My daughter is six and still does not wipe her bottom area when she goes potty. How can I fix this, so she doesn’t get an infection? Up until this point, she’s never had an infection, but I know how they feel and want to help her avoid them. Thank you!
Allow her to accompany you to the bathroom so she can see the proper way to clean her Bum!
I think as long as you bathe her everyday she should be fine. She will eventually get the hang of it. Kids are small for such a short time. I’m a MeMaw of two; the oldest is turning 13 soon. Cherish the time you have with her.
Show her on the doll. Get the tp or even a baby wipe and show her.Trust me she will catch on fast .
Explain to her what could happen. Thats what we had to do with mine hers wasnt her butt, but ya we explained what could happen if it wasnt done correctly she still sometimes has to be reminded but its gotten better lol shes 8
I remember about that age mom used to go in the bathroom with me and demonstrate and then have me try, correcting me as we went. After about a week I had it down. Just keep it simple. I personally had this issue with my oldest son and thought he would never be clean lol. I started to leave baby wipes in the bathroom for him to wipe with. He seems to get cleaner that way. But he was past 8 years old before he was able to get himself completely clean. 6 is still pretty young, so be kind to yourself Momma. She will get it.
Make a song im not joking I made a song for bath time and potty time, brushing teeth just a short silly song that she can remember that gets the point across. Sing it as you show her what to do and I guarantee she will be singing and doing it herself before you know it.
My son is 6 and we use baby wipes. His bonus mom started buying them for him there also because without them he has a hard time too. To be honest when I’ve had to wipe my youngest bum without wipes it’s not easy! so to expect a little one (6 is little IMO) to do it fully is a lot. but baby wipes should help! it’s easier on the bum and cleans a lot better.
Do it for her, but explain to her the importance of doing it. I know kids a lot older than six who need reminding
You could try using toilet wet wipes they get the area cleaner and easier.Also talk to her bout how it can make her get an ouchy if she doesnt sty clean.Reward her for going so long with clean undies.Good luck
I know the feeling. My daughter did that I just asked if she wiped everytime she went to the bathroom. The doctor said to go assist her until she got the hang of it and bathe her daily. Now she’s 7 and she’s doing better but I still bathe her daily to make sure she doesn’t get any rashes
Following* My daughter always comes home from school with dirty undies lol
My daughter was already afraid to miss out on something so I just made it a point to go the bathroom with her when she was home and had her do it but made her slow down worked she’s now doing all by herself again with clean underwear
I buy my 7 year old daughter flushable wipes, she will not use toilet paper.
Just stay on top of her. If you know she’s in the bathroom, remind her when you know she’s almost done. My daughter is almost 8 and I have to remind her EVERY time or she won’t also, a bath and fresh panties every night or morning. This is all I do and she hasn’t had any infections yet.
Please let me know because my son is so grossed out by poop he will not wipe his butt he is almost 5 I dont know what to do, his underwear is dirty when he was in daycare.
My daughter is 3 and has had a uti to the point she was bleeding. When she goes to the bathroom I tell her to wipe and I’ll occasionally go double check.
I also make sure she drinks lots of water so uti’s aren’t a common occurrence for her.
How was she not taught this from the very first time she went on the potty? Be consistent and make sure it happens every single time. It’s much easier to teach at 2 or 3 when they first start using the potty than at 6 when they have already been using it and not wiping for years.
My son had issues wiping for what felt like forever. My husband eventually got it to stop by sitting in the bathroom every time he went and made sure he wiped correctly. He was embarrassed by having a guest in the bathroom so now we don’t have poo streaked underwear!
I always tell my kids to wipe till there is nothing on the tp seems to work
Start with baby wipes, easier to clean themselves before using toilet paper
My daughter was the same way. I would constantly have to remind her to make sure she wiped. She wiped just fine for poop, but she didn’t wipe well for pee. She’s 9 now and hasn’t had any problems since she was 6, but she went through a phase where she was bad about doing it without a reminder when she was around 5.
My family has a bidet. My husband laughed when I asked for one. The kids love it. Highly recommend one.
