How can I talk to my friend?

Mind your own business. Sounds like she has a great support system to be able to scheduled all her self care and your jelly.

Mind your own business. Period.

Oooh you need to back out of at line if thinking! She has a balanced life. it’s healthy for her children to see mom does things outside of them she’s a mom ablnd a human with interests ! Likely her time with her kids is more valuable and appreciates it!


Its her free time…is it because its not spent with you???

Sounds like you should mind your business & worry about your own life :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Stay in your lane. Mind your own business. Im worried your kids are suffering because you feel the need to worry about what other people do when you should be worrying about you and yours


Mind your own business, maybe during these times also occur when the dad has the kids . You are trying to make it seem like she never spends time with her kids.

Some people need more alone time or self care time then others and if they have the ability to then good for them! I know some people struggle with mental health issues or get overstimulated very easily like me. Those people need more time away and that’s okay as long as they are able to!


If your jealous just say that

So she goes out for girls night roughly 24 times/year, then let’s say 2 weekend trips… I’ll even say they’re 4 days in length each, so 8 days total. 32 days of 365 she’s doing something for herself… Of those 32 days, how many does Dad have them for? Maybe Dad watches them during those times… Definitely not something that’s too much and those kids are getting the love and attention they deserve. I have 3 kids and would love to have the opportunity for something like that, but unfortunately dont… Many of us can’t, but this isnt over the top.

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That’s really not a lot….
I have a girls weekend or night a couple times a year. My kids get me all day 24/7. I’m entitled to some time to not be “mom” :woman_shrugging:t2:

Honestly, this sounds like jealousy and like you should leave it alone. If she’s got the time and money to treat herself and the kids are taken care of while shes doing so, good for her. Mind your business. That’s not your kid or your life. You’ll likely lose a friend if you meddle.

That’s why she plans those days when the kids are gone… then when their home she’s all theres… what else should she do karen?? Just sit home and wait for them to come back?? Why shouldn’t she be able to enjoy herself?? Don’t be mad because you have a lazy husband and can’t get alone time

I’m assuming you didn’t get the response you wanted​:rofl: I am with mine 24/7 besides work. I would love to be able to enjoy a life somewhat like that… just saying :person_shrugging: I guess most of us moms aren’t giving our kids our full attention :rofl:

Mind your business. There, problem solved.

I would suggest if you enjoy that friendship to step off and mind your own business, respectfully of course. Good for her for balancing her home life and self care aspect of her life.

Wtf none of that is unreasonable. The audacity of you seriously :rofl:

Being a mother is not her entire personality or being.
It’s her right to have a life outside of her children.
As long as her children is not being abused or neglected, how is this any of your business?
You need to drink some water and mind your business, if you as a “friend” came to me with this nonsense I will cut you out of my life immediately.

I NEVER needed time away from my girls, but this does not seem excessive, even to me. My advice is to enjoy your friendship and stay out of that topic of conversation.

I bet her kids are doing just fine, that is not even a lot of time away especially if they go to the other parents home as well.

This actually sounds like you may be a bit jealous or envious, possibly. I know because I’ve been there. I spent 10+ years being just a mom/wife and not having me time. Meanwhile most of my friends were going out, going on vacations, dinners, shopping trips. All kinds of things kid free. Just because we have children doesn’t mean we don’t deserve some alone time. It honestly doesn’t sound like too much. We also don’t know how old the kids are so if they are teenagers, well, they could probably care less anyways. Unless your friend is dumping her kids all the time to be alone, don’t worry about it. Plus just because YOU feel her kids aren’t getting adequate time with her doesn’t mean it’s how it is.

Im getting a sense of jealousy here & I think what you’re saying is extremely out of touch. Mothers do not have to be with their children 24/7. We are allowed to have our own quality time apart from being just a mother… she obviously has a very strong support system in place which is wonderful because most people do not have that. A mother being able to have freedom should be praised, NOT judged. From what you’re saying, it seems like she’s without her children maybe 20-30% of the year which is 100% acceptable. I don’t think you should be her friend if this is how you feel because SHE is the one that deserves better :woman_shrugging:t2:

Her kids are with their father. Why are you so judgemental??? I think you sound jealous.

