from the moment I am in, and now it’s just a natural thing to me. It’s honestly a great feeling to be in the moment almost all of the time.
Make a list and start checking them off. One thing at a time . It’s harder these days, but not impossible with hard work . It’s normal to have these feelings. I’m 55 and struggling with being stuck as well, just a different list. Our life is a journey of accomplishments. As long as you have your health and a good person beside you anything can be accomplished. Don’t focus on “things.” The most important pieces of life are already yours
Live in the present and it is your choice to be happy. No one or thing can make you happy. One day at a time. Love & Hugs.
The i wants. Like we are children. Plan. Plan plan. What do you do for you?!
Write down everything you want to accomplish. Make a to do list for each of them. Then do small things where you can and let it all fall into place? Is you’re partner feeing discontent as well?
You’re blessed in so many ways. Be thankful for all you have. Baby steps and the rest you’ll get in time.
Wont be happy till you learn to be happy with what you have. Even if you had all those things I bet you still would find something else to want or crave.
Set realistic goals that will lead to the bigger goals, and what you need to do in order for those things to happen. Write out a plan with your partner on how to obtain those things. See what can be done sooner rather than later and start building. Life is so much more fulfilling if you have a plan of accomplishments you’re actively working towards. Cause it gives you purpose. I feel this on so many levels its unreal. This is literally the only thing that worked for me. My plans changed drastically due to me and my husband divorcing, however my long term hasn’t changed. Just the way it will be achieved.
I can’t help ya but I get like this a lot too. Just start feeling stuck like I’m not doing enough.
I know that life can get dull in the workaday world. You work, take care of the house and kids, pay bills, buy groceries, think about all those goals, and you feel like you’re treading water. The thing to do is pick a goal. You said you wanted to get married. How does your fiancé feel about that right now? Is he on board with that or is he dragging his feet for some reason? See if he’ll discuss it. Work on getting that done. That’s something that is important for legal security. What about school? What do you want to do? Have you picked a career goal? Maybe that’s the next step. Go to school. You can study with the kids. You’ll be too busy to feel stuck for awhile. Then get a job in your chosen career field and start putting money away for that house, that Disney vacation, the bigger vehicle. Your new job may have dental insurance. It will take time, but with some work and determination, you’ll get there!
Do you have Jesus in your life? He makes me happy. Things and money can disappear, a simple life with a loving family can be fulfilling.
I get paid over $ 125 per hour w0rking from home. I never thought l’d be able to do it but my colleague makes over $ 21984 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is limitless.
M0re Info. https://bestincomejobs61.netlify.app/
Honestly, it’s your age. You see things differently at 27 then you did 8 years ago when your relationship started. Your views on life and your goals change over the years. Talk to your boyfriend and explain without blame. Ask him if he will help you tackle 1 goal one at a time. If money is the reason not to have a wedding I can tell you from experience there are ways to have a beautiful wedding without breaking the bank . There is so many kinds of ways to save money on weddings. Just look some up on the internet.
Start saving for a house. Open a bank account and make it your first priority every single paycheck to add to it for a house fund. Even if it’s only $25-50 a month. It’s will add up and add you watch it grow it will motivate you. As you tackle each goal and you start to see progress. Your mood will change. Baby steps! And believe me once you get through your thirties, everything changes again! And then again in your '50s. I haven’t gotten past that so I can’t speak for the rest!
In the end, if you set some goals and you find that you’re putting in an effort but not getting any support and not really making any steps forward and it’s time to rethink your situation and decide that maybe somebody who is a little bit more in tune with your goals might be a better option for you. Good luck and stay strong
The solution to this is to be GRATEFUL every single day for what you DO have and live in the present. Many people would die to have what YOU DO HAVE.
Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for. Read it daily. Add to the list as you go.
We all have wishes and goals and dreams. The key is to be patient. The right time will come when God says so. He will send more blessings your way–in His time.
Maybe pick one item and work toward that. Money is tight for most people these days, so if you don’t achieve right away, don’t worry about it. Live in the moment.
And whatever you do, don’t compare your life and lifestyle with others…that will always bring heartache and sadness! You are so blessed with what you already have.
One last thought. Spend time with nature and the outdoors. Relish in the beauty of nature’s gifts. Go on walks. Take pictures of birds and flowers or a sunset. Life is good, if you will let its beauty in.