Follow her to the bathroom and just reinforce the wiping rule. Remind her every time she goes. Unfortunately, you have to basically watch her and assist her with that issue
This might be a really dumb answer. There’s a video that circulated around of a teacher sitting in a chair with 2 balloons behind her and was showing the kids the proper way to wipe when they use the bathroom.
Had this issue with my youngest and wipes helped so much. Now she doesnt need them at all.
Ensure to teach little girls to wipe from front to back, never back to front
My 6 year old is the same, my daughters problem is the coordinatin that she can’t do it
Get a bidet. Works great for my son and they only need to dry themselves with Tp.
I am so glad and relieved to read all this me too stuff…my daughter is 6 and she has the exact issue and it’s so frustrating. I’ve had to help her or remind and sit with her…I do notice she doesnt like how dry the tp is and how it sometimes sticks. Its uncomfortable for her and will try wet kind soon. Sometimes it’s she hates poop and doesnt want it accidentally on her hands. Sometimes she just cant get her lil hand in her cheeks good enough. Sometimes it’s just the hurry factor and if I’m not in there she will say I DID but she never wants me to check her undies because she knows shes lied. For the person who said it should of been taught at a younger age…it was, doesnt mean she listened, or wanted to do it. Congrats to you that potty training was so easy for you that one of your girls were potty trained at 1 and under and that your boys took to it quick. My daughter was so stubborn she was a late trainer. She also does what she can to manipulate the least work. That does not make me a bad parent and not knowing anyone else’s situation you should not be judging. Take you Karen Troll ways out of the convo because you obviously do not have this problem with your kids and you’re not being helpful. I can breathe easier knowing there are other mothers having the same issue, and that its seemingly normal because I was feeling just so down, frustrated,and almost angry. All I can do is keep trying and working through suggestions until one works. She hates being called a baby so sometimes I say if she cant wipe her butt like a big girl shell have to go back to diapers, which gets it done, but doesn’t make it repeatable.
Show her on her. (Wipe her bottom once). Also explain to her what could happen. My 8 yr old gets infections from taking a bath and can only shower. So I know the pain of your child having an infection. She may need to experience it in order to understand the consequences. It may be something to learn the hard way
Could be sensory or fear of getting itnon her hands. Have her use baby wipes. Explain the harder she wipes the more will come off (my daughter always wiped to soft and would use a whole freakin role of tp) and also remind her she can wash her hands afterwords so not to be afraid of messes
My little had this issue too, she is getting better, she didn’t like to look at the paper after it was “too gross to look at the paper” I reminded her that literally everyone poops, and if she doesn’t look how does she know she got it all? Took about a week of having that exact convo every day before she even tried to do it herself
I would continue to guide her. Maybe do the first wipe and supervise. Or go over proper wiping before she starts and supervise. The only issue with flushable wipes is they are not always good for septic tanks, if you have one.
If she doesnt like the feeling. Try like a squirt bottle of water may help. My son didnt like the feel when he was younger we did this for awhile now he alot better
I have a 6 year old son that will be 7 in November. We’ve taught him to hop in the shower after wiping or we’ve had him use baby wipes (we have a little in diapers and one on the way) and have had him use those to wipe with and then throw away. Toilet wipes are an option but most plumbers will tell you not to flush them anyway, so we find wipes to be cheaper. There is a YouTube video of a teacher showing her class in an Asian country to wipe using two balloons taped to the back of a chair that might be helpful.
It’s a lot of routine and repetition. I teach 2 yr olds and potty train. It is just a routine they need to be shown time and time again
My daughter is the same she is 7 she will be 8 in December and she want wipe unless I go in bathroom with her and make her which I can’t always do and I have tired to tell her she wipe or she may get an infection but she don’t seem to care
My son is 11 and I still can’t get him to do it right We have wipes and different TP but it does no good. It’s either up his back, on his taint/balls, or streaked up his undies.
Show her and practice with her till she gets it right. Practice makes perfect.
I used to let my daughter wipe, and then I would wipe her to show what she missed. It’s all about training. It’s completely normal.
I had my daughters doctor explain how important it is to wipe properly and show her how. She wouldn’t listen to me, but listened to her!