You don’t unless you’re asking for tips. Good on her for taking care of her needs as well.

I hope you tell her how you feel & then I hope she drops you as a friend. Being a mom is sooooo hard, I wish I would have taken more time to myself now that my children are adults. I never did… I definitely feel it would have been super beneficial for my kids and I… I was an overwhelmed mom most days. Leave her be :heart:

You can’t poor from an empty cup & i believe every mother/father need their own time to recharge :slight_smile:

Wow that’s really not a lot. I take mine on trips but I also do a girls weekend here and there and they go to their grandparents house which they enjoy as do I.
Moms need time without children too and children need time with other people.

So Dad gets 5 child free days a week, that’s 20 days a month he has no kids. Mom get 2 nights a week plus 3 additional days so 11 child free days a month and you think mom is the problem!!! Girl you need to mind your own business! Becoming a mom does not mean you have to sacrifice 100% of you and your time for your kids. It’s perfectly ok to prioritize your social life and mental health.

Nothing wrong with that list of outings imo!

I agree it’s a lot but I :100: disagree you should say anything at all. Be her friend or not but don’t judge her.

Girl that’s not your friend! Eww no ma’am do better

I’m actually jealous of your friend, and all my kids are grown. Good for her getting out and doing “me” time. Guess I need more girlfriends!!

I’m just gonna ask,
Do you have kids??

Its really no one business what she does with her time…

That doesn’t sound excessive at all. Especially since her loss are most likely with their dad while she’s doing those things. You have to have ME time to actually be able to have US time. Self care is important

Mind your own business is what it sounds like. Worry about yourself. You sound like a person who doesn’t have kids. I think you’re out of line and judgmental over someone else’s situation. Excessive is going out every night. Excessive is going out right after taking your kids to school/daycare and having everyone else watch them and not coming home sometimes until 7 am the next day

Leave her alone she has her kids all week let her have a life. Why bring her down, sounds like you’re jelous

Do the kids seem to be neglected or needy?

You REALLY need to mind your own business.

I think you may need to take a few steps back here. Just because this isn’t something you would do or feel comfortable doing doesn’t mean that it’s wrong.

You did know everybody was going to tell you to kick rocks, right?! Don’t you dare say a word to her!

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If you want your friend to stay your friend…stay out of voicing any opinions , feelings or judgments about how she is raising her children and spending her time. Your ’ understanding’ is not a requirement.
This is noyb and you are WAY over thinking on how she conducts her personal family life balance.
If she wants your help or opinion on the matter, she’ll ask you. That she hasn’t …is your ton of bricks first clue.
You can think what you ever you want. Go ahead and bring it up, and you’ll find yourself UNfriended and justifiably so.
‘Friends ’ don’t take each others inventory out of glaringly evident jealousy, try to dress it up as seeking ’ understanding ’ & ’ being concerned’ and obsessing over it.
If she’s wise, she may re-evaluate HER definition of ’ friend’ and decide you…aren’t one.

This is in no way excessive :joy::joy::joy:wth

I thought this was going to go somewhere else, like she leaves them with someone every single day or something. What she does sounds incredibly healthy for her and her kids. It’s good for her to get some time to herself and the kids get to engage with other people.
You sound either envious or jealous. Plus it’s literally NONE of your business. Not even a smidge. Do you have custody? No. What are you going to do about it? Absolutely nothing because she’s being a good mother by making sure her mental health is taken care of.
It’s weird to judge your “FRIEND” for something like that …
I could maybe see it if she was straight up dumping and abandoning them every single day but this is not that. At all.
Mind your own. And get your own social life.

I think that’s excessive. but I also have people openly shit talk me that I’m codependent on my child and I have issues. we didn’t even leave my son overnight on our wedding day

Unless her children are being abused or neglected, you should MYOB.