Start working on yourself maybe going back to school to get better training for a career you really want and to put yourself in a more independent situation. Things won’t change unless you make them happen. You are in charge of your own life and your own happiness. You do need purpose in your life to make you happy. Even if you love your children and would welcome a third child improve your own life before you take on the responsibility of another child. If your boyfriend loves you he will want you to be happy and have a life using your own talents not just serving his wishes. Protect yourself legally and plan your future. If you are not married you are probably not feeling appreciated and protected if that is truly your goal to be married. Good luck with your future goals. Hopefully your boyfriend will feel proud of your success in the future both personally and professionally. Family is very important but so are your feelings, needs and self confidence. People who live you should be proud of your achievements.
Think about what steps you need to take, yourself, to get where you need to be and then begin. Even if it’s just little steps like taking a class or two. Who can you count on to help with childcare and support. As soon as you begin on YOUR path you will immediately feel better.
Let me say this is to an exact t how I feel everyday! It’s an unsatisfied feeling like it’s not enough and then a guilty feeling of you have everything you should grateful. But it’s not being ungrateful it’s just simply you wanting more. I am still figuring out how to navigate these feelings myself along with anxiety and many years of depression so it’s difficult and do not feel bad about feeling like you do! It doesn’t make you crazy to want things and to want more and to want them to be the way you want them! Just day by day maybe do a journal and write down how you’re feeling, why you’re feeling like that, goals you want to accomplish how you can accomplish those things. And everyday or every week or every month just try to complete one thing. And even that is a step forward to feeling better. It’s truly about putting work in to focus on your inner thoughts and inner feelings and navigating why you feel that way. Maybe in the morning when you get up go out and put your feet on the ground and just meditate for a minute or a few minutes however long and just seriously take deep breaths. And maybe say a mantra to yourself like, I am enough, this life is enough. I am simply having deeper feelings about where I am and that’s valid and I’m allowed to feel that way.
Really just ground yourself and release your tension for a little while in that moment and relax so you can truly put your thoughts together for the day and can get things accomplished or just feel less tense in general.
You are not crazy it’s completely normal to feel unsatisfied. It’s just about how you address those feelings when they come up and letting it go not holding on to any shame or guilt for feeling like that. You’re only 27 a good way to look at it in a positive sense is you still have plenty of time to accomplish and get all the things you want for you and your family. It’s just day by day. Adding things and hobbies and people and objects and animals and accomplishing goals are all things that will fill in those missing pieces. Just have to listen to yourself and go along with it
I’m 30 and slowly over the past few years I set little goals. I moved closer to family and that helped alot and then I finished paying off my debt in full. Now I just had braces put in and my teeth are finally starting to become straight!!!
All these little things I’m doing are making a world of difference and I’m so much happier and it just takes some time hun… you can do this just take it day by day 1 step at a time. I feel you trust me. You will get there.
It’s hard to live in the moments sometime and just be happy for all the good stuff you do have in life.ive struggled with that my whole life and have recently started trying to not live in constant survial mode and just life in the now.
All of that is what motivates you. Keep your goals and move towards them. One goal at a time
Start a gratitude journal of all the things for which you are thankful. Add to it daily. Read your list.
Research fun things to do in your location: attractions, parks, museums, galleries, historic sites, pools, entertainment, recreation centers, classes in art, cooking, etc.
Find a spiritual home either in a local religious institution or via online services. Skip the televangelists who keep asking for money though. Yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, labyrinth walks, reading poetry or books of prayers, singing songs/hymns can soothe your soul.
Sit down with your guy and talk about goals for the future and set up a budget and savings and spending plan to achieve what you can. Prioritize your goals and work towards them as n order. Yes, pick an easier to obtain one first, but then do in order of importance. Don’t forget to budget for emergencies, kids’ continuing education (529 plans), retirement funds (don’t count on Social Security), medical expenses.
Research scholarships, loans, grants, possibilities to achieve them. Certificate programs, trade schools, community colleges can improve your education and result in more lucrative opportunities. A job with medical, dental, orthodontic benefits would help with your teeth for example.
Get a hobby that feeds your soul. Join a gym with child care, a pool your family can go to, a dance class, art class, book club, knitting, whatever floats your boat that you can afford.
Get out in nature and sunshine and move your bodies every chance you can.
Go see free & low-cost performances, fairs, parades, exhibits, sporting events. High schools usually have plays, science fairs, sports competitions and more to enjoy. Plus it gives you a chance to see the school(s) and check out programs where your kids will go eventually.
