It sounds like he wants to give you grandkids. Just tell him he’s too young for that
Have the talk with him. Sit down and explain how both male and female anatomy works and tell hims its a natural thing and its nothing to be ashamed of. But also apologize for invading his privacy. Just make sure he knows that he can always come and talk to you about anything, and that you will always will love him.
Honestly as long as he was in his room just let it be, there isn’t much to talk about. Puberty and hormones are hard enough on kids without us embarrassing them
He isn’t doing anything wrong, if you catch him doing that anywhere other then his bedroom is when you need to talk about boundaries, until then leave the poor boy be
We told our older boys its completely natural to think these things feel good and to touch themselves and that it needs to happen in there own rooms when they are alone. That noone else needs to see these things. Also I recently caught our 6 year old daughter touching herself behind pillows and under blankets in the livingroom. When I saw these things I told her she didnt need to hide behind a pillow or a blanket and she stopped. But later that night when her and I were alone I then told her we dont touch ourselves in the livingroom and that is natural and it may feel good but she needs to act appropriately infeont of others and she needs to do these things alone in her own room alone. Not in the presence of others. They have all started to grow in these ways and as long as its alone we have no problem with them growing up. And we also made it very clear to all of them that these parts are theirs and theirs alone and noone else is to ever touch them there and they are to never touch others in those places. Best of luck to you
There is a book called the boys guide to growing up
To save embarrassment I would be getting that
What he is doing is completely normal the only time you would need to say something about it is if he is doing it in a public area in the home , or leaving the “sock /pillow “ around and not putting it in the wash
I wouldn’t have said anything if he was doing it in private but if hes doing it in family space I’d just say go do that in your bedroom or in private.
If he was not around anyone else you say nothing imo
That’s a hard one as that is also a sign of abuse.
Just talk with him.
Please explain sex to him. If he’s curious about it by acting it out. He needs to know the truth.
Just get his attention on something else.
"Oh look !!
“What’s that ??”
( Something out the window, or tv)
Good grief they learn too much way to early now.
They don’t need to know all about that now.
Please let him be a child, they grew up way too fast anyway.
Just tell him you only do that in your bedroom and never in front of anyone else because it’s personal, like going poop, you don’t want anyone to see. And then let it be!
Personally I wouldn’t even mention it. If it does come up again for some reason just tell him it’s normal and something to keep private.
Just reassure him that it’s normal and should be done in private and let him know you’ll knock from now on.
Time for you to start knocking before entering and showing your son a little respect. Every child goes through this, now if you make a big deal about it this will affect him for the rest of his sexual life. Do not make out that he is doing anything dirty or wrong. Leave him to explore himself in privacy and voice that it must be done in private and it’s not something to talk to everyone about, it’s private!!
Just tell him it natural to curious just keep it private
Do kids just randomly start this? My daughter is only 2 but I’m just curious for future purposes
Why is your kid familiar with this??? That’s what I would be worried about. I have a boy and girls. Never once have I caught them humping something.
Yeah I would pretend I didn’t see anything lol
Maybe he seen something on tv? Walked in on someone doing the deed? Maybe start knocking on his door? I’d also find an easy way of asking all those questions and maybe add in how did he learn that and has anyone touched him? Idk I’ve never walked in on any of my kids doing that but then again anything is possible right!?! I’m sorry I’m not much help…
My mom went threw this with my ADHD brother there’s 11 years apart im older but what she told him was its normal to want to do stuff like that but if you need to you only do that up in your bedroom with the door shut or in the bathroom again door shut because that is your business not everyone else’s to know
At least he wasn’t humping the family pet
Why not just let it go. That’s private for him.
As long as he does this in private it’s normal.
Everyone is saying “don’t talk about it.” But this is a good opportunity to talk to hime about how his body is changing and those things are private
I would just explain that it’s private. Also knock before you enter his room.