Sounds like you’re a shit friend and should mind your own fucking business because she is making sure SHE is taken care of so that SHE can take care of those babies. Go shit a hedgehog. I hope she realize what a shit ass friend you are judging her for having time for herself. Guess what? My kids go to their dads every other week, still have sitters during my weeks because I still work and gasp…… I will still go out to dinners and such during my time with my kids too several times a year and sometimes multiple times in a month even.

Maybe mine your business :person_shrugging::person_facepalming: sounds like she is doing self care. I don’t understand why people feel the need to be in control of someone else life. Maybe you should tell her how you feel then she can see how judgemental you are and she can find a better friend. If her kids are happy, healthy and are taking care when she way that all that matters. A real friend wouldn’t be judging.

This sounds a whole lot like it’s none of your business.

If you’re a mom and you choose being a mom as your entire identity, then good for you.

Not all of us are like that. It’s important to prioritize yourself - you can’t take care of others if you’re not taking care of yourself.

Your friend sounds well balanced.

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Wow. Mind your business. I bet if your friend were a man with a golf habit, weekly poker night and baseball tickets you wouldn’t bat an eye.

Sorry to tell you this BUT…

Even moms are ENTITLED to have days/nights and weekends away from their kids with ONLY adults!!

Don’t worry about her life and how her kids are raised and what she does and doesn’t do a mom, cause it actually has nothing to with you, me or anyone else on FB or commenting on this post!

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She can do whatever she wants without her kids.

Just be happy for your friend.

I don’t think that’s excessive at all. If you was to bring it up, you’d be unfriended or told to mind your own business. It’s healthy that she gets to enjoy her life aswell as parenting her children when they are in her care.

This is such a random thing to feel like bringing up to a friend? Hey girl I feel like you’re enjoying your personal time too much? :joy: Unreal.

Sounds to me like you’re jealous. I’m jealous and Its not even my friend. You need to mind your own business. If I was as lucky as her and my friend told me I wasn’t getting enough time with my kids then that would definitely hurt the friendship. Not your business. She’s living the life and still loving her children.

Sounds like jealousy. Mind your business.

As I say to myself “ this is in the land of Nunna”

Some parents have the ability to have more alone time and some don’t. Your friends alone rime doesn’t seem excessive. Her kids are properly cared for so therefore it’s none of your business

Wow is this a real post!?
I get 2 weeks at a time away from My kids as we do split custody!
You sound like one of those women that thinks women should never be tired of being a mother and make there whole life about being a mother!
You can’t have fun anymore because your a mom!?
Just because your life stops aside from your children doesn’t mean the rest of us should fall in line!

In what world is this your business. You sound petty af.

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Here’s a tip- :sparkles:worry about your own shit​:sparkles: how someone parents is none of your business. You’re not their therapist or a social worker. Butt out.

Unless you are the one babysitting her kids , what she do is not of your damn problems

So you don’t have a problem with the dad only seeing the kids two days a week but you have an issue with mom (who has them 5 days week) not being with them every second of that time? If I were you, I’d put this under the Not My Business category and keep your opinions to yourself.

You don’t nneed to say anything at all, it isn’t like she’s neglecting her kids. As parents we need lives outside of parenthood. Not speaking from experience because my life is parenthood :joy: but there’s no need to bring it up.

This is a reasonable time away from her kids imo. You are a horrible friend

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Sounds like none of your dam business!!! Who are you to judge what another person does? Check yourself before you judge.

You are a separate person aside from being a mom. She deserves to have time away from her kids if that’s what she chooses.

Jealous much
Worry about yourself
It literally has nothing to do with you!
your opinion on it would not be welcomed

U don’t u mind ur business :clap:

Lol what? Sounds like your jealous. So she’s only supposed to get two me days a week when her baby daddy gets five? If her kids are safe and cared for then why does it matter? Maybe the kids also love spending the extra time with dad or grandparents, maybe dad wants the extra time? Stop being envious and projecting on your friend. I personally feel like she should stop talking to you :woman_shrugging:

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So long as her kids are taken care of while she is doing these things, is it really concerning? I’m also wondering if she does things with her kids like she does her friends. Like does she go on outings with her kids when she has them?