Disney is crazy expensive. Check out other fun places: Six Flags, Great Wolf Lodge, other kid-friendly venues in your state. Sometimes it’s just fun to spend a night in a hotel with a pool & big buffet breakfast.
It’s honestly normal to feel that way until it’s overwhelming & consumes you. Make a list of goals and start with the easiest attainable. Sounds like that may be a new job or new vehicle. When looking for a new job, check out insurance so you can work on your teeth. Tell your boyfriend your goals & work together as a team.
Like everyone else said start making a plan. I would put another baby on the back burner for now because as much as I love babies we all know they have a tendency to throw our goals off. Start with schooling, night classes or online if you need to work through the day. Since your not married you may qualify for some grants.
Start 3 envelopes: teeth, car, house and put $5-10 (whatever you can afford) in each week if you can.
Tell the fiancé you want a wedding while dad can still walk you down the aisle. It doesn’t have to be a huge affair unless that’s what you want. If he won’t propose than you do it. I proposed to my husband after 6 yrs together.
At least think about getting school out of the way before another baby.
Good luck to you
Sounds like you’re lonely …I was married with three kids …and the lonlest person on earth !
I’ve learned in life that list will never be completely fulfilled more will always be added something will drop off but if your focus is what you need to do you can miss what you have and the moment you are in now. You babies will never be this age again. Enjoy them. My son’s getting his license this year and don’t have much time for mama any more.
Then stay off FB for awhile…see what happens …
Stop concentrating on yourself. We all have feelings similar to your, but we don’t concentrate on them. First of all…making weding plans now.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal. That could be what you are lacking in your life. How long will He be your fiance and not your husband??
Yes girl! I’m in the same spot!! We should connect, get off our phones and our butts and get the damn thing.
Go for what you want one goal at a time.There are no quick fixes.All efforts add up.
No one is promised tomorrow and yesterday is gone life is about how you make it to those mail stones you will not appreciate them anywhere as much if you don’t work hard for them and go threw ups and down seriously we all go threw it and people who have those things normally still want more or something else it’s just our culture it the mind set that you won’t make it until you have done all those things but that’s 100 percent not true
sounds like you definitely need to start taking for vitamins first B and magnesium
second lots
Of water maybe a day out not Disney but a family day or a mom day something to get your mind of the house the bills ect ect and just get out rent a boat do something out doors it’s will help promise third everyone feels like this at some point in their life shit I’m 32 in October and just bought a house and I’m terrified it was the stupidest idea ever the market is so high it’s not if we will end up have an upside down loan it’s when
we all go threw it your not alone pic something small you can do everyday routine maybe start a business that’s why I did not saying to completely up and done but it gives me self accomplishment still doing the in and out buts I feel like I’m headed in the right direction shit one kid I would move in an RV and travel the country get a computer job
that sounds so fun not so much with three kids lol
I would say you would benefit from goal setting and journaling… for example instead of just thinking about all these things and forgetting to enjoy the moment…tie your daily/ monthly achievements to your goals… you want Disney…start a fund… another baby…sit down and think about how that affects the family you already have financially…etc… we’ve all been there… and beware of the social media jealousy monster… we see our friends doing so many things but rarely see the price they pay for it… did they save? Are they in debt? Are they really happy? Happiness and contentment comes from yourself… your children will be just fine without disney… they probably will be just fine without another sibling too… or a nicer bigger home… what they need is happy Mommy
Anxieties of life. Set goals, shoot for one at a time. Life is habitual tho.
Start making money . If you already work do something on the side , Sell on Poshmark, Do Uber or food delivery or something of the sort and save , save , save
I get this I always feel like I need to have it all together right away as a mom. I like the idea of making a list of goals and then thinking of a daily step to go towards those goals. Journal and it’s cool to see things take shape. Also maybe remember to go out with a friend and enjoy the time you are in because maybe one day you will look back and miss it.
Setting a goal and taking baby steps to get there. You’re not alone. I am a mother of a toddler and I am very happy with my husband to be, father of my child. Yes I feel all the same stuff as you, I’m in debt because of school so I have to pay it before I can go. If you’re not in any debt sign up for fafsa and see about taking some online classes. You won’t feel as stuck if you’re able to move forward in the right direction. It will take time as you said but take what you CAN DO and start the process of doing it. Write this all down on paper, your goals and when you’d like to accomplish them and start checking them off.