I’d just mention keeping the door shut
I think it’s natural. Just explain to him that if it’s below the belt it should be behind closed doors.
you should start knocking he’s a big boy now. he needs privacy to do safe thing that he enjoys
At eight I don’t think you need to start knocking on his door and let him have private time to hump his pillow! That’s weird! He’s 8! I would tell him he’s too young for that shit and if I see it again he’s in trouble. Plain and simple! I would keep his door open and be suspicious every time he closes it and is in his room by himself. I know this may be an unpopular opinion, but of a mom of soon to be 5. I wouldn’t have it. Yhea it’s part of human nature, but if you let it continue it could get out of hand and become an obsession.
It’s normal, he’s fine. I wouldn’t make a deal out of it, let him know it’s normal and to keep it private, behind closed doors time for a bit of big boy privacy, he’s growing up is all.
Tell him safe adults don’t have secrets….
My ex (not my daughter I am about to mentions father) caught my daughter humping a pool noodle she was 8 well, he LOST his shit on me (I am so thankful he didn’t freak on front of her) told me to tell her its bad and all that. No, I made sure and had a talk about how i know she has feelings, and what she was doing was normal. But to keep it private and lock her door so no one would catch her.
Talk to him about privacy
I would talk to him and ask where he learned it from you never know what’s going on
If he didn’t act guilty when you saw it then I’d say he has no idea. Just keep check if it gets weird you can ask him why he thought it was fun.
Well I’d have been like opps I’ll shut door . Then later I’d say wanna get a milk shake just don’t make it seem like a big unnatural deal. Something along the line like it’s natural , you’ll be going through puberty and you’re going to be curious about your body .just make sure you give yourself privacy . I’d ask him if he wants to know anything .If not I wouldn’t keep talking on and on because honestly little conversations here and there get heard the most by kids, teens heck even adults.
That’s normal for boys
I also raised 2 boys…now 42 n 45…with the same approach n both r good guys mom…its a normal part of boys growing up n just b happy it was just a pillow…it could have been worse
The safer he feels playing solo, the longer it will hopefully be before he tries a duet.
Have a talk with him, but remember to remind him that it’s completely natural. It feels good, so he’s going to do it. It’s not a big deal if you don’t make it a big deal.
Its normal. Ignore it or at most tell him not to do in the presence of others. Ppl who are told not to do it at all grow up to sex shame themselves and are afraid to masturbate
Wanna give the kid a complex?
Force him to talk about it.
What are you hoping to accomplish with the conversation?
You know what he was doing, why he was doing it, and that it is perfectly normal.
Like I said though, if you to put a huge, dark, embarrassing cloud over his natural sexual development, then by all means…force him to talk about it with his mother.
Explain that’s it’s normal…but private. Does it in his room, by his self. Don’t make a big deal out of it. Let him know you’re there if he has questions.
I don’t think that wrong, but have a save and loving conversation with him. Be open with both children ,so when they need someone to talk ,you are there for them…… much luck.
Was he in his own room? Unless he was in a common area of the home I’d leave it be. If he was out where he can be seen, just explain that those kind of feelings should be expressed in private, just like showering or going to the bathroom.
Honestly, i would just ask him if he has any questions about his body, and let him know youre open if he wants to talk. And then mind your business
Ive brought two boys up alone since their Dad/my Husband died when they were little, respect privacy hun, knock on his door, its really no big deal, my twin boys are 23 now and wonderful xx
My son did it younger than that. Its normal!!!
Just knock from now on
And be sure he knows noone else is allowed to touch him
This is why I have always talked openly and honestly about body changes and sensations with my Boys! It’s only weird if you make it weird.
Pretty normal behaviour for a boy he wants to do in his room should stay in his room and privacy and that you’re sorry for not knocking first
Just tell him it is natural to have the feelings and temptations he is having but he has to understand they are done privately. That’s it really
Also please don’t make your kids wait till later for too long as it can cause a lot of anxiety.
Being a single Mom isn’t easy, you’re doing great!
Prepare him for ejaculation. Most boys can orgasm without semen for awhile. Then they tend to freak out when stuff comes out. Let him know that it will happen. And the 1st couple times it may burn… Let him know it is ok to do the things. Just keep it privet
I would be wondering where he saw such things? Why is he doing that? Tv? Or is someone doing that to him?
Don’t say nothing at all tell him u understand and keep what he does in private and let him know when he’s ready for sexual contact, he can say so and u will supply him with condoms nothing more nothing less
Don’t say anything. Just tell him you’re there if he has any questions. And knock on his door.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. How can I talk to my son about something I caught him doing?
My son does the exact same thing. Has been doing it for a while. He’s also really into grabbing himself. I just tell him to do it in his room on his own time with the door closed of he wants to do that.
My son humped hes pillow and now he has 4 cushions
If he’s doing it alone in his room, don’t say anything. If not just tell him do stuff like that alone in his room.
" If you want to so that, please go to your room"
Honestly just be like its natural to do that. But you have to be respectful and do it in your room on your own time. Explain its not something you do in public. Then teach consent
Agree with the previous comment. Just tell him it’s a private thing and to do it in his room with the door closed. Personally if it were my son and it got to the point that he never left his room lol I’d try finding other things got him to do. Just for future reference in case it becomes too frequent.
Oh lord I dread this day. I also have two boys.
Tell him if he wants to do that he needs to do it in his room alone.
The ah him consent and how it’s a private act that needs to be done in his room.
My son humped the floor constantly. I told him thats private and to go to his own space
Find out where he seen something like that happen first. Then have your talk with him.
Raised 2 boys and 2 grandsons now. It is natural and honestly. Don’t make a big deal of it and he will probably stop doing it in front of you. Don’t make him feel weird about it. Just ask him if you need to wash his pillow cases. He will figure out it’s a private thing. Usually, it’s a short phase until they get to be teens…lol
That’s a good moment to teach him about privacy and that it’s okay to need to take time for it.
Depending on age, I’d first wanna know where he learned it.
And then while it’s natural and private can be brought up it all is ok
No judgment. Every boy mom has dealt with this! (And most girl moms too) please don’t make a HUGE issue out of it, it’s normal.
Tell him it’s just like pooping. Everyone does it in private and we just don’t talk about it.
I would only mention it if it happens outside of his room. If so, just say that’s something we do in our private spaces. But given his age I wouldn’t even say anything. It’s pretty normal
Tell him he is not a dog and to knock it off. Let’s not overthink it.
I have no idea lol, my son blasted me at age 12 about masturbation, so we just jumped head first into a wild conversation. He’s now almost 16 and he is open with me about everything.
Do not make him be ashamed.
Don’t shame him or make him feel bad. It’s awkward to walk in on, but very natural. Just tell him if he needs to do that then he needs to do it in private aka his room with the door closed.
Honestly nothing negative, it’s normal, I have 5 boys, and mom, its just time for the talk , good luck sweety
Talk with your child in a kind and caring way giving him the vocabulary to use to talk about and understand his body and his own private sexualuty. Help him to understand the importance of privacy and how to manage the feelings these activities bring up.
He’s young so ask where he learned it and teach him about privacy and that these things should be done in privacy.
I agree with all these mama’s, “if you want to do things like that you do it in your room”
I wouldn’t bring it up but l would do the puberty talk, some girls are getting periods at 8,9,10 ,so the this is normal talk is a good idea don’t worry yourself either having both parents always present doesn’t make it easier most men don’t know how to approach the Talk either ,l did the puberty talk when my kids were about seven ,the pubic hair,hormones and period talk.