My friend goes on several mini vacations with her fiancée. But they also take the kids on vacations. The kids can do any sport or activity they want. They always get quality time with their mom despite her taking the occasional weekend getaway. Each family is different.

Well, first of all it’s not your business OR your place…it doesn’t matter what you think in regards to how much time she spends with her children…and she likely is doing these things on her “off” time while they r with their dad…this is what I do.

Damn, I wish. Good for her!

Why would you even talk to her about this? What’s the actual goal of this conversation because it doesn’t sound like you’re worried about the kids not getting enough attention… everything you’ve mentioned it sounds like she coordinates with the other parent and she schedules self care accordingly. You said so yourself, she does a lot with her children. I’d explore why this bothers you so much and the reasons why you feel it’s necessary to even bring up and if there’s an underlying assumption or belief that goes against what you were thinking.

Would you say this to the father?

Everyone is different. :balloon:

Sounds like shame on you for shaming her or even bringing it up at all , parents whether they are a male or female , MOM or DAD have a right to do things without their kids she may be a mother but she’s a human being first , BYEEEEE✌️

Wow! It’s really none of your business! Are you a single mom? Do you have any idea how stressful it is? So you think she should spend every minute of the 261 days a year, that the kids aren’t with their dad, with her kids?

Sounds like you B jealous live yours not hers

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The woman cannot pour from an empty cup. How do you suppose she be the best woman and mother that she can be, if she doesn’t first take care of herself. As a mother, that doesn’t mean her life ends. She, as well as every other parent who is very active in their children’s lives, deserves to fill her cup and take care of her needs as well.


If you’re jealous just say that lol why do you need to talk to her about anything? Mind the business that pays you lol

You do realize we are entire women, right? Being mothers is not our entire identity. Are her kids cared for? Loved? Is she leaving them in the care of someone trustworthy when she goes out?

I’m also divorced. My kids spend half the time with their dad. I volunteer almost every Sunday during football season. So one day a week I’m gonna from 630 am til sometimes 8 pm. I go on girls weekends a few times a year. I go on dates. I have an entire life outside of work and my kids. It’s totally normal and healthy NOT to completely revolve around your kids. If you do that, especially a a single parent, you’re gonna burn out quickly.

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So many women complimenting this other woman for ditching her kids on a regular basis. Self care? Sure. Iv seen so many spouting this crap all the while only being facebook moms. Give a excuse as to why her kids should be at grandma’s so she can date some asshole who doesn’t want her kids. “She has to work” all the while she’s messing around with some d bag guy and the kids are at a sitters she doesn’t pay. Again there’s a ton of others just like her who are supporting this crap and acting like it’s good parenting. There’s a difference when your kid is with their dad and going out those nights to dumping them on what is supposed yo be your time with them on whoever and making excuses that just show everyone else your not a Mom. I’d call her out on it like I have other women I know from personal life. When she tries to justify it don’t be surprised, just realize your values and morals don’t align and move on from the friendship.

Sounds to me like she is a human being and has an amazing co parent situation I say go mumma

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Totally not your business

You a bad friend. Stop judging her!!
Sounds like you’re jealous she has time to herself.

We are MOREEEE than just mothers. She’s filling her “woman” “girlfriend” “human” cup so she can be her best self when she’s momming.

We’re NOT here to serve our children 24/7. We are here to live too!!!
She takes two nights with her gfs and a date night w her bf… 3 dayssss out of 30?

You’re a bad friend period. And if you bring this up to her… you’re not a friend at all. Period.

Who needs an enemy with a friend like you :joy:

You DON’T talk to her about it bc your opinion about it DOESN’T MATTER.

She’s not doing anything wrong.

Maybe you need me time. None of this is excessive.