In my experience of always wanting something, when I got it, I still wasn’t happy. It’s another issue somewhere within
Make a list of what you want to accomplish. Then be realistic about it. I would wait on the baby and start with finding a job you enjoy or go back to school. Then sit down with your bf and say hey I really want to get married and buy a house soon. Maybe he doesn’t want to get married? Sometimes all the things we think we want is what we need. Maybe you need to practice some self love. It almost sounds like your trying to fill in a void. What isn’t it that you are truly missing?
Start a gratitude journal. You’d be surprised how quickly these thoughts transform into ones that better appreciate what already is in your life.
Welcome to life as an adult.
You’re not alone, and I feel like this is very common actually. People just experience these feelings at different ages and different intensities.
Idea: sit down with your fiancé. Write out all the things you want to accomplish. All the “changes” you would like to make. Then maybe work together to put them in an order from most attainable to least or most important to least, that kinda list. Then take each task and figure out together how to accomplish each task, what steps to take, etc. I feel like getting all of these feelings and wants written down on paper, and then discussed with your fiancé, I think you’ll feel a lot of your anxieties and bad feelings subside. You’d be surprised at how much better you feel when you get it out in the open and discuss it. Sending much love and good vibes🖤🫶🏼
I can relate it was when my big sister started taking me on vacations with her and my other sister. Would send for me they live in TX. My world seemed a little bit brighter. Sometimes all it takes is to move around outside of your demographic area.
You can talk yourself into being as happy or miserable as you want. The conversations you’re having in your own head are breeding discontent. It sounds like you’re stuck being happy. The empty stuck feeling is a comparative and may a result of MOS. (Missing out syndrome) everyone feels it sometimes.
FAFSA.gov you can see if you are eligible for a Pell grant. It’s money you don’t have to pay back to go back to school. I am finding a lot of great programs starting at the Junior College level and up. Better pay would get you a lot of those things you want and it keeps your mind busy and growing. All the other goals you have for your life will come along in time. Just watch for opportunities.
We all get like this sometimes & it’s good to have goals set and things to look forward to but sometimes we can get a little stuck thinking about these things in the future instead of enjoying the right now. Just try to live more in the now, count your blessings every day. Even the smallest ones. It helps me a lot
I can tell you I am going through the same thing as you - I don’t think you’re needy or necessarily stuck - I think you hit a point in your life where you’re ready for another goal - pick one or two that you listed and just focus on that. Once completed go to the next goal, start NOW, see what you need to do and take those baby steps NOW, otherwise you will remain stuck
I go through this all the time. I feel like I should be further along in my life. But try and focus on the positive.
It’s overwhelming sometimes but my SO always helps ground me so I see how far I’ve gotten in the past 5 years.
I guess set goals most important to you and work toward them, always be grateful for what you have, things can change in an instant.
You need to start doing gratitude affirmations daily💚
put them in order the first one you badly want .then work on down your list this well keep you busy and make you feel you are getting ahead It will take time and lots of hard work
If you don’t want to live in that town, get out of there! You don’t have to settle with anything girl…You are renting and that is a positive, you are not tied down.
You may want to change your location before you start on all of the other things that you are fixated on.
Maybe start making a 2-5 year plan of these things you want to accomplish. You are so young and you have so many positive things yet to come in life…you just might feel like you’re in a rut, we have ALL been there. Changing your location and career will change your life dramatically!
Man 27 was a tough age for me also! I almost ruined my whole life with this restless feeling. Almost 30. So much to do left in life but feeling like your running out of time also. I found the void I was trying to fill was God. Don’t worry about tomorrows problems today has brought. Don’t worry about yesterday’s because they are over. Live in the present moment. And be thankful for where you’re at.
Been awhile since I had my kids. I’ve got the house, property, cars ECT. Now but the happiest time in my life was when my kids were little and we rented a small moble home in beautiful Montana. Having things don’t make you happy your family does.
Gratitude list.
Every day, write down 3 things you’re grateful for. Don’t repeat the same things. Eventually, you will have to start digging deep to find things that you haven’t already listed which will open your mind to the little things.
Also, maybe do a vision board of your goals. Start working on fulfilling your dreams. Don’t be afraid to ask your fiancé for help. Team effort. Look into getting a life coach! They can help you keep focus.
It’s pressure from society and yourself. Give yourself a break and live in the nows instead of the what ifs. Make goals and tackle them one at a time. You see obstacles, think of them as building blocks and know God has a plan for you and your family…but it’s in His time, not yours and just accept that for what it is. 27 was a hard year for me too…we have these notions in our head of how things should be and we rush to get there without experiencing the journey. Love your life♥️