How can I stop teeth grinding?

My 8 month has four teeth, and he grinds them non stop. Is that normal? Is there anything I can do to get him to stop?

My 9 month old does that. Just give him something to put in his mouth

It’s normal to a point. They’re new and make cool sounds.

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I can’t stand it when my 1 year old does this!! Nothing makes her stop until she gets distracted enough to forget about it.

Just have to wait it out
Mine did that and the sound made my skin crawl

My youngest daughter did this a lot and still will from time to time but the non stop is a phase

My 1 year old son has been doing that! I can’t get him to stop either. But he hasent done it for about a week so I’m hoping he just forgets about doing it :joy:

Yes they’re just getting their teeth so it’s still all new. All my kids have done it eventually they quit.

Totally normal, try distracting him.

My son is 3 and still grinds his teeth when he’s sleeping. We’ve made an appointment with a peds dentist.


I was a bit worried when my daughter started doing it. She got six teeth by 5 months! :persevere: she is 8 months now and will do it from time to time… it’s a horrible sound lol!

My twins are 9m. Jae had 3 bottom and has 2 top teeth, but they arent the front too. Mag has 8 teeth 4 bottom 4 top. I only notice the grinding when a nee tooth pops through. But both of mine are addicted to the raspberry teether and the carrot teethers. Or anything rubbery they will put in their mouths

It’s normal. Give him something to chew on and don’t react to the grinding. He’ll stop eventually.