I used to hump the floor when I was little . Honestly it’s nothing Mama kids are curious. I would highly recommend the book “it’s not the stork” though. I read that to my 8 year old
I tell my boys (was also a single mom of two boys until recently, I know the struggle momma) that if they need to do something private such as touch themselves they must do it alone and in a private space. There is nothing to be embarrassed about, everyone does it but it is a private thing so their options are either the bedroom or the bathroom. Don’t stigmatize something that’s normal, sexual relationships are normal (even w yourself) just tell them there is an appropriate time and place for it, mentioning school is not the place couldn’t hurt lol.
Let it go. Boys are only gonna get embarrassed if you bring it up. I raised two men. I never said anything about personal habits. I aay its normal. I have 6 brothers and sometimes they just do those sort of things.
I would let him know that this is a natural feeling to have… as we grow our body makes more of certain hormones that make us feel the urge to discover your body. Explain that these things are not appropriate in public… but natural and can be done in privacy by locking a bedroom door… or in the restroom or shower or bath. Explain that noone should ever be a part of this process until hes of age and able to find a loving consensual partner. I’ve always spoken to my children with maturity and can say they have an openness that comes with questions and teaching moments. Safe practices can be taught young if we are open to them about how our bodies. Urges. And feelings will develop as we mature. Great job mama for not wanting to shame him. Your on the right track
My son did the same thing with pillow, big stuffed animal usually after he got out of the bath. I never made a big deal over it, NEVER shame them for something that’s very natural. I promise it won’t be the last time you walk in on him, they get creative the one older they get. Just teach him that’s a private thing for him to do in a private space. No biggie mom💙
I just let my kids carry on. I did it as a child which I think its bc I was touched as a child. But its natural for kids to have sexual feelings too. Its a very private and sensitive topic for them. I wouldn’t have said a word to him bc think about it. He’s gonna remember that time mom caught him doing something dirty as dirty can get lol. Thats gotta be such an uncomfortable feeling. They are going to “experiment” whether u witness it or not. And u can use google for a guide but it is 100% normal for babies, kids, and even teens to have sexual feelings in their parts. They dont have to know about the process or how it goes all they know is… “it feels good”. Maybe google the topic and read up on it a little. What other moms do in this situation. U would be surprised at all the blogs ppl do!
I’d explain it’s normal, because it is. But I’d make a point that it’s something to be done in private. Private Washroom, bedroom. Not in public and not infront of others.
I’d start by asking what he was doing. Then if it’s what the intention was then it’s time for the talk. I saw my nephew doing something similar a couple months ago (he’s also eight) he told me he was trying to pretend to be a see saw lol.
the dr told me it’s a normal natural thing but to tell them to do it in private in their own space
girls do it too
Dont say anything…I have 3 sons and now my 13 year old grandson lives with me…never said anything to any of them. It’s natural n they will learn enough in school nowadays …
At the age of 10, my son decided to hump my mother’s couch, record it and post it to YouTube… only for me to find out from his school principal … needless to say, I haven’t had issues with him going public with it ever since…
Leave him alone he was in his own room just tell him you dont wanna see all that. Cant blow stuff like that out of proportion.
The pillow will never make you a gran mother
Tell him it’s totally normal and natural, but to do it in the privacy of his own bedroom with the door closed! Don’t make a big stink about it because it will embarrass him. Just let him know that’s a private thing of course
Why say anything I mean its natural don’t make a big deal out of it and then he will think its wrong there will be plenty u will need to talk to him about soon enuf I am a boy mom of 3 so pick ur battles for sure
As long as he wasn’t doing it around people I wouldn’t say anything
When I was a young teenager I was “exploring “ my private area and my mom walked in on me…she said, “that’s okay you should be interested in what’s going on down there”… now, even though that sounds humorous, it was the kindest most validating thing she could have said to me, I know this because (at 58) I have that memory…children explore it’s natural, and how you respond to this ad a parent will make a world of difference in how they feel about themselves sexually and with their own self image…
Nothing needs to be said.
Jayce grabs himself at every diaper change and any time he is in the bath! Glad to know what I have to do in the future with him! Boys!