Omg same here, I thought I was the only one. My daughter doesnt want to touch it, and I’ve shown her so many times
This makes me giggle… I’ve struggled with my nine year old son and it is nice to see I am not alone in this
My son is 16 and still doesn’t wipe good… I’ve told him he has to wipe more than once. Even if he has to wipe 5-10 times to make sure his butt is clean but his underwear is always streaked and it’s gross…
My kids say they “forget” to wipe. I just have them take a shower and wash after they poo now
Flushable baby wipes my 6 year old son use and those there much easier and moist practice makes perfect she will do better give her time.
My 11 year old washes after he goes. my 6 year old uses baby wipes, a lot easier than tissue and way less messy than water lol
My four year old daughter uses pink gloves. Like the latex ones. She doesnt like to get anything on her hands.
Tell her she needs to use baby wipes after she poops, and to keep wiping until th there is no more poop on the wipes. 2-3 wipes should b enough.
#1 FLUSHABLE WIPES #2 go with her to correct her until you feel she is good all by herself
Use baby wipes or flushable wipes and show her. My daughter learned after one pretty nasty infection
I was told that the flushable wipes work easier for little ones … it’s wet so they don’t have to really try as hard to get clean… they just do.
Following. My six year old kiddo has the same problem… Def want to see the advice here.
Get her wet wipes. My daughter wouldnt wipe until I did and then she had no problem.
Teach her front to back. Always wipe from front to back
Try using the most flushable wipes
Flushable wipes. Best thing ever!
Flushable wipes. It took years for my kiddo to master this.
I’m so glad to see im not the only parent with a kid who refuses to wipe their butt after they poop. Completely that is. He thinks one wipes enough
Mines 5.5
Teach her to use toilet wipes
Try baby wipes instead of toilet paper
I had them wipe & then call me for a check.
Have her wipe her baby doll with tp or wipes.
Here for the comments because my daughter just turned 7 in June amd still struggles with wiping correctly after pooping.
Get a koudet it sprays water
It also could be the roughness of the dry toilet paper which when my daughter was six was tough on her too so we got her flushable wipes so that way she could just flush afterwards. Shes 8 and still uses it!!!
Wipes but DO NOT flush them. Even the “flushable” kind should not be flushed. They wreck havoc on septic systems and sewer pipes.
My son is 10 and still struggles. I bought the bidet. I can hear him power washing himself! Lol it’s developmentally appropriate for them to struggle. Just keep having her try
Flushable wipes are great or get a bidet my husband recently installed one on the guest toilet just to see if he’d like it and my 6 year old now uses it to clean himself. He does a pretty good job with it
I’ve introduced bum check on my two boys, when I bath them, i found that it encourages them to wipe themselves clean!Talk to them about the advantages of a clean bum …
Teach her muslims way no infection, use tp then water with soup left hand.wipe with a face cloth done,face cloth should be for toilat only no infections
Baby wipes is a good way to help.
Flushable wipes are great👍
Make her stay on her ass
1 please tell these girls to throw the flushable wipes in the garbage pail!!! They will wreak havoc on your pipes. 2 ask them if they like when any part of their body is itchy? Then tell them if they wipe wrong they will be extremely itchy and need medicine to make it stop.
Might have to use wet wipes my niece absolutely refuses to use anything else
Mine is 9 and still refuses to wipe properly. I have no idea what to do either.
I can’t get my daughter to do it right either. She was taught and will do it when I am in there but if I am not she flies out the door saying yes mommy I did. I just hope when she is big enough to sit on the toilet without most falling in this will change.
I had this problem with my son for the longest time. He just did not like doing it he always felt like he was never clean after but the doctor said the best thing to do when they’re learning is to use wipes cuz they can feel what they’re doing. I can’t believe some of the judgmental comments on here. You’ve got this! We r all in the same boat just trying to do the best we can, it’s not easy.
I told my 3 year old I think for month that mommy, daddy, granny and cousins all poop and wipe clean an as long as we eat we poop, for that month I was going with her. Now she even calls me to bring her more tissue if she didn’t wipe properly😀
I use to sing “front, back, throw it away” over and over until she was done.
Flushable wipes but throw them in